Mark Sinclair
- Title
- Professor
- Email
- Department
- Applied Aviation Sciences Department
- College
- College of Aviation
Areas of Expertise
Synoptic and Dynamical Meteorology
External Links
The views expressed on faculty and external web pages are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
- Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Meteorology, Naval Postgraduate School
Currently Teaching
- WX 492: Advanced Synoptic Meteorology
- WX 261: Applied Climatology
- WX 301: Aviation Weather
- WX 354: Dynamics of the Atmosphere
- WX 493: Senior Research Thesis
- WX 353: Thermodynamics of Atmosphere
Courses Taught
WX 201 Survey of Meteorology
WX 261 Applied Climatology
WX 301 Aviation Weather
WX 353 Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere
WX 354 Dynamics of the Atmosphere
WX 492 Advanced Synoptic Meteorology
WX 493 Senior Research Thesis
Research Projects
- A Climatology of North American Monsoon Precipitation Over Arizona from MRMS Data Publications (2024)
- Black Box 2020 Black Box (2020)
- Meteorological Sensors Incorporated into a UAS for Pedagogical Purposes 2017-2018 Faculty Learning Community (FLC) (2018)
- Extratropical Transition of Southwest Pacific Tropical Cyclones. Part II: Midlatitude Circulation Characteristics Applied Aviation Sciences - Prescott (2004)
- The Extratropical Transition of Tropical Cyclones: Forecast Challenges, Current Understanding, and Future Directions Applied Aviation Sciences - Prescott (2003)
- Extratropical Transition of Southwest Pacific Tropical Cyclones. Part I: Climatology and Mean Structure Changes Applied Aviation Sciences - Prescott (2002)
Towey, K. L., J. F. Booth, A. Frei, and M. R. Sinclair, 2018: Track and Circulation Analysis of Tropical and Extratropical Cyclones that Cause Strong Precipitation and Streamflow Events in the New York City Watershed. J. Hydrometeor., 19, 1027–1042,
Urs Neu, and co-authors (including Mark Sinclair), 2013: IMILAST: A community effort to intercompare extratropical cyclone detection and tracking algorithms. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94, 529–547.
Sinclair, M.R., 2004: Extratropical transition of southwest Pacific tropical cyclones. Part II: Midlatitude circulation characteristics. Monthly Weather Review, 130, 590-609
Jones, S, Harr, P, Abraham, Bosart, L.F., Bowyer, Evans, J.L., Hanley, D.E., Hanstrum, B.N., Hart, R.E., Lalaurette, F., Sinclair, M.R., Smith, R. and Thorncroft, C., 2003: The extratropical transition of tropical cyclones: forecast challenges, current understanding and future directions. Weather and Forecasting. 18, 16-56.
Sinclair, M.R., 2002: Extratropical transition of southwest Pacific tropical cyclones. Part I: Climatology and mean structure changes. Monthly Weather Review, 130, 590-609.
Sinclair, M.R., and M.J. Revell, 2000: Classification and Composite Diagnosis of Extratropical Cyclogenesis in the Southwest Pacific. Monthly Weather Review, 128, 1089-1105.
Wratt, D.S., M.J. Revell, M.R. Sinclair, W. Gray, R. Henderson, and A.M. Chater, 2000: Relationships between airmass properties and mesoscale rainfall in New Zealand's Southern Alps. Atmospheric Research, 52, 261-282.
Sinclair, M.R., and I.G. Watterson, 1999: Objective assessment of extratropical weather systems in simulated climates. Journal of Climate, 12, 3467-3485.
Sinclair, M.R., 1997: Objective identification of cyclones and their circulation intensity, and climatology. Weather and Forecasting, 12, 591-608.
Sinclair, M.R., D.S. Wratt, R. Henderson and W.R. Gray, 1997. Factors affecting the distribution and spillover of precipitation in the Southern Alps of New Zealand ' a case study. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 36, 428-442.
Sinclair, M.R., J.A. Renwick, and J.W. Kidson, 1997: Intraseasonal variability of MSL pressure, cyclone and anticyclone tracks in the Southern Hemisphere. Monthly Weather Review, 125, 2531-2543.
Kidson, J.W., and M.R. Sinclair, 1996: The influence of persistent anomalies on Southern Hemisphere storm tracks. Journal of Climate, 8, 1938-1950.
Thompson, C.S., M.R. Sinclair and W.R. Gray, 1996: Estimating long term annual precipitation in a mountainous region from a diagnostic model. International Journal of Climatology, 17, 997-1007.
Sinclair, M.R. 1996: Reply to comments on "Climatology of cyclogenesis for the Southern Hemisphere". Monthly Weather Review, 124, 2615-2618.
Sinclair, M.R., 1996: A climatology of anticyclones and blocking for the Southern Hemisphere. Monthly Weather Review, 124, 245-263.
Wratt, D.S., R.N. Ridley, M.R. Sinclair, H.R. Larsen, S.M. Thompson, R. Henderson, G.L. Austin, S.G. Bradley, A. Auer, A.P. Sturman, I. Owens, B. Fitzharris, B.F. Ryan, and J.-F. Gayet, 1996: The New Zealand Southern Alps Experiment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 77, 683-692.
Sinclair, M.R., 1996: An extended climatology of extratropical cyclones over the Southern Hemisphere. Weather and Climate, 15, 21-32.
Sinclair, M.R., 1995: A climatology of cyclogenesis for the Southern Hemisphere. Monthly Weather Review. 123, 1601-1619.
Sinclair, M.R., 1994: A diagnostic model for estimating orographic precipitation. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 33, 1163-1175.
Sinclair, M.R., 1994: An objective cyclone climatology for the Southern Hemisphere. Monthly Weather Review, 122, 2239-2256.
Professional Experience
2014-present: Program Chair, Applied Meteorology
2001-2014: Chair, Department of Meteorology
2006-present: Professor of Meteorology
1998-2006: Associate Professor, Meteorology, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Arizona
1992-98: Scientist, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand
1978-92: Research Meteorologist, New Zealand Meteorological Service, Wellington, New Zealand (includes two seasons in Antarctica and a four-year period of fully funded PhD research)
1976-77 Weather forecaster, National Weather Forecasting Centre, New Zealand Meteorological Service, Wellington, New Zealand
Awards, Honors and Recognitions
American Meteorological Society Journal of Climate Editor’s Award, 2012.Faculty Marshal, Fall 2010.
SGA Faculty of the Semester, Spring 2008.
Listed in 'Who's Who Among America's Teachers' (2002 & 2004).
Listed in 'Who's Who in America', multiple.
Adjunct Faculty, Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ, 2002-2004.
Honorary Lecturer, School of Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand,1987-1998.
Listed in "Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges', 1984.
New Zealand Fellowship award for tuition and salary for PhD research, 1981-1985.