Alexander Siedschlag
- Title
- Dean and Professor
- Email
- Department
- Dept of Emgy, Disaster & Global Security Studies
- College
- College of Arts & Sciences
Areas of Expertise
- All-hazards homeland security policy and strategy
- Civil security research
- Comparative homeland security
- Disaster studies
- Methods of civil security research and security science
- Public perception of security policy
- Security cultures
- Scenario foresight

External Links
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Dr. Alexander Siedschlag is the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences (Worldwide Campus) and a tenured Professor of Homeland Security & Security Studies in the Department of Emergency, Disaster & Global Security Studies. Before joining Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 2022, he served as the Chair of Penn State World Campus Homeland Security Programs, a collaboration across nine colleges. He as well was a tenured full Professor of Homeland Security, Public Health Sciences, and International Affairs, with his tenure home being the School of Public Affairs at Penn State Harrisburg – the Capitol College, a joint appointment with the Department of Public Health Sciences at the School of Medicine (Penn State Hershey) and an affiliated appointment with the School of International Affairs. Additionally, he was the program head for Political Science and Public Policy over several years. Alexander Siedschlag concurrently served as Interim Director of the School of Public Affairs from July 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019.
In his research, Alexander Siedschlag is focusing on security cultures; societal aspects and ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) of homeland and civil security; scenario foresight; as well as methods of security science and civil security research. He has so far authored six monographs, over 100 articles, and edited more than a dozen anthologies.
Born in West Berlin during the time of the American Sector, Alexander Siedschlag holds an M.A. and a Ph.D. in political science, sociology, and psychology from the University of Munich, Germany, as well as a venia legendi (“habilitation”) for political science from Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. Prior to joining Penn State in 2013, he was Professor for Security Research, founding Head of the Institute for Security Research, as well as Director of the Center for European Security Studies (CEUSS) at Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, Austria. The institute was established under the Austrian national security research program KIRAS as a national center of excellence. In projects, exercises, and/or academic affairs and outreach, Alexander Siedschlag has worked with NATO, NATO School, DHS Science & Technology, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) – Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA), as well as several European Union (EU) and member state institutions and agencies, and others.
A former NATO research fellow, Alexander Siedschlag started his career as a strategic analyst and then worked in the field of theories and methods of international politics as well as of the European Security and Defence Policy. Appointments included the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Ebenhausen, Germany, the Hochschule für Politik München, Germany, and the University of Innsbruck, Austria, where he held the Republic of Austria’s Endowed Chair for European Security Policy.
Alexander Siedschlag served as the principal investigator and coordinator of the European Union (EU) co-funded security research project FOCUS (2011-2013) on foresight security scenarios to plan for research in support of “European Union 2035” security roles, and their technological, social, and other requirements – including a strong transatlantic perspective and partnership with FEMA’s Strategic Foresight Initiative (SFI). This project brought together thirteen partners from eight countries, including big industry, SME, academia, and think tanks. He was a member of the Science Commission for the Austrian Minister of Defense, and a member in the working group “education and research” within the Austrian federal Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) security strategy. He further served a term as the Chairman of the Bavarian branch of the German United Nations Association.
- Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science: Sociology and Psychology, Ludwig Maximilians Universitat Munchen
- M.A. - Master of Arts in Political Science: Sociology and Psychology, Ludwig Maximilians Universitat Munchen
Ratings and Certificates
Research Projects
- An Empirical Study of the Evolution of Homeland Security Definitions and the Public Perception of Homeland Security Publications (2022)
- Civic Homeland Security Culture: A Poll Study Approach and the Example of Pennsylvania Publications (2021)
- Whole-Community Response Planning for Pennsylvania’s Ongoing Opioid Emergency Publications (2021)
- Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues (ELSI) Publications (2021)
- Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 Response vs. Homeland Security Frameworks and Research: Masking the Whole Community Publications (2020)
- Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 Response through the Homeland Security Frameworks and Research Lens – Lessons Learned Publications (2020)
- Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 Response vs. Homeland Security Frameworks and Research: Masking the Whole Community Publications (2020)
- Penn State’s School of Public Affairs Security-Related Academic Programs Amid the Novel Coronavirus Catastrophe Publications (2020)
- After-Action Report: Tabletop Exercise on Opioid Crisis Response and Resilience Publications (2019)
- Homeland Security Starts at Home: How the Citizens of PA Perceive Core Missions and the Whole-Community Approach to Fostering a Resilient Nation Publications (2017)
- Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues In Homeland Security – What They Are and How to Address Them Publications (2017)
- Protecting the Right to Be an American: How Pennsylvanians Perceive Homeland Security Publications (2017)
- Protecting the Right to Be an American: How Pennsylvanians Perceive Homeland Security Publications (2016)
- Pennsylvania 2016 Pre-Election Poll on Policy and Governance Publications (2016)
- Evolving Homeland and Civil Security Mission Space and Research a Cross-Disciplinary and Global Challenge Publications (2015)
- Overview of Penn State Homeland Security Programs and Its Curriculum Enhancement and Evolution Activities Publications (2015)
- Foresighting Needs for Secure Societies “2035” – The Focus Roadmap and Its Implications for the Science and Practice of Politics in Civil Security Publications (2014)
- Methods to Integrate Considerations on Culture, Ethics and Citizen Acceptance Into Urban Planning for Resilience Enhancing and Vulnerability Reduction Publications (2014)
- Comprehensive Security Research to Contribute to Critical Infrastructure Protection Contributions to Security Governance in Disaster Risk Reduction Publications (2014)
- Mission-Space Driven Curriculum Evolution in All-Hazard Homeland Security Programming Publications (2014)
- Foresight Security Scenarios for Prepared Response to the Unplanned: Results From an EU Security Research Project and Its Transatlantic Dimension Publications (2014)
- TMI@35 The Three Mile Island Nuclear Crisis in Perspective: Analyses, Stories, Policies Publications (2014)
- Foresight Security Scenarios: Mapping Research to A Comprehensive Approach to Exogenous EU Roles (Focus) Publications (2012)
- International Non-proliferation Policy and the United Nations Security System After 9/11 and Iraq Publications (2005)
- Digital Democracy and Its Application to the International Arena – From “Deliberation” to “Decision” Publications (2005)
- Institutionalization and Conflict Management in the New Europe Publications (2000)
- NATO’s Institutional Adaptation and Post-strategic Security in Europe, 1990-97: Political Challenges and Theoretical Considerations Publications (1999)
- The System-Change in Europe: Theoretical and Political Consequences for the Future Role of NATO. A Comprehensive Evaluation of Theoretical Propositions, Empirical Evidence and Possible Political Guidelines Publications (1997)
Recent publications:
Siedschlag, A. (2023). “Ethical, legal, and social issues in homeland security: what they are and how to address them,” in M. J. Alperen (ed.), Foundations of Homeland Security: Law and Policy. 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, under contract.
Siedschlag, A. (2023). “Pandemic preparedness from the security research perspective,” in C. Heinzelmann & E. Marks (eds.), International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 12. Bad Godesberg: Forum Verlag Godesberg, in preparation, pp. 145-160.
Siedschlag, A. & Jerković, A. (eds.) (2022). Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Homeland and Civil Security. A Research-Based Introduction. Revised 2nd edition. New York: Peter Lang.
Siedschlag, A. (ed.) (2022). Section: Concepts within Security Science, in A. J. Masys (ed.), Handbook of Security Science. New York et al.: Springer.
Siedschlag, A. (2021). “Civic homeland security culture: A poll study approach and the example of Pennsylvania,” in A. J. Masys (ed.), Handbook of Security Science. New York et al.: Springer, online first Live Handbook version,
Jerković, A. & Siedschlag, A. (2021). “Ethical, legal, and social issues,” in A. J. Masys (ed.), Handbook of Security Science. New York et al.: Springer, online first Live Handbook version,
Lu, T., Jerković, A., Kensinger, W., & Siedschlag, A. (2021). “Opioid crisis response and resilience: Results and perspectives from a multi-agency tabletop exercise at the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency,” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 18, No. 3, pp. 283-316,
Siedschlag, A. & Stangl, R. (2020). Katastrophenmanagement. Eine wissenschaftliche Einführung (Disaster Management: A Research-Based Introduction). Hamburg: Tredition.
Siedschlag, A. (2020). “Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 response vs. homeland security frameworks and research: masking the whole community,” Homeland Security Affairs Journal, 16, Special COVID Issue,
Siedschlag, A. (2020). “Penn State’s School of Public Affairs security-related academic programs amid the novel coronavirus catastrophe,”, Journal of Security, Intelligence, and Resilience Education 10, No. 17,
Siedschlag, A. (ed.) (2018-). Section: Concepts within Security Science, in A. J. Masys (ed.), Handbook of Security Science. Live Online version. New York et al.: Springer.
Siedschlag, A. (2018). “Chapter 4: Understanding threat assessments: a risk management approach to all-hazards assessments,” in R. J. Kilroy, Jr. (ed.), Threats to Homeland Security: An All-Hazards Perspective. 2nd edition. New York: Wiley, pp. 109-150.
Siedschlag, A. & Jerković, A. (eds.) (2018). Homeland Security Cultures: Enhancing Values while Fostering Resilience. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
Siedschlag, A. (2017). “Ethical, legal, and social issues in homeland security: what they are and how to address them,” in M. J. Alperen (ed.), Foundations of Homeland Security: Law and Policy. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, pp. 29-54.
Siedschlag, A. & Jerković, A. (2017). “Foresighting needs for secure societies ‘2035’: Scenario-based approaches to futuristic European Union policies as a comprehensive security provider,” in M. Bošković (ed.), Security Risks: Assessment, Management and Current Challenges. New York: NOVA Science, pp. 33-84.
Siedschlag, A. (2017). “Protecting the right to be an American: How Pennsylvanians perceive homeland security,” Homeland Security Affairs Journal 13, 2017 UAPI Summit Special Issue.
Siedschlag, A. (ed.) (2015). Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Homeland and Civil Security. A Research-Based Introduction. New York: Peter Lang.
Siedschlag, A. (guest ed.) (2013). Scenario-based Security Foresight, special issue, Information & Security, No. 29, open access:
Professional Experience
Past 10 years:
- Dean and (tenured full) Professor, College of Arts & Sciences, Worldwide Campus, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
- Intercollege Chair, Penn State World Campus Homeland Security Programs (2013-2022)
- (tenured full) Professor of Homeland Security, Penn State Harrisburg, School of Public Affairs (2013-2022)
- Member of the Academic Steering Committee, Penn State Center for Security Research and Education (CSRE) (2017-2022)
- Interim Director, School of Public Affairs, Penn State Harrisburg (2018-2019)
- Program Head, Bachelor of Arts Program in Political Science, Penn State Harrisburg, School of Public Affairs (2017-2018 and 2019-2021)
- Program Head, Bachelor of Science Program in Public Policy, Penn State Harrisburg, School of Public Affairs (2017-2018 and 2019-2021)
- Chair, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Penn State Harrisburg, School of Public Affairs (2018)
- Chair, Peer Evaluation of Teaching Committee, Penn State Harrisburg, School of Public Affairs (2017-2018)
- Founding Head, Institute of Security Research, Sigmund Freud University (2009-2013)
- Director, CEUSS | Center for European Security Studies, Sigmund Freud University (2009-2013)
- Member (2009-2013) and Chair (2013) of the Sigmund Freud University Works Council for faculty and staff
- Professor of Security Research, Sigmund Freud University Vienna (2009-2013)
European Union 7th Framework Programme grant project consortium Coordinator/Principal Investigator, FOCUS project: Foresight security scenarios (13 partners from 8 countries, as well as partnership with FEMA and further U.S. participation; 3.5 m € [at that time converting into approx. $4.6 m] funding)
Memberships and Credentials
- Vice President for Homeland Security, Council for the Accreditation of Emergency Management and Homeland Security Education (CAEMHSE)
- Board Member, Center of Risk & Crisis Management, Vienna, Austria
Professional Societies
- Center of Risk & Crisis Management, Vienna, Austria
- Emergency Management & Homeland Security Section, Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA)
- Government Technology & Services Coalition (GTSC)
- Homeland Security Network
- National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)
- Order of the Sword and Shield (Omicron Sigma Sigma, Ω∑∑), Academic and Professional Honor Society for Homeland Security, Intelligence, Emergency Management, and all Protective Security Disciplines
- Pi Sigma Alpha (ΠΣΑ), National Political Science Honor Society
University and Agency Partnership Program (UAPP) (The Naval Postgraduate School, Center for Homeland Defense and Security
Editorial Boards
- Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, American Review of Education (2021-)
- Associate Editor, Open Health. Warsaw: De Grutyer Poland (2020-)
- Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Security Studies and Global Politics. Islamabad: Scientific Association of Young Scholars (2016-)
Founding Editor, Jahrbuch für europäische Sicherheitspolitik (Yearbook of European Security Policy). Baden-Baden: Nomos (2007-2010)
Advisory Councils
- Member, Pennsylvania Advisory Committee, U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (USGLC) (2019-2022)
- Member, Advisory Board, Cutting Crime Impact – Practice-Based Innovation in Preventing, Investigating and Mitigating High-Impact Petty Crime, European Union Horizon 2020 Security Research Project, University of Salford, UK et al. (2018-2021)
- Member, Business Action Council, Pennsylvania National Guard Associations (PNGAS) (2020-2022)
- Member, Education Action Council, Pennsylvania National Guard Associations (PNGAS) (2018-2022)
Member, Science Commission, Austrian Minister of Defence (2005-2007)
Awards, Honors and Recognitions
- Paper “’Protecting the right to be an American:’ Results from a recent representative survey of citizen’s perception of homeland security in Pennsylvania,” 10th Annual Homeland Defense and Security Education Summit, Arlington, VA categorized as one of 11 “outstanding” conference papers by a jury and selected by the editors for featuring in the Homeland Security Affairs Journal (2017)
- Inducted to the Order of the Sword and Shield (Ω∑∑), Academic and Professional Honor Society for Homeland Security, Intelligence, Emergency Management, and all Protective Security Disciplines (2017)
- Ranked #16 out of the top 25 homeland security instructors in the U.S.: “Best of the Best: The Top Homeland Security Instructors in the Nation,” (2014)
- Major’s Tribute to International Scholars Residing in Vienna, Major of Vienna, Austria (2012)
- Austrian National Champion of European Research, Austrian Research Promotion Agency and Austrian Economic Chambers (2011)
- Professor of the Month, University of Innsbruck (2004)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/German Science Foundation (DFG) (1997)
- NATO Research Fellow (1994)
- Max Born Medal for distinguished service as a student, Max Born Gymnasium (Grammar School) Germering, Germany (1990); current notable alumnus of Max Born Gymnasium