Brian Butka

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Dept
College of Engineering

Areas of Expertise

FPGAs, Communications, and Safety-Critical Hardware
Brian Butka

Dr. Butka has extensive industry experience in the design and test of mixed-signal integrated circuits.  He works closely with the FAA on advanced verification tools and techniques for safety-critical airborne hardware and software.  He enjoys working hands-on with students on autonomous robotics projects for international competitions and teaching classes in mechatronics and avionics. In 2013, Dr. Butka  was a Fulbright Scholar lecturing and researching autonomous flight in Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus
  • M.S. - Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

  • EE 525: Avionics & Radio Navigation
  • CEC 330: Dgtl Systms Dsgn A/Space Apps
  • CEC 220: Digital Circuit Design
  • CEC 222: Digital Circuit Design Lab
  • CEC 330L: Digital Systems Design Lab
  • EE 690: Graduate Project

EE335 EE336 Coordinator CEC330 ME404 ME427