Massood Towhidnejad

Chair and Professor
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Dept
College of Engineering

Areas of Expertise

Software testing, unmanned autonomous systems, software quality assurance, and software engineering education
Massood Towhidnejad

Massood Towhidnejad is Professor of Software Engineering in the department of Electrical, Computer, Software, and Systems Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.  His teaching interests include artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, and software engineering with emphasis on software quality assurance and testing.  He has been involved in research activities in the areas of software engineering, software quality assurance and testing, autonomous systems, and human factors.  

He has collaborated with various industry and government agencies such as NASA, FAA, VERITAS Corp. (now part of Symantec), Motorola Inc., Carrier Corp. and Lockheed Martin.  He has secured research funding of over one million dollars as PI and over two million dollars as Co-PI/collaborator.  The results of his research have been published in over seventy technical reports, journal articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings. He is currently serving as a principal investigator for three NSF project totaling about $900K.

In addition to his university position, he has served as Visiting Research Associate at the Federal Aviation Administration, Faculty Fellow at NASA Goddard Flight Research Center and Software Quality Assurance Manager at Carrier Corporations.  He has participated in number of activities as it relates to Software and System Engineering, which includes reviewer of the Software Engineering Body Of Knowledge (SWEBOK), contributor in the software quality area for Software Engineering Education Knowledge (SEEK), member of author team for Graduate Software Engineering Reference Curriculum (GSwERC), subject matter expert for Certified Software Development Associate (CSDA) training material, and member of author team for Body of Knowledge for System Engineering (BKCASE).  Massood Towhidnejad is an ABET program evaluator for Computing Accreditation Commission, and he is senior member of IEEE.

He is currently serving as the Director of NextGeneration ERAU Applied Research (NEAR) lab. During his tenure at the university, he has served in a number of leadership positions in the department, college, and university, including chair of Computer & Software Engineering department. In addition to his university leadership role, he has served as program coordinator and/or general chair for a number of national and international conferences.

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Engineering, University of Central Florida
  • M.S. - Master of Science in Engineering: Electrical Engineering, University of Central Florida
  • B.S. - Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, University of Central Florida

  • CS 491: Computer Sci Capstone Dsgn II
  • SE 500: Software Engineering Disciplin
  • SE 451: Software Team Project II

Validation of an Automated System Model Generator (with H.R. Myler, A.J. Gonzalez, F.D. McKenzie, and R.R. Kladke), IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Volume 6, No.4. pp643-648

Constraint Mechanism for Model-Based Knowledge Acquisition from Computer Aided Design Data (with H.R. Myler, and A.J. Gonzalez), International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design and Manufacturing. pp 181-188.

Constraint Mechanisms in Automated Knowledge Generation (with H.R. Myler and A.J. Gonzalez), International Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Volume 7, No.2. pp 113-134.

Intelligent Tutoring Issues for Air Traffic Control Training (with A.J. Kornecki, T. Hilburn, and T. Diefenbach), IEEE Transaction on Control Systems Technology, Volume 1, No 3. pp 204-211.

Automated Knowledge Generation from CAD Databases (with H.R. Myler, A.J. Gonzalez, F.D. McKenzie, and R.R. Kladke), Knowledge Discovery in Databases published by AAAI press, 1991. pp 383-396.

Automated Knowledge Generation From Incomplete CAD Data; Initial Research Results (with H.R. Myler, A.J. Gonzalez, F.D. McKenzie, and R.R. Kladke), Advances in Artificial Intelligence Research Volume II, published by JAI press, 1990. pp 139-150.

Automated Generation of Knowledge From CAD Design Database (with H.R. Myler, A.J. Gonzalez, and B.C. Owen), Advances in Artificial Intelligence Research Volume 1, published by JAI press, 1989. pp 133-144.

Application of Fault Tree Analysis to Object Oriented Software Design (with Dolores Wallace, and Al Gallo), Proceedings of Software Engineering and Application (SEA 03), November 2003.

Incorporating Software Quality Assurance in Computer Science Education: An Experiment, Proceedings of the 2002 Frontiers in Education, November 2002.