Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Management and Decision Science: Leadership and Organizational Change,
Walden University
J.D. - Juris Doctor (Doctor of Jurisprudence) in German Law,
Universitat Hamburg
Currently Teaching
ASCI 645:
Airport Operations & Mgmt
ASCI 254:
Aviation Legislation
Professional Experience
From 1979 to 2007, I was working for Hamburg Airport LLC, which operates Germany's fifth biggest commercial airport, measured in passnger volume. During that epoch, I held a variety of responsibilities with the airport-operating company and affiliated entities. In the first decade of my career, I was deputy director of legal services and, from 1987 to 1995, its director. From 1995 to my retirement in 2007, I served the airport company as Executive Vice President and Managing Director of two subsidiary companies (Secuserve Hamburg LLC and German Airport Consulting).