Beverly L Wood

Associate Professor, College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology
College of Arts & Sciences
Beverly L Wood

Dr. Beverly Wood has been teaching statistics since 2004 and mathematics since 2009.  She was an adjunct instructor at an adult learning center, two selective universities, and a community college before completing her doctoral degree. After three years on the full-time faculty of a state college, she joined Embry-Riddle in the fall of 2015.

Dr. Wood worked in various administrative positions prior to her graduate education.  Duties have included inventory control, purchasing, budgeting, and project management in the areas of healthcare, light industrial assembly, and consumer products manufacturing.  Combined with her graduate degrees in mathematics education, she is well suited for teaching statistics to business students.  Graduate teaching duties included tutoring for remedial algebra and teaching mathematics for pre-service elementary school teachers.  She now teaches a wide range of mathematics and statistics courses.

In 2016 the American Statistical Association endorsed a new version of its Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education: College Report (GAISE) after four years of effort by the writing team which included Dr. Wood.  She was active in virtual and in-person opportunities first to collect input then to disseminate the results.  She is also participating in efforts to reach instructors at community and technical colleges who are less likely to be aware of modern standards for statistics education.  Beginning in January 2019, she served a three-year term on the Executive Committee for the ASA's Section on Statistical Education.

She is a co-PI on two NSF-funded IUSE grants:  Humanistic STEM (#2120807​) and Community of Inquiry/Cognitive Load (#2044302).  H-STEM focuses on the dependencies between the meta-disciplines of Humanities and STEM to highlight the need for both in educated citizens/employees.  CoI/CL investigates the role that cognitive load plays into the higher-than-average DFW rates in online STEM courses.

Married with two adult children, Dr. Wood lives in Virginia where her husband, Cary, is an IT Specialist for Shenandoah National Park.  She has lived in eight states, partly due to her husband’s Air Force service, and has visited 49 states - Hawaii yet to go. She and Cary love to travel and hope to add Asia (during their daughter’s dissertation research) to their ever-expanding list of continents visited.  In 2017, she made university trips to Brazil, which brought the country count to 22; a return visit in 2018 included personal travel to Machu Picchu via El Salvador.  The couple delayed a Hawaiian cruise due to the pandemic but already re-booked for 2022.

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Education: Mathematics Education, University of Virginia-Main Campus
  • M.S. - Master of Science in Mathematics Education, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
  • B.S. - Bachelor of Science in Mathematics: Math Programing, The University of Tampa

  • BOSS - Basics of Supervising Staff - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

  • STAT 222: Business Statistics
  • DSCI 310: Data Storytelling
  • STAT 320: Decision Mathematics
  • HUMN 333: Fiction Film PopCultr Rep Math
  • MATH 201: Learning to Reason: Art & Quot
  • MATH 202: Learning to Reason: Com & Flux
  • MATH 111: Pre-calculus for Aviation

MATH 106 – Basic Algebra & Trigonometry

MATH 111 – Precalculus for Aviation

MATH 201 – Learning to Reason: Art & Quotient

MATH 202 – Learning to Reason: Commerce & Flux

MATH 412 – Introduction to Probability & Statistics

STAT 211 – Statistics with Aviation Applications

STAT 222 – Business Statistics

STAT 320 – Decision Mathematics

HUMN 333 – Fiction Film PopCultr Rep Math

Faulconer, E.K.., Griffith, J.C., Wood, B.L., Acharyya, S., & Roberts, D.L. (2018). A comparison of online and traditional chemistry lecture and lab, Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 19(1), 392-397. DOI: 10.1039/C7RP00173H

Wood, B.L., Mocko, M., Everson, M., Horton, N.J., & Velleman, P. (2018). Updated guidelines, updated curriculum: the GAISE College Report and introductory statistics for the modern student. CHANCE, 31(1), 53-59.

American Statistical Association

Mathematical Association of America

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

National Numeracy Network

Northeast Modern Language Association