Christina M Frederick
- Title
- Senior Research and Scholarship Mentor; Professor, College of Arts & Sciences; Program Chair, B.S. in Human Factors Psychology
- Email
- Department
- Dept of Human Factors, Safety and Social Sciences
- College
- College of Arts & Sciences
Office Hours
By Appointment OnlineAreas of Expertise
Applied Motivation
Self-Determination Theory
The Effects of Technology on Personality
Sport Psychology

External Links
The views expressed on faculty and external web pages are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
I am a Professor in the Behavioral and Social Sciences Department at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide Campus in Daytona Beach, Florida. I received my Ph.D. in 1991 from the University of Rochester with a major in Psychological Development. In 2000, I joined Embry-Riddle, where my work focused on motivation and human factors issues in applied domains. My current research interests examine how individual differences interact with technology and games to understand motivation, relatedness, and performance. As well, I often write about leadership. I serve as the Senior Faculty Research Fellow for the College of Arts and Sciences - World Wide, and am the author of over 80 research articles and 120 presentations. I am active with a number of professional organizations including the Society of Psychologists in Leadership and PsiChi International.
- Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Education: Psychological Development, University of Rochester
- M.S. - Master of Science in Education: Psychological Development, University of Rochester
Currently Teaching
- BSHF 300: Human Factors I: Prin & Funds
- PSYC 340: Indus/Orgznl Psychology
- RSCH 200: Inq & Disc: Expl Acade Sources
- PSYC 220: Introduction to Psychology
- SOCI 310: Personality Development
- PSYC 350: Social Psychology
Courses Taught
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 315 Cognitive Psychology
PSY 350 Social Psychology
PSY 352 Theories of Personality
PSY 365 Abnormal Psychology
PSY 395d Developmental Psychology
PSY 395e Sport Psychology
HFS 525 Human, Social and Organizational Factors in Emerging Technologies
HFS 620 Memory and Cognition
HFS 690 HF Master's Capstone
Research Projects
- User Experience, Motivation and Self-Efficacy Comparisons Between Virtual Reality and Conventional PC-Based Flight Simulation Training Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research (2024)
- Measuring Subjective Vitality and Depletion in Older People from a Self-Determination Theory Perspective: A Dual Country Study Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Moral Considerations in Political Decision-Making: Differences by Political Orientation and Gender Publications (2023)
- Microelectronic Technology, AI and Academic Dishonesty Pure Portfolio (2023)
- A Classification System for Teachers’ Motivational Behaviors Recommended in Self-Determination Theory Interventions Pure Portfolio (2023)
- The Energy behind Human Flourishing Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Frederick, C., Ryan, R. M. (2023). 10 The Energy behind Human Flourishing: Theory and Research on Subjective Vitality. , 215. Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Moral Considerations in Political Decision-Making: Differences by Political Orientation and Gender Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Sustainable Growth Plan for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Sustainability Conference (2022)
- The Development and Validation of a Universal Enjoyment Measure: The Enjoy Scale Publications (2022)
- The Development and Validation of a Universal Enjoyment Measure: The Enjoy Scale Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Exploring the Future of Human Factors Education; Online Learning, MOOCs, Next Generation Standards, and the Technological Skills We Need to Impart Publications (2022)
- Exploring the Future of Human Factors Education; Online Learning, MOOCs, Next Generation Standards, and the Technological Skills We Need to Impart Pure Portfolio (2022)
- The Development and Validation of a Universal Enjoyment Measure: The Enjoy Scale Publications (2022)
- A Classification System for Teachers’ Motivational Behaviours Recommended in Self-Determination Theory Interventions Publications (2022)
- A Classification System for Teachers’ Motivational Behaviours Recommended in Self-Determination Theory Interventions Pure Portfolio (2022)
- A New Era for Psychologist-Leaders: Introduction to the Society of Psychologists in Leadership and the Psychology of Leaders and Leadership Publications (2022)
- A New Era for Psychologist-Leaders: Introduction to the Society of Psychologists in Leadership and the Psychology of Leaders and Leadership Pure Portfolio (2022)
- A new era for psychologist-leaders: Introduction to the Society of Psychologists in Leadership and the Psychology of Leaders and Leadership. Psychology of Leaders and Leadership, 25 (1), 1--11 Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Add Me as a Friend: Face to Face vs. Online Friendships and Implications for Happiness Publications (2021)
- Add Me as a Friend: Face to Face vs. Online Friendships and Implications for Happiness Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Motivation for Physical Training in Army ROTC Cadets Publications (2021)
- Motivation for Physical Training in Army ROTC Cadets Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Friendships in Gamers and Non-Gamers Publications (2021)
- Friendships in Gamers and Non-Gamers Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Human Factors & Going Green: Study Abroad on Sustainability and Transportation Sustainability Conference (2020)
- Human Factors & Going Green: Study Abroad on Sustainability and Transportation Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Deindividuation in Anonymous Social Media: Does Anonymous Social Media Lead to an Increase in Non-Normative Behavior? Publications (2020)
- Transitioning out of Leadership: Is There Life After Higher Administration? Publications (2020)
- Examining Gender and Enjoyment: Do They Predict Job Satisfaction and Well-Being? Publications (2020)
- Face-to-Face and Online Friendships Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Deindividuation in Anonymous Social Media: Does Anonymous Social Media Lead to an Increase in Non-Normative Behavior? Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Reinforcement learning rewards effect on autonomous aerial vehicles' target identification task Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Transitioning out of Leadership: Is There Life After Higher Administration? Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Examining the Qualities of Online and Offline Friendships: A Comparison Between Groups Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Examining Gender and Enjoyment: Do They Predict Job Satisfaction and Well-Being? Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Relatedness in Gaming: The Effect in‑Game Touch Has on Player Connection Publications (2019)
- Relatedness in Gaming: The Effect in‑Game Touch Has on Player Connection Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Narcissism and Social Media Usage: Is There No Longer a Relationship? Publications (2019)
- Narcissism and Social Media Usage: Is There No Longer a Relationship? Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Motivating students to learn a programming language Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Motivating Students to Learn a Programming Language: Applying a Second Language Acquisition Approach in a Blended Learning Environment Publications (2018)
- Motivating Students to Learn a Programming Language: Applying a Second Language Acquisition Approach in a Blended Learning Environment Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Workshop 4: Get Rid of Your Students’ Fear and Intimidation of Learning a Programming Language By Applying Second Language Acquisition in a Blended Learning Environment ASEE Southeastern Section Conference (2018)
- Workshop 4: Get Rid of Your Students’ Fear and Intimidation of Learning a Programming Language By Applying Second Language Acquisition in a Blended Learning Environment Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Leadership in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges for Psychologist-Managers Publications (2018)
- Relatedness in gaming: How in-game touch influences player connection Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Busting the myth of the non-social gamer: Comparing friendship quality between gamers and non-gamers Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Recategorization of Video Game Genres Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Leadership in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges for Psychologist-Managers Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Predicting General Aviation Pilots’ Weather-Related Performance through a Scenario-Based Assessment Publications (2017)
- Predicting General Aviation Pilots’ Weather-Related Performance through a Scenario-Based Assessment Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Evaluating Student Perceptions and Learning Outcomes: Differences Between SLA-aBLe and Non-SLA-aBLe Introductory Programming Courses Publications (2017)
- Predicting general aviation pilots’ weather-related performance through a scenario-based assessment Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Evaluating Student Perceptions and Learning Outcomes: Differences Between SLA-aBLe and Non-SLA-aBLe Introductory Programming Courses Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Get rid of your students' fear and intimidation of learning a programming language Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Work in progress Pure Portfolio (2017)
- The application of second language acquisition to programming language study Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Effects of System Reliability and Time Pressure on Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operator Performance and Mental Workload International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace (2017)
- Effects of System Reliability and Time Pressure on Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operator Performance and Mental Workload Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Work in Progress: Using Second Language Acquisition Techniques to Teach Programming - Results from a Two-Year Project Publications (2017)
- The Application of Second Language Acquisition to Programming Language Study Publications (2017)
- Get Rid of Your Student's Fear and Intimidation of learning a Programming Language Publications (2017)
- A Human Factors Perspective on Learning Programming Languages using a Second Language Acquisition Approach Publications (2017)
- The Application of Second Language Acquisition to Programming Language Study Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Evaluating Student Perceptions and Learning Outcomes: Differences Between SLA-aBLe and Non-SLAaBLe Introductory Programming Courses Pure Portfolio (2017)
- A Human Factors Perspective on Learning Programming Languages using a Second Language Acquisition Approach Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Get Rid of Your Student's Fear and Intimidation of learning a Programming Language Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Teaching Programming Language as a Second Language Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Can we teach a programming language as a second language? Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Can We Teach a Programming Language as a Second Language? Publications (2016)
- Can We Teach a Programming Language as a Second Language? Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Deindividuation in Social Media Human Factors and Applied Psychology Student Conference (2016)
- The American Girl Retail Experience Human Factors and Applied Psychology Student Conference (2016)
- The American Girl Retail Experience Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Deindividuation in Social Media Pure Portfolio (2016)
- A Second Language Acquisition Approach to Learning Programming Languages Publications (2016)
- A Second Language Acquisition Approach to Learning Programming Languages Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Deindividuation in Social Media Discovery Day - Daytona Beach (2016)
- Deindividuation in Social Media Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Implementation and Evaluation of a Second Language Acquisition-Based Programming Course Publications (2016)
- Me and My VE, Part 4 Publications (2016)
- Exploring the future of human factors education: Online learning, MOOCs, Next Generation standards, and the technological skills we need to impart Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Can we teach a programming language as a second language? Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Me and My VE, Part 4 Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Implementation and Evaluation of a Second Language Acquisition-Based Programming Course Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Studying Human Relatedness through a Shared Gaming Experience Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Applying Second Language Acquisition to Facilitate a Blended Learning of Programming Languages Publications (2015)
- Applying Second Language Acquisition to Facilitate a Blended Learning of Programming Languages Pure Portfolio (2015)
- ToP Workshop Human Factors and Applied Psychology Student Conference (2015)
- ToP Workshop Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Ethical Perceptions and Actions in Gaming Publications (2015)
- Ethical Perceptions and Actions in Gaming Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Modeling Human Gaming Playing Behavior and Reward/Penalty Mechanism using Discrete Event Simulation (DES) Pure Portfolio (2015)
- The Impact of Technology on Adolescent Identity Development Publications (2014)
- The Impact of Technology on Adolescent Identity Development Pure Portfolio (2014)
- The Use of Apps to Prime Learning for a Verbal Task Publications (2014)
- An Analysis of Expressed Cheating Behaviors in Video Games Pure Portfolio (2014)
- The Use of Apps to Prime Learning for a Verbal Task Pure Portfolio (2014)
- Articulating an experimental model for the study of game-based learning Pure Portfolio (2013)
- Effects of reliability and time pressure on unmanned aircraft systems operator performance Pure Portfolio (2012)
- The relationship between demographic factors, exercise motives and disordered eating in exercising sample Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Influences of volitional and forced intentions on physical activity and effort within the theory of planned behaviour Pure Portfolio (2007)
- A Study of Fidelity Level and Task/Non-Task Based Testing Scenarios on the Effectiveness of Usability Testing Pure Portfolio (2005)
- The effect of location on user-reported stress levels during usability testing Pure Portfolio (2005)
- Designing human factors courses with a human factors mind Pure Portfolio (2005)
- Space Science in American Classrooms: The Teachspace Experience Pure Portfolio (2005)
- Error and Threat Detection: A Review and Evaluation of Current Literature Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research (2004)
- Book Review: Error and Threat Detection: A Review and Evaluation of Current Literature Pure Portfolio (2004)
- Women'S Perceived Body Image: Relations With Personal Happiness Pure Portfolio (2003)
- The Effects of an Induced Negative Mood State on Student Pilot Learning Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research (2003)
- The Effects of an Induced Negative Mood State on Student Pilot Learning Pure Portfolio (2003)
- Pilot Motivation and Performance Pure Portfolio (2003)
- Airport security Pure Portfolio (2003)
- Closure principle Pure Portfolio (2002)
- General aviation aircraft Pure Portfolio (2002)
- Monitoring automated displays Pure Portfolio (2001)
- Thinking creatively about religion Pure Portfolio (2001)
- Competitiveness Pure Portfolio (2000)
- A Different Kind of Normal? Psychological and Motivational Characteristics of Young Adult Tattooers and Body Piercers. Pure Portfolio (2000)
- Survey of forensic science laboratories by the Technical Working Group for Fire and Explosions (TWGFEX) Pure Portfolio (2000)
- Collegiate Coaches: An Examination of Motivational Style and Its Relationship to Decision Making and Personality. Pure Portfolio (1999)
- Date selection choices in college students: Making a potential love connection Pure Portfolio (1999)
- Relationship of initial and final scores on a qualitative analysis of movement test Pure Portfolio (1998)
- A mediational model of social physique anxiety and eating disordered behaviors Pure Portfolio (1998)
- Supersititious behavior in sport: Levels of effectiveness and determinants of use in three collegiate sports Pure Portfolio (1998)
- Intrinsic motivation and exercise adherence Pure Portfolio (1997)
- On Energy, Personality, and Health Pure Portfolio (1997)
- Subjective Vitality Scale Pure Portfolio (1997)
- Social physique anxiety Pure Portfolio (1996)
- A mediational model of autonomy, self-esteem, and eating disordered attitudes and behaviors Pure Portfolio (1996)
- Motivation to participate, exercise affect, and outcome behaviors toward physical activity Pure Portfolio (1996)
- Self-determination in sport: A review using cognitive evaluation theory. Pure Portfolio (1995)
- Differences in motivation for sport and exercise and their relations with participation and... Pure Portfolio (1993)
- Three steps for effective student consulting education, motivation, and promotion Pure Portfolio (1991)
- Involvement in task activities outside of school Pure Portfolio (1991)
- An investigation of the relationship among participation motives, level of participation and psychological outcomes in the domain of physical activity Pure Portfolio (1991)
- Examining the Qualities of Online and Offline Friendships: A Comparison Between Groups Publications
Wang, A. & Frederick, C. (2018). Leadership in higher education: Opportunities and challenges for psychologist-managers. The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 21 (3), 197-207.
Doherty, S., Keebler, J., Davidson, S., Palmer, E. & Frederick, C. (2018). Recategorization of video game genres. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, Philadelphia: PA.
Lum, H., Steelman, K., Frederick, C., Sonnenfeld, N., Amato-Henderson, S., & Smith, T. (2016). Exploring the future of human factors education: Online MOOC’s, Next-Generation standards, and the technological skills we need to impart. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Association, Washington, DC, September, 2016.
Sun, L., Frederick, C., Espejo, P. & Cunningham, R. (2016). Can we teach a programming language as a second language? Computers in Education, 7, 105-112.
Frederick, C., Sun, L., Liron, C., Verleger, M., Cunningham, R. & Sanjuan Espejo, P. (2016). Implementation and evaluation of a second language acquisition-based programming course. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 28, 2016.
Sun, L., Frederick, C., Cunningham, R. & Sanjuan Espejo, P. (2016). Can we teach a programming language as a second language? Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 27, 2016.
Liu, D., Virani, H., Frederick, C. & Ludu, A. (2016). Reinforcement Learning Rewards Effect on Autonomous Aerial Vehicles Target Identification Task. Proceedings of the IIE Annual Conference and Expo, Anaheim, CA, June 2016.
Frederick, C., Cunningham, R., Alex, L. & Via, C. (2015). Studying human relatedness through a shared gaming experience. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Los Angeles, CA, October 26-30, 2015.
Sun, L., Frederick, C., & Liron, C. (2015). Applying second language acquisition to facilitate blended learning of programming languages. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA, June 14-17.
Liu, D., Frederick, C.M., Doherty, S., Kring, J.K. (2015). Modeling human gaming playing behavior and reward/penalty mechanism using discrete event simulation (DES). Proceedings of the IIE Annual Conference and Expo, Nashville, TN, May 30-June 2, 2015.
Frederick, C.M., Kring, J.K., Doherty, S., Liu, D., Via, C. & Sinagra, M. (2015).Ethical perceptions and actions in gaming. International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, 3, 49-58.
Frederick, C. & Bradshaw-Hoppock, A., Liskey, D. & Brown, D. (2014). The impact of technology on adolescent identity development. International Journal of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 2 (7), 1-12.
Doherty, S. M., Liskey, D., Via, C. M., Frederick, C., Kring, J. P., & Liu, D. (2014). An analysis of expressed cheating behaviors in video games. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society. Chicago, IL: HFES.
Frederick, C., Liskey, D. & Brown, D. (2014). The use of apps to prime learning for a verbal task. Open Journal for Social Sciences, 2, 20-24.
Frederick-Recascino, C. & Bradshaw-Hoppock, A. (2013). Technology and adolescent identity development: Considerations for the 21st century. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, HI, May 2013.
Frederick-Recascino, C., Liu, D., Doherty, S., Kring, J. & Liskey, D. (2013). Articulating an experimental model for the study of game-based learning. Proceeding of the International Conference for Human Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, NV, July 2013.
Professional Experience
2000-Present Professor, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
1998-2000, Faculty Member, Psychology Department, University of Central Florida
1993-1998, Faculty Member, Psychology Department, Southern Utah University
1987-1993, Computer Analyst, University of Rochester Computing Center
Memberships and Credentials
Diversity Trainer
Permanent Certification to Teach at FL Community Colleges
Institute for Educational Management Participant, Harvard University, 2009
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
American Psychological Association
Society of Psychologists in Leadership
Southeastern Psychological Association
Awards, Honors and Recognitions
2019, Faculty Service Award Recipient
2016, 2018 Finalist, Faculty Service Award
2014 Professor of the Year, ERAU Human Factors Department
2010 Boeing Corporation Supplier of the Year
2010 United Way Runner-up Education Volunteer of the Year
2007 ERAU Vision Award Winner
2006 Named Education Trendsetter by Florida Trend Magazine
2005 Inducted into ODK Honor Society
2004 Finalist, Embry-Riddle Outstanding Teacher Award