Al Helfrick
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
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- Department
- Offc of Professional Programs
- College
Dr. Al Helfrick has written 10 text books on aviation electronics and related subjects. He is involved in continual revision of his most widely used text "Principles of Avionics" currently undergoing its sixth revision.
He has developed and teaches courses on avionics that have been presented over a period of 15 years at conferences and public venues throughout the world.
Dr. Helfrick is a consultant to the aviation electronics industry. He has served and is currently involved as an expert witness on several high-profile intellectual property cases involving avionics.
Dr. Helfrick is active in the Digital Avionics Technical Committee of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society and in the Digital Avionics Systems Conference.
- M.S. - Master of Science in Mathematics, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Currently Teaching
- CEUD 195: Avionics