Ahmed I Sulyman

Interim Department Chair and Professor of Electrical Engineering
Electrical, Computer & Software Engr Department
College of Engineering

Areas of Expertise

  • Cellular systems (4G/5G), Internet-of-things (IoT), Satellite and Space communications.
  • Path loss measurements at 2.4, 28, 38, 60 & 72 GHz.
  • Diversity systems, MIMO/massive MIMO systems, Beamforming.
Ahmed I Sulyman

Dr. Sulyman joined the Department of Computer, Electrical, and Software Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 2017, where he is currently the interim department chair and a full professor. He has published more than 80 research papers in the areas of terrestrial wireless and satellite communication systems. He has authored one book, “Nonlinear MIMO Communication Channels,” LAP LAMBERT Acad. Publishing, CRC Press, 2012 (ISBN: 978-3-659-19550-1), and several book chapters. Dr. Sulyman is the advisor of the EagleSat student group at ERAU, developing a 3U CubeSat with memory degradation experiment payload. EagleSat-2 passed the vibe test and is set for handover to our launch service provider in Mar/2025.

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Queen's University
  • M.S. - Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

  • Linear Circuits Analysis I (200-level undergrad course for EE majors)

  • Electrical Engineering I (300-level undergrad course for AE/ME majors)
  • Electric Circuits II (300-level undergrad course for EE majors)
  • Wireless communications (400-level undergrad course for EE majors)
  • AE399-Small Satellite Systems & Operations (directed study class)
  • CEEE 396 – Coop Ed. Electrical Engineering (Summer Internship for EE majors)
  • CECE 396 – Coop Ed. Computer Engineering (Summer Internship for CE majors)
  • Signals & Systems (300-level undergrad course for EE majors)

Selected Journal Publications:

  1. A. I. Sulyman, and C. Henggeler, “Physical Layer Security for Military IoT Links Using MIMO-Beamforming at 60 GHz,” Information, vol. 13, no. 100, Feb 2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/info13020100.
  2. A. I. Sulyman, S. Buck, and T. J. Montano, “Effects of Solar Radio Emissions on Outdoor Radio Propagation at 38 GHz Bands for D2D Communications,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 19, No. 5, May 2020.
  3. A. H. Alqahtani, K. Humadi, A. I. Sulyman, and A. Alsanie, “Experimental Evaluation of MIMO-OFDM System with Rateless Space-Time Block Code,” Hindawi Int’l. Journ. Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2019, Feb. 2019.
  4. A. I. Sulyman, H. E. Seleem, A. Alwarafy, K. Humadi, and A. Alsanie, “Effects of Solar Radio Emissions on Outdoor Propagation Path Loss Models at 60 GHz Bands for Access/Backhaul Links and D2D Communications,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Special Issue on “Antennas and Propagation Aspects of 5G,”, Vol. 65, Issue 12, Dec. 2017.
  5. A. I. Sulyman, S. Oteafy, and Hossam Hassanein, “Expanding the Cellular-IoT Umbrella: An Architectural Approach,” IEEE Wireless Commun., “Special Issue on IoT”, Jun. 2017.
  6. H. E. Seleem, A. I. Sulyman, and A. Alsanie, “Hybrid Precoding-Beamforming Design With Hadamard RF Codebook for mmWave Large-Scale MIMO Systems,” IEEE Access, Vol. 5, Jun. 2017.
  7. A. Alwarafy, A. I. Sulyman, A. Alsanie, S. Alshebeili, and H. Behairy, "Receiver Spatial Diversity Propagation Path-Loss Model for an Indoor Environment at 2.4 GHz,” Hindawi Journ., Antennas and Propagation, Mar. 2017.
  8. A. I. Sulyman, A. Alwarafy, G. R. MacCartney, M. K. Samimi, T. S. Rappaport, and A. Alsanie, “Directional Radio Propagation Path Loss Models for Millimeter-Wave Wireless Networks in the 28, 60, and 73 GHz Bands,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol.15, no.10, Oct 2016.
  9. Ali H. Alqahtani, A. I. Sulyman, and Abdulhameed Alsanie “Rateless Space Time Block Code for Massive MIMO Systems,” Accepted in IET-Commun., May 2016.
  10. A. Nassar, A. I. Sulyman, and A. Alsanie, “Radio Capacity Estimation for Millimeter Wave 5G Cellular Networks Using Narrow Beamwidth Antennas at the Base Stations,” Int’l Journ. Antennas and Propagation (IJAP), Vol.2015, Article ID 878614, pp.1-6, Aug 2015.
  11. I. Ahmad, A. I. Sulyman, S. Alshebeili, A. Alasmari, “Ergodic Capacity of Nonlinear MIMO–OFDM Relaying Channels,” Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 81, Issue 1, pp. 207-224, Feb. 2015.
  12. A. I. Sulyman, J. Kang, and S. Yousefi, “Deployment Challenges for Large-Scale MIMO Communications,” Int’l Journ. Antennas and Propagation (IJAP), Vol.2014, Article ID 967372, pp.1-3, Sept. 2014.
  13. A. I. Sulyman, A. Nassar, M. K. Samimi, G. R. MacCartney, T. S. Rappaport, and A. Alsanie, “Radio Propagation Path Loss Models for 5G Cellular Networks in the 28 and 38 GHz Millimeter-Wave Bands,” IEEE Commun. Mag., Special Issue on 5G mmWave Communications, Sept. 2014.
  14. Ali H. Alqahtani, A. I. Sulyman, and Abdulhameed Alsanie “Rateless Space Time Block Code for Massive MIMO Systems,” Int’l Journ. Antennas and Propagation (IJAP), Vol.2014, Article ID 154261, 10 pages, Aug 2014.
  15. Khaled M. Humadi, A. I. Sulyman, and Abdulhameed Alsanie, “Spatial Modulation Concept for Massive Multiuser MIMO Systems,” Int’l Journ. Antennas and Propagation (IJAP), Vol.2014, Article ID 563273, 9 pages, June 2014.
  16. A. Akhlaq, A. I. Sulyman, H. Hassanein, A. Alsanie, S. Alshebeili, “Performance Analysis of Relay Multiplexing Scheme in Cellular Systems employing massive MIMO Antennas”, IET-Commun., Jan 2014.
  17. M. Sabbaghian, A. I. Sulyman, and V. Tarokh, “Analysis of the Impact of Nonlinearity on the Capacity of Communication Channels,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 7671-7683, Nov. 2013.
  18. A. I. Sulyman, Ishtiaq Ahmad, Hossam Hassanein, and Saleh Alshebeili, “Capacity analysis of threshold-based SNR scheduler in LTE systems,” EURASIP Journ. On Advances in Signal Processing 2013, 2013:82, Apr. 2013.
  19. Hassan A. Ahmed, A. I. Sulyman, Hossam S. Hassanein, ``BER Performance Improvement of Mobile Dual-hop Relaying Systems using Directional Antennas", IET Commun., May 2013.
  20. I. Ahmad, A. I. Sulyman, A. Alsanie, et. al., “Spectral Broadening Effects of High-Power Amplifiers in MIMO-OFDM Relaying Channels,” EURASIP Journ. Wireless Commun. Networks, 2013:32, February 2013.

Selected Conference Publications:

  1. A. I. Sulyman, T. J. Montano, and J. E. Post, “Experimental Data on Connecting Proprietary IoT Systems to the Cellular IoT Networks,” in Proc., IEEE Int’l. Conf. on Communications (ICC’19), Shanghai, China, May 2019.
  2. S. Buck, T. J. Montano, and A. I. Sulyman, “Effects of Solar Radio Emissions on Time-varying Impulse Response of Wireless Channels at 38 GHz,” in Proc., 5th NSF mmWave Research Coordination Network (RCN) Workshop, Raleigh, NC, USA, Jan. 2019.
  3. S. Buck and A. I. Sulyman, “Effects of Solar Radio Emissions on Outdoor Propagation Path Loss Models at 38 GHz Bands for Device-to-Device Communications,” in Proc., NSF Research Coordination Networks Workshop, New York City, USA, Jul. 2018.
  4. H. E. Seleem, A. I. Sulyman, and A. Alsanie, “Millimeter Wave Sparse Channel Estimation for Device-to-Device Communications Using Hadamard RF Codebook,” in Proc., IEEE Int’l. Conf. on Communications (ICC’18), Kansas City, USA, May 2018.
  5. A. I. Sulyman, A. Alwarafy, H. E. Seleem, K. Humadi, and A. Alsanie, “Path Loss Channel Models for 5G Cellular Communications in Riyadh City at 60 GHz,” Proc. IEEE Int’l. Conf. Commun. (IEEE-ICC) 2016, May 2016.
  6. Ali H. Alqahtani, A. I. Sulyman, and Abdulhameed Alsanie, “Rateless Space Time Block Code for Antenna Failure in Massive MU-MIMO Systems,” Proc. IEEE WCNC conf., Apr 2016.
  7. A. Alwarafy, A. I. Sulyman, A. Alsanie, S. Alshebeili, and H. Behairy, "Receiver Spatial Diversity Propagation Path-Loss Model for an Indoor Environment at 2.4 GHz,” Proc., 6th IEEE Int’l. Conf. on Networks of the Future (NoF’15), Montreal Canada, Oct. 2015.
  8. A. Khawar, I. Ahmad, and A. I. Sulyman, “Spectrum Sharing between Small Cells and Satellites: Opportunities and Challenges,” Proc., IEEE-ICC’15, London – England, June 2015.
  9. H. Seleem, A. Alsanie, and A. I. Sulyman, “Two-Stage Multiuser Access in 5G Cellular using Massive MIMO and Beamforming,” Proc. IEEE-Crowncom’2015, Dhoha, Qatar, Apr. 2015.
  10. K. M. Humadi, A. I. Sulyman, and A. Alsanie, “Experimental Results for Generalized Spatial Modulation Scheme with Variable Active Transmit Antennas,” Proc. IEEE-Crowncom’2015, Dhoha, Qatar, Apr. 2015.
  11. A. Nassar, A. I. Sulyman, and A. Alsanie, “Achievable RF Coverage and System Capacity using Millimeter Wave Cellular Technologies in 5G Networks,” Proc. IEEE-CCECE conf., Toronto, May 2014.
  12. M. Sabbaghian, A. I. Sulyman, and V. Tarokh, “Capacity Analysis for Gaussian Channels with Memoryless Nonlinear Hardware,” Proc. IEEE-ICC’13 Conference, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
  13. A. Al-Hassan, A. I. Sulyman, I. Ahmad, and A. Alsanie, “Combined Effects of Power Amplifier and Channel Estimation Error on the Capacity of MIMO-OFDM Systems,” Proc. IEEE-SIECPC-2013 Conference, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Apr. 2013.

  • Professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, AZ, USA, 2023 - current.
  • Associate Professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, AZ, USA, 2017-2023.
  • Assistant/Associate Professor at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, 2009-2016.
  • Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Royal Military College of Canada, 2007–2009.
  • Teaching Fellow at Queen’s university, Canada, 2004-2006.
  • Non-academic work experience includes 2.5 years of work in Nigeria as Electrical/Electronics Engineer at process industries, and as Transmission Engineer at a broadcast TV station.

  • IEEE Senior Member: 2009-present

  • Faculty Awards 2019: COE Researcher of the year Award for 2018/19, College of Engineering, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott Campus
  • Best Paper Award, 2012: IEEE 8th International conference on innovations in information technology, March 20, 2012, for the paper: “Symbol Error Probability Analysis of MIMO-Relay Multiplexing Scheme in IEEE 802.16j Systems”