Mehran Andalibi

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering Department
College of Engineering

Areas of Expertise

Dynamics and Controls, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Engineering Education
Mehran Andalibi

Dr. Andalibi has worked in higher education since 2008, teaching various Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering courses.

His research interests are interdisciplinary projects using computer vision and machine learning, including unmanned aerial systems, vision-assisted devices, rapid prototyping, car navigation and robotics.

He is a certified CAD instructor and MATLAB programmer, and he holds professional CATIA, SolidWorks and MATLAB certificates.

He also serves as the director of Robotics and Rapid Prototyping Labs.

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Oklahoma State University-Main Campus

  • EGR 201: CAD Design of Mech Systems
  • ME 420: Det Desgn Robotic Sys W/ Lab
  • ES 204: Dynamics
  • ENGR 120: Graphical Communications
  • ME 302L: Introduction to Robotics I Lab
  • ME 407: Prlmnry Dsgn Robotic Sys W/Lab
  • ME 406: Robotics II
  • ME 406L: Robotics II Laboratory
  • ME 499: Special Topics Mechanical Engr

At Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University:

- Introduction to Engineering (EGR 101)

- College Success (UNIV 101)

- Statics (ES 201)

- Introduction to Computing for Engineers (EGR 115)

- Computer-Aided Conceptual Design of Aerospace Systems (EGR 200)

- Solid Mechanics (ES 202)

- Dynamics (ES 204)

- Robotics II Laboratory (ME 406L)

- Robotics I (ME 302)

- Computer-Aided Design of Mechanical Systems (EGR 201)

- Control Systems Analysis and Design (AE 430)

- Robotics II (ME406)

- Special Topics Software Engineering (SE 499): Application of Machine Learning in Space Debris Classification 

- Preliminary Design of Robotic Systems W/Lab (ME 407)

- Detailed Design of Robotic Systems (ME420)

- Energy Engineering Detail Design (ME 440)

- Computer-Aided Engineering (EGR 395A)

- Special Topics Mechanical Engineering (ME 499): Programmable Logic Controllers

- Robotics 1 Lab (ME 302L): Computer Vision

At Oklahoma State University:

- System Dynamics (MAE 3723)

- Engineering Design with CAD (ENGR 1332)

- Dynamics (ENSC 2123)

- Engineering Analysis (MAE 3013)

- Measurement and Instrumentation Lab (MAE 3113)

Papers and Presentations:

31) (Abstract Accepted) M. Andalibi, A. Alvarez, C. Williams, and J. Adams, "Bridging Abstract Mathematics and Practical Engineering Design: A Pre-Capstone Project to Enhance Learning and Cultivate Entrepreneurship", ASEE PSW Annual Conference, Cal Poly Pomona Pomona, California, 2025.

30) M Andalibi, H. Marriott, O. Eren Ozsoy, S. Abufardeh, and L.F. Zapata Rivera, "Investigating the Effects of ChatGPT on Student Learning in Programming Courses", ASEE PSW Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2024.

29) A Malik, J Herron, B Baker-McEvilly, D Posada, M Andalibi, T Henderson, "RGB-D Robotic Pose Estimation For a Servicing Robotic Arm", AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Charlotte, NC, August 4, 2022.

28) Yuma Takei, Damon Chandler, Takeshi Hashimoto and Mehran Andalibi, "Automatic glare region detection using deep-learning-based semantic segmentation", Innovations in Information and Communication Science and Technology 6th International Conference — TUSUR, Tomsk, Russia, November 1-2, 2021.

27) Kaito Nagao, Yusuf Margowadi, Mehran Andalibi and Damon Chandler, "Detection and Classification of Tactile Paving for the Visually Impaired via Deep Learning", Innovations in Information and Communication Science and Technology 6th International Conference — TUSUR, Tomsk, Russia, November 1-2, 2021.

26) M. Andalibi, "Review the Assumptions: Welcome to Engineering in the Real World", ASEE PSW, Davis, CA, November 2020.

25) M. Andalibi, K. Kawai, and D. M. Chandler, "An Algorithm for Glare Detection via Photometric, Colorimetric, and Global Positioning Features", International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, July 2020. 

24) S. Siewert, M. Andalibi, and S. Bruder, "Comparison of RADAR, Passive Optical with Acoustic, and Fused Multi-Modal Active and Passive Sensing for UAS Traffic Management Compliance and Urban Air Mobility Safety", AIAA SciTech, Jan 2020, FL.

23) M. Andalibi, "Early Incorporation of Entrepreneurship Mindset in An Engineering Curriculum", International Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2019.

22) S. Siewert, R. Sampigethaya, S. Bruder, M. Andalibi, “Multi-modal Active and Passive Sensing Experiments for Fail-Safe and Fail-Secure Urban UAS Traffic Management”, AUVSI Xponential, Chicago, May 2019.

21) S. Siewert, R. Sampigethaya, S. Bruder, M. Andalibi, "Fail-Safe, Fail-Secure Experiments for Small UAS and UAM Traffic in Urban Airspace", AIAA-IEEE DASC 2019.

20) M. Andalibi, "Incorporating Entrepreneurship in an Introductory Engineering Course through Generating New Ideas", ASEE PSW, Los Angeles, CA, April 2019.

19) S. Siewert, M. Andalibi, S. Bruder, J. Buchholz, R. Fernandez, S. Rizor, "Slew-to-Cue Electro-Optical and Infrared Sensor Network for small UAS Detection, Tracking and Identification", AIAA SciTech, San Diego, CA, January 2019.

18) Y. Margowadi, M. Andalibi, D. M. Chandler, "Video-Based Detection of Sidewalk Surface Changes for Use in a Smart Walking Stick", 20th International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Applications, Tokyo, Japan, Nov 2018. 

17) S. Siewert, M. Andalibi, S. Bruder, I. Gentilini, J. B, "Drone Net Architecture for UAS Traffic Management Multi-modal Sensor Networking Experiments", Aeroconf IEEE Aerospace, Big Sky, MT, 2018.

16) S. Siewert, M. Andalibi, S. Bruder, I. Gentilini, A. Dandupally, S. Gavvala, O. Prabhu, J. Buchholz and D. Burklund, “Drone Net, A Passive Instrument Network Driven by Machine Vision and Machine Learning to Automate UAS Traffic Management”, AUVSI Xponential, Denver, Colorado, May 2018.

15) S. Siewert, Andalibi, S. Bruder, I. Gentilini, J. Buchholz, “Drone Net – Small UAS Traffic Management with Computer Vision”, CU Denver Technical Colloquium, Electrical Engineering, April 18, 2018.

14) M. Andalibi and D. M. Chandler, "Automatic Glare Detection via Photometric, Geometric, and Global Positioning Information", IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Autonomous Vehicles and Machines, Burlingame, CA, 2017.19: 77-82.

13) S. Siewert, Andalibi, S. Bruder, I. Gentilini, J. Buchholz, “Drone Net – Big Data, Machine Vision and Learning Challenge and Opportunity”, invited speaker, 5th Annual Global Big Data Conference, Silicon Valley, August 29-31, 2017.

12) S. Siewert, Andalibi, S. Bruder, I. Gentilini, J. Buchholz, “Drone Net: Using Tegra for Multi-Spectral Detection and Tracking in Shared Air Space”, [proposal, recorded talk], GPU Technology Conference, Silicon Valley, May 8-11, 2017

11) M. Andalibi and D. M. Battaglia, "Benefits of Problem-Based Learning in an Introductory Engineering Programming Course", Lilly Conference - Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning, Anaheim, CA, Feb 2017.

10) D. Battaglia, K. Sampaguita, A. Almagambetov, M. Andalibi, T. Groh, K. Martin, S. Siewert, and A. Boettcher, "Integrating Research into Undergraduate Courses: Experiences from a Multi-Disciplinary Faculty Learning Community", ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference, UT, Oct 2016.

9) H. Mohamadipanah, M. Andalibi, and L. L. Hoberock, “Robust Automatic Feature Tracking on Beating Human Hearts for Minimally Invasive CABG Surgery”, ASME Journal of Medical Devices, DOI:10.1115/1.4033301, April 2016.

8) M. Andalibi, L. L. Hoberock, and D. Chandler, “Real-Time Detection of Moving Cast Shadows Using Foreground Luminance Statistics”, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2016.

7) M. Andalibi and D. Chandler, “Digital Image Watermarking via Adaptive Logo Texturization”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, DOI:10.1109/TIP.2015.2476961, Sep 2015.

6) D. Gabbert, M. Andalibi, and J. D. Jacob, “System Development for Wildfire SUAS”, 33rd AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Dallas, U.S.A., DOI: 10.2514/6.2015-2416, June 2015.

5) S. D. Fehrenbach, Z. P. Barbeau, M. Andalibi, J. D. Jacob, and G. Chowdhary, “System Development for the NASA UAS Airspace Operations Challenge”, 15th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, Dallas, U.S.A., DOI: 10.2514/6.2015-3328, June 2015.

4) M. Andalibi, L. L. Hoberock, and H. Mohamadipanah, “Effects of Texture Addition on the Optical Flow Performance in Images with Poor Texture”, Elsevier Journal of Image and Vision Computing, DOI: 10.1016/j.imavis.2015.04.008, May 2015.

3) H. Mohamadipanah, L. L. Hoberock, and M. Andalibi, “Predictive Model Reference Adaptive Control to Compensate Heart Motion in Minimally Invasive CABG Surgery”, Springer Journal of Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s13239-015-0225-y, May 2015.

2) A. Suhren, M. Andalibi, G. Chowdhary, C. Crick, D. Gaffin, and B. Brayfield, “A Framework for Navigation Based on Familiarity”, Oklahoma AIAA/ASME XXXV Symposium, Stillwater, April 2015.

1) D. Gaffin, B. Brayfield, A. Suhren, M. Andalibi, G. Chowdhary, and C. Crick, “Simulated Autonomous Navigation within an Indoor Environment Using a Scene-Familiarity Based Algorithm”, ISARRA, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, April 2015.


1- OSU Invention Disclosure No. 2015.19, “A Plug and Adapt Autonomy Module for Mobile Vehicle Systems”, G. Chowdhary, D. Johnson, J. Stockton, A. Cole, M. Andalibi, T. Hermosillo, S. T. Vuppala, and L. Kinion, , Oklahoma State University, February 2015.

1) Associate Professor and Director of Robotics and Rapid Prototyping Labs, Mechanical Engineering Department, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, AZ (2020-present)

2) Assistant Professor and Director of Rapid Prototyping Lab, Mechanical Engineering Department, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, AZ (2015-2020)

3) Lecturer, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma (2014-2015)

4) Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma (2014-2015)

Professional Service:

1) Reviewer for NSF STEM Education Solicitations

2) Reviewer for International Journal of Remote Sensing

3) Reviewer for Journal of Electronic Imaging

4) Reviewer for Journal of Testing and Evaluation

5) Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on image Processing

6) Reviewer for Elsevier Journal of Signal Processing: Image Communication

7) Reviewer for ASEE, PSW, 2019 and 2020. 

8) Reviewer for Journal of Aerospace Information Systems


1) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)


1) SolidWorks Certified Educator

2) SolidWorks Certified Design Expert (CSWE)

3) SolidWorks Technology Education Competency Exam (TECE) certification

4) SolidWorks Additive Manufacturing Associate Certification

5) SolidWorks Simulation Professional Certification

6) SolidWorks Professional Advanced Sheet Metal (CSWPA_SM)

7) SolidWorks Professional Advanced Drawing Tools (CSWPA_DT)

8) CATIA V5 Specialist - Mechanical Designer

9) CATIA V5 Specialist - Mechanical Surface Designer

10) Siemens Workshop for Educators S7-1200 (SCT-WSSCEW1A)

11) PCB Piezotronics Workshop for Microphones and Acoustics Fundamentals and Advanced Applications

12) MathWorks Certified MATLAB Associate Certification (MCMA) 

13) ASME Certification for Drawing Interpretation Course (GD&T)

14) SolidWorks Professional Advanced Weldment (CSWPA_WD)

15) SolidWorks Professional Advanced Surfacing (CSWPA_SU)

1) Innovative Teaching Grant Winner, Fall 2024, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

2) Textbook Affordability Champion, 2022, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

3) College of Engineering Outstanding Service of the Year Award, 2019-2020, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 

4) College of Engineering Service of the Year Award, 2018-2019, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 

5) College of Engineering Researcher of the Year Award (ICARUS Lab Faculty), 2016-2017, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

6) Faculty Research Award of 2018, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

7) Faculty Research Award of 2017, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

8) Faculty Research Award of 2016, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

9) Faculty Research Award of 2015, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

10) College of Engineering Researcher of the Year Award (ICARUS Lab Faculty), 2015-2016, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

11) Reviewer Certificate of Appreciation, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2017

12) Reviewer Certificate of Appreciation, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2016

13) Reviewer Certificate of Appreciation, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2015

14) Distinguished Graduate Fellowship, Oklahoma State University, 2012-2013