Aroh Barjatya
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- Physical Sciences Department
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- College of Arts & Sciences
Office Hours
T-Th 12:30 pm to 4:00 pmAreas of Expertise
Space Systems Engineering, Embedded Systems, In-situ Plasma DiagnosticsExternal Links
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Dr. Aroh Barjatya is Professor of Engineering Physics and Director of the Space and Atmospheric Instrumentation Lab ( He is a space systems expert with an eye for looking at the big picture and a passion for finding efficient out-of-the-box solutions for tough technical, analytical, and management problems. His research interests and active projects span small satellites, sounding rockets, high altitude balloons, spacecraft charging, embedded electronics, space situational awareness, and space systems engineering.
• Dr. Barjatya has written or co-written eleven successful proposals over the last decade to various federal funding agencies that resulted in over $74M of funding for delivering hardware to be launched in sounding rockets, CubeSats/SmallSats, and high-altitude balloons. He has overseen seven space flight projects from the proposal stage to requirements review, PDR, CDR, MRR, launch and commissioning. He is currently part of 6 additional missions, including a NASA mission to Mars.
• As a tenured Full Professor and Program Coordinator for Engineering Physics program at ERAU, he led and developed a five-year strategic plan for the department, started the Spacecraft Instrumentation area of concentration within the major, and performed annual assessment of the program, including a five-year comprehensive review that provided a metrics-based assessment of our progress.
• He is active member in multiple cross disciplinary academic societies such as AGU, Senior Member in IEEE, AIAA, etc. He has also organized sessions and panels at multiple conferences and workshops.
• He currently serves on the NASA Heliophysics Advisory Committee and NASA Space Environment Technical Definition Team, and a past member of NASA Sounding Rocket Working Group.
- Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering: Atmospheric and Space Sciences, Utah State University
- M.S. - Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Utah State University
Currently Teaching
- EP 800: Dissertation
- EP 496: Space Systems Design I
- EP 497: Space Systems Design II
- EP 394: Space Systems Engineering
- EP 700: Thesis
Courses Taught
Spacecraft Systems Engineering (EP394)Space Systems Design (EP496, EP497)
Microcomputers and Electronic Instrumentation (EP391, EP391Lab)
Advanced Electricity and Magnetism (EP703)
Physics I (PS150)
Physics III (PS250)
- Rocket Measurements of Electron Energy Spectra From Earth’s Photoelectron Production Layer Publications (2022)
- Climatology of Deep O+ Dropouts in the Night-Time F-Region in Solar Minimum Measured by a Langmuir Probe Onboard the International Space Station Publications (2022)
- The Endurance Rocket Mission Publications (2022)
- Mosaic: A Satellite Constellation to Enable Groundbreaking Mars Climate System Science and Prepare for Human Exploration Publications (2021)
- Observations and Validation of Plasma Density, Temperature, and O+ Abundance From a Langmuir Probe Onboard the International Space Station Publications (2021)
- Vortex: A New Rocketexperiment to Studymesoscale Dynamics at the Turbopause Publications (2019)
- Simulating Spacecraft Photometry Using Scanline Rendering Frameworks Student Research Symposium (SRS) (2018)
- Observations of Reduced Turbulence and Wave Activity in the Arctic Middle Atmosphere Following the January 2015 Sudden Stratospheric Warming Publications (2018)
- On the Short-Term Variability of Turbulence and Temperature in the Winter Mesosphere Publications (2018)
- Error Analysis of Multi-Needle Langmuir Probe Measurement Technique Publications (2018)
- Applying Computational Scanline Rendering Models in Satellite Photometry Inversion Space Traffic Management Conference (2018)
- Automated Calibration Techniques for Resident Space Object Observations with the ERAU OSCOM System Space Traffic Management Conference (2018)
- Improved Tracking of Resident Space Objects Using the ERAU OSCOM System Space Traffic Management Conference (2018)
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in MLT Turbulence Inferred from in situ and Ground-Based Observations During the WADIS-1 Sounding Rocket Campaign Publications (2017)
- Multi-Site Simultaneous Time-Resolved Photometry with a Low Cost Electro-Optics System Publications (2017)
- Research Panel: Orbital Space Traffic Management Conference (2016)
- Observations of Small Satellites and CubeSats Using the OSCOM System Space Traffic Management Conference (2016)
- High Frame Rate, Simultaneous Multi-Point Observations Using the OSCOM System Space Traffic Management Conference (2016)
- The Design and Capabilities of OSCOM System Space Traffic Management Conference (2016)
- Plasma Density Analysis of CubeSat Wakes in the Earth’s Ionosphere Publications (2016)
- Multi-Instrument Comparisons of D-Region Plasma Measurements Publications (2013)
- Payload Charging Events in the Mesosphere and Their Impact on Langmuir Type Electric Probes Publications (2013)
- Elevated Electron Temperatures Around Twin Sporadic E Layers at Low Latitude: Observations and the Case for a Plausible Link to Currents Parallel to the Geomagnetic Field Publications (2013)
- Contamination Effects on Fixed-Bias Langmuir Probes Publications (2012)
- A Comprehensive Rocket and Radar Study of Midlatitude Spread F Publications (2010)
- Invited Article: Data Analysis of the Floating Potential Measurement Unit Aboard the International Space Station Publications (2009)
- Electron Density and Electron Neutral Collision Frequency in the Ionosphere Using Plasma Impedance Probe Measurement Publications (2008)
- Rocket and Radar Investigation of Background Electrodynamics and Bottom-Type Scattering Layers at the Onset of Equatorial Spread F Publications (2006)
- Observations of Triboelectric Charging Effects on Langmuir-Type Probes in Dusty Plasma Publications (2006)
- Onset Conditions for Equatorial Spread F Determined During Equis II Publications (2005)
Memberships and Credentials
IEEE Senior Member
AGU Member
AIAA Member
AAAS Member
Awards, Honors and Recognitions
- Dean’s Award for Leadership and Innovation, College of Arts and Sciences, 2021
- Outstanding Researcher of the Year, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 2019
- Outstanding Graduate Student, ECE Department, USU, Logan, UT, 2007
- Outstanding Paper Award, Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, 2005
- Outstanding Poster Award, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA 2004