Randell Barry

Associate Professor
Applied Aviation Sciences Department
College of Aviation
Randell Barry

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Atmospheric Science, SUNY at Albany
  • M.S. - Master of Science in Atmospheric Science, SUNY at Albany

  • WX 374: Dynamic Meteorology I
  • WX 375: Dynamic Meteorology II
  • WX 201: Survey of Meteorology
  • WX 363: Thunderstorms

Currently Teaching
·         WX 201: Survey of Meteorology
·         WX 363: Thunderstorms
·         WX 374: Dynamic Meteorology I
·         WX 375: Dynamic Meteorology II

The Certainty of Uncertainty: Understanding and Exploiting Probability-Based Aviation Weather Products (Guinn, Thomas A, Barry, Randell J), The Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research (2012)

Introduction to Extreme Weather (Barry, Randell J) Fundamentals of Occupational Health and Safety, 5th edition, Lanham, Maryland, Government Institutes Press (2010)

Hurricanes: A Primer for the Aviation Professional (Barry, Randell J), The Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research (2008)