Ali Tamijani

Aerospace Engineering Department
College of Engineering

Areas of Expertise

  • Topology Optimization
  • Multi-disciplinary Design Optimization
  • Computational Structural Mechanics
  • Multifunctional Structures
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Aeroelastic Analysis
  • Reliability Analysis
Ali Tamijani

Dr. Ali Tamijani is a Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He received his Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics from Virginia Tech in 2011 and was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Virginia Tech Aerospace and Ocean Engineering Department from 2011-2013.

Dr. Tamijani’s research has been focused on innovative light-weight and efficient structural designs using novel analysis techniques, robust optimization algorithms, coupled with advanced manufacturing processes. His work provides important tools for optimizing designs in many applications, including aerospace structures, biomedical devices, energy absorbers, heat exchangers, and acoustic insulation treatments.

Since joining Embry-Riddle in August 2013 Dr. Tamijani has spent three summers at AFRL as an Air Force Faculty Fellow exploring analytical methods for visualizing and identifying structural load paths and load flow and received the 2017 AFOSR Young Investigator Award on load-path based topology optimization. He collaborated with the Florida Department of Transportation on the design of composite bridge girder, worked with Boeing company on the structural integrity of stitched composite structures, and was Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation consulting faculty and research advisor from 2014-2016. Dr. Tamijani’s work on multiscale optimization in additive manufactured cellular microstructures received the 2019 NSF CAREER award. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology and received the 2020 University Outstanding Researcher of the Year Award.

Dr. Tamijani expanded the Aerospace Engineering graduate program in the Structures and Material track by developing three new graduate courses on Computational Mechanics, Structural Optimization, and Aeroelasticity. To further integrate his research methods and teaching activities, and broadly disseminating his research findings, he taught a graduate course on Aircraft Plates and Shells to Gulfstream engineers and developed two online graduate courses on Plates and Shells and Structural Optimization for ERAU Worldwide.

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Mechanics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

  • AE 418: Aerospace Structures II
  • AE 800: Dissertation

  • Plates and Shells (AE 612) – Graduate

Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation

Aerospace Engineering Department, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Worldwide, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

  • Aeroelasticity (AE 618) – Graduate

Aerospace Engineering Department, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

  • Structural Optimization (AE 525) – Graduate

Aerospace Engineering Department, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Mechanical Engineering Department, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Worldwide, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

  • Mechanics of Structures: Variational and Computational Methods (AE 542) - Graduate

Aerospace Engineering Department, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

  • Aerospace Structures I  (AE 318) - Undergraduate

Aerospace Engineering Department, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

  • Aerospace Structures II  (AE 418) - Undergraduate

Aerospace Engineering Department, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Articles in Refereed Journals:

  1. Wang, Z., & Tamijani, A. Y., “Computational Synthesis of Large-Scale Three-dimensional Heterogeneous Lattice Structures,” Aerospace Science and Technology, January 2022, 120, 107258,
  2. Tamijani, A. Y., “Stress and stiffness-based topology optimization of two-material thermal structures,” Computers and Structures, 2021, 256, 106641,
  3. Fernandes, R. R., & Tamijani, A. Y., “Design optimization of lattice structures with stress constraints,” Materials & Design, 2021, 110026,
  4. Fernandes, R. R., van de Werken, N., Koirala, P., Yap, T., Tamijani, A. Y., & Tehrani, M., “Experimental Investigation of Additively Manufactured Continuous Fiber Reinforced Composite Parts with Optimized Topology and Fiber Paths,” Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 102056,
  5. Fernandes, R., Tamijani, A. Y., and Al-Haik M., “Mechanical characterization of additively manufactured fiber-reinforced composites,” Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021, 113, 106653,
  6. Gharibi, K., and Tamijani, A. Y., “Load-Path-Based Topology Optimization of Two-Dimensional Continuum Structures,” AIAA Journal, 2021, 1-10.
  7. Alacoque, L, Watkins R. T., and Tamijani A. Y., “Stress-Based and Robust Topology Optimization for Thermoelastic Multi-Material Periodic Microstructures,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2021, 379, 113749,
  8. Tamijani, A. Y., Velasco, P. S., and Alacoque, L., “Topological and Morphological Design of Additively-Manufacturable Spatially-Varying Periodic Cellular Solids,” Materials and Design, 2020, 196, 109155.
  9. Papapetrou, V. S., Patel, C., and Tamijani, A. Y., “Stiffness-Based Optimization Framework for the Topology and Fiber Paths of Continuous Fiber Composites,” Composites Part B: Engineering, 2020, 183, 107681.
  10. Nematollahi, A., Hurley, J., Khanboluki, P., van de Werken, N., Tamijani, A. Y., and Tehrani, M., “Design considerations and modeling of fiber reinforced 3D printed parts,” Composites Part B, 2019, 160, 684-692.
  11. Tamijani, A. Y., Hurley, J., and Gharibi, K., “Determination of load paths in plates and shells,” Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 127, 646-653.
  12. Papapetrou, V. S., Tamijani, A. Y., Brown, J., and Kim, D., “Design Optimization of Hybrid FRP/RC Bridge,” Applied Composite Materials, 2018, 1-22.
  13. Tamijani, A. Y., Gharibi, K., Kobayashi, M. H., and Kolonay, R. M., “Load Paths Visualization In Plane Elasticity Using Load Function Method,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018, 135, 99-109.
  14. Tamijani, A. Y., Mulani, S., and Kapania, R. K., “A Multilevel Framework for Decomposition-Based Reliability Optimization,” Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Science, 2017, 4 (4), 467-486.
  15. Fernandes, R. and Tamijani, A. Y., “Flutter Analysis of Laminated Curvilinear-Stiffened Plates,” AIAA Journal, 2017, 55 (3), 998-1011.
  16. Papapetrou, V., Tamijani, A. Y., and Kim, D., “Preliminary Wing Study of General Aviation Aircraft with Stitched Composite Panels,” Journal of Aircraft, 2017, 54, Special Section on Cranked Arrow Wing Aerodynamics Project International II/F-16XL, 704-715.
  17. Tamijani, A. Y., Mulani, S., and Kapania, R. K., “A Framework Combining Meshfree Analysis and Adaptive Kriging for Optimization of Stiffened Panels,” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2014, 49 (4), 577-594.
  18. Tamijani, A. Y. and Kapania, R. K., “A Chebyshev Ritz Approach to Buckling and Vibration of Curvilinearly-Stiffened Plate,” AIAA Journal, 2012, 50 (5), 1007-1018.
  19. Tamijani, A. Y. and Kapania, R. K., “Vibration Analysis of Curvilinearly-Stiffened Functionally Graded Plate Using Element Free Galerkin Method,” Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2012, 19,100-108.
  20. Tamijani, A. Y. and Kapania, R. K., “Random Response Analysis of Curvilinearly-Stiffened Plate Using Element Free Galerkin Method,” Journal of Aircraft, 2011, 48 (6), 1856-1863.
  21. Tamijani, A. Y. and Kapania, R. K., “Buckling and Static Analysis of Curvilinearly Stiffened Plates Using Meshfree Method,” AIAA Journal, 2010, 48 (12), 2739-2751.
  22. Tamijani, A. Y. and Kapania, R. K., “Vibration of Plate with Curvilinear Stiffeners Using Meshfree Method,” AIAA Journal, 2010, 48 (8), 1569-1581.
  23. Tamijani, A. Y., McQuigg, T. and Kapania, R. K., “Free Vibration Analysis of Curvilinearly-Stiffened Plates and Experimental Validation,” Journal of Aircraft, 2010, 47 (1), 192-200.
  24. Mirzaeifar, R., Bahai, H., Aryana, F., and Tamijani, A. Y., “Optimization of the Dynamic Characteristics of Composite Plates Using an Inverse Approach,” Journal of Composite Material, 2007, 41 (26), 3091-3108 (Journal of Composite Materials most frequently read articles, 2008).
  25. Aryana, F., Bahai, H., Mirzaeifar, R., and Tamijani, A. Y., “Modification of Dynamic Characteristics of FGM Plates with Integrated Piezoelectric Layers Using First- and Second-order Approximations,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2006, 70 (12), 1409-1429.

Academic Advising

Current Postdoc/Graduate Supervision


  • Zhelong He, Stress-based Optimization of 3D Printed Continuous Fiber Composites, Fall 2020-present


  • Kaela N. Barrett, Thesis Title: Design and Additive Manufacturing of Robust Thermoelastic Metamaterial Structures, Expected Graduation: Spring 2024.
  • Zhichao Wang, Thesis Title: 3D strength-based optimization of lattice structures, Expected Graduation: Spring 2022.
  • Ferrand, Jesus, Thesis Title: Design and fabrication of 3D coated continuous fiber composite structures, Expected Graduation: Spring 2025.


  • Benyang Hu (MSc), Thesis Title: Level Set Optimization of 3D Printed Continuous Fiber Composites, Expected Graduation: Spring 2022.

Past Postdoc/Graduate Supervision


  • Kaveh Gharibi, Load-path based Topology Optimization, 12/1/18-8/1/19.


  • Rossana Fernandes, Thesis Title: Design, Analysis and Experimental Evaluation of 3D Printed Variable Stiffness Structures, Summer 2021.
  • Kaveh Gharibi, Thesis Title: Investigation of Load-path based Topology Optimization, Fall 2018, Recipient of 2018 Outstanding PhD Student.
  • Vasileios Papapetrou, Thesis Title: Design Optimization and Computational Analysis of Advanced Composite Structures, Fall 2018


  • Lee Alacoque, Thesis Title: Topology Optimization and Analysis of Thermal and Mechanical Metamaterials, Summer 2020.
  • Shajayra Patricia Velasco, Thesis Title: Macroscale Projection and Manufacturability of Oriented Homogenized Microstructures, Spring 2020.
  • Aryslan Malik, Thesis Title: Experimental and Computational Aeroelastic Analysis of A 3D Printed Wing Structure, Spring 2019.
  • Joel Hurley, Thesis Title: Design of Variable-Stiffness Composite Structures, Summer 2017, Recipient of 2016 Outstanding Graduate Student.
  • Rossana Fernandes, Thesis Title: Vibration Analysis of Arbitrary Shaped Composite Structures, Spring 2016, Recipient of 2015 Outstanding Graduate Student.
  • Scott Morrison, Thesis Title: Landing Gear Door Design Optimization using Response Surface Modeling, Fall 2015.

  • Senior Member-AIAA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Member-ASME; American Society of Mechanical Engineers

  • University Outstanding Researcher of the Year Award, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 2020
  • National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2019
  • NASA JPL Faculty Research Program Award, 2019
  • College of Engineering Outstanding Researcher of the Year Award, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 2019
  • Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award, 2017
  • Air Force Faculty Fellowship Award, 2014, 2015, and 2016
  • Editorial Board of The Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology, 2014-Present
  • Liviu Librescu Scholarship, Engineering Mechanics Department, Virginia Tech, 2011.
  • Manual Stein Scholarship, Engineering Mechanics Department, Virginia Tech, 2009.
  • Davenport Graduate Fellowship, Graduate school, Virginia Tech, 2007.