Darryl Chamberlain

Assistant Professor, College of Arts & Sciences; Associate Department Chair, Mathematics, Science and Technology
Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology
College of Arts & Sciences

Areas of Expertise

Cognitive Development of Precalculus Concepts
Teaching and Learning with Technologies
Curriculum Development and Task Design
Educational Assessment Construction and Validation
Proof Comprehension and Validation

Darryl Chamberlain

Dr. Darryl Chamberlain serves as an Assistant Professor and Associate Department Chair for the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Technology at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University -- Worldwide. With a PhD in Mathematics and Statistics, research background in educational qualitative and quantitative measurement, and practical experience writing code in a variety of programming languages (Python, Javascript, C), Darryl serves as an expert in Educational Data Science. His research focuses on applying theoretical learning trajectories and machine learning algorithms to analyze, anticipate, and describe student thinking in mathematical sciences. He is commonly called on for his experience surrounding technology in education, serving as chair of the Mathematics Association of America Subcommittee on Technology in Mathematics Education as well as chair of the ERAU-WW Faculty Senate Academic Technology Committee.

See a brief explanation of Dr. Chamberlain's research in Educational Data Science here: https://youtu.be/BA2hrQb-zXY


  • ERAU-W Teaching Experience
    • Boundary Value Problems (MATH 502)
    • Introduction to Programming for Data Science (CSCI 251)
    • Precalculus Essentials (MATH 146)
    • Precalculus for Aviation (MATH 111)
  • Prior Teaching Experience
    • Elementary Statistics
    • Intermediate Algebra
    • Support for College Algebra
    • College Algebra
    • Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
    • Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
    • Elementary Differential Equations
    • Sets and Logic (Introduction to Proofs)
  • Teaching Method Experiences
    • Online Asynchronous 
    • EagleVision Classroom
    • Large Hall Live Lecture (+200 students)
    • Flipped Synchronous (online and live)
    • Modified Moore's Method
    • Emporium Model
    • Traditional Lecture


Funded Research Projects:

  • PI: Autonomous Procedural and Conceptual Interactive Lessons
    Research Team: None
    Funding: Internally through ERAU-WW SEED grant, 10/1/21--6/31/22. Externally through mini-grant (from NSF Doenet grant). Applying for external funding (NSF grant programs BCSER & CAREER) in 2023.
    Roles: All aspects of the project.
    Brief Description: Development of interactive procedural and conceptual activities by leveraging automated feedback based on how a student responds.
    Preliminary Results: MyLab assignments may yield high scores on procedural assessments, but do not develop mathematical concepts. Students unable to transfer procedural skills to aeronautical contexts.

  • Co-PI: Undergraduate Research for Fully Online STEM Students:  
    Impact of Expanded Curricular Options on STEM Attitudes, Identity, & Career Ambitions

    Research Team: Robert Deters (PI), Emily Faulconer (co-PI), Brent Terwilliger (co-PI)
    Funding: Externally through NSF, 10/14/23--10/13/26.
    Roles: Data Management, Data Analysis, Manuscript Writing, Presentations.
    Brief Description: Follow-up study to improve upon previously-funded NSF project (Research Scholars Program) that developed model for fostering undergraduate STEM research.
    Preliminary Results: There was strong interest by students and professors for an undergraduate program that encouraged research. Pilot provided evidence of efficacy related to workshops and the mentoring program as well as underscored barriers for students to begin research.

  • Co-PI: Community of Inquiry and Cognitive Load
    Research Team: Emily Faulconer (PI) and Beverly Wood (Co-PI)
    Funding: Externally funded through NSF, 6/15/21--5/31/24.
    Roles: Student Worker Management, Data Management, Data Analysis, Manuscript Writing, Presentations.
    Brief Description: Instructor and course creator interventions to improve students' cognitive contributions in online group discussions for a math and physics course.
    Preliminary Results: Student contributions to math and physics discussion posts are primarily of a social nature. Student cognitive contributions are overwhelmingly at the disseminating facts level. Discussion creation initiatives and instructor interventions have disrupted these initial student contribution patterns and encouraged higher level cognitive contributions.

  • Co-PI: Generative AI Feedback Across the Disciplines
    Research Team: Alex Rister (PI), Anastasia Angelopoulou (Co-PI), Cihan Aydiner (co-PI), Logan Gerber-Chavez (Co-PI), Iuliia Hoban (Co-PI), Zackery Reed (Co-PI), Meghan Velez (co-PI)
    Funding: Internally through ERAU-WW COAS Start-Up Funding, 1/1/24--6/30/24.
    Roles: Student Worker Management, Data Management, Data Analysis, Manuscript Writing, Presentations.
    Brief Description: Investigate how students perceive GenAI feedback across multiple disciplines through GenAI grading and providing feedback on a variety of discussion and short writing activities.
    Preliminary Results: GenAI does not consistently grade and has difficulty with the grading of meta-tasks (e.g., grading student's evaluations of hypothetical student work). 

  • PI: Collective Knowledge Progression and Proliferation in Asynchronous Calculus Discussion Boards
    Research Team: Zackery Reed (Co-PI) and Karen Keene (Co-PI) [posthumous]
    Funding: Internally through ERAU-WW Faculty SEED grant, 2/1/23--6/30/23.
    Roles: All aspects of the project in equal parts with collaborators.
    Brief Description: Developing and refining a framework for analyzing how students' knowledge develops and spreads during asynchronous group discussions.
    Preliminary Results: Developed preliminary framework based on student discussions as well as method for presenting student interactions. Patterns for how concepts are integrated into another student's post and the types of arguments that encourage this integration have been identified.

Unfunded Research Projects:

  • PI: Multidimensional Covariational Reasoning [archived]
    Research Team: Teegan Bailey (student PI), Konstantina Christodoulopoulou (co-PI)
    Roles: Faculty Advisor, Manuscript Writing, Presentations
    Brief Description: Advising an undergraduate student on their research project. Examining how students reason about two or more quantities at the same time in 2d and 3d real-life scenarios.
    Preliminary Results: Students have trouble reasoning covariationally when time is not one of the quantities.


ERAU Service

  • University Level
    • Chair (2022-2025) of Academic Technology Committee for ERAU-W Faculty Senate
    • Grant Reviewer (2022--2023) for ERAU-WW Internal Grants
  • College Level
    • Member of COAS Faculty Council
  • Department Level
    • Acting Chair, 1/1/24--5/31/24
    • Associate Chair, 3/1/23--present
    • Course Mentor for MATH 111, MATH 112, CSCI 251, & STAT 412
    • Member of hiring committee for tenure-track candidate in Data Science
    • Co-Developer for Applied Data Science Minor

Professional Service

  • National Leadership Roles
    • Chair of the Mathematics Association of America Subcommittee on Technologies in Mathematics Education. The mission of the Committee on Technologies in Mathematics Education is to synthesize and disseminate innovative research, resources, and practices on technology that lead to effective teaching and learning in undergraduate mathematics. Assists in writing MAA Instructional Practices guide. 
    • Member of the Mathematics Association of America Special Interest Group Research on Undergraduate Mathematics (SIGMAA on RUME) Nomination Committee. The mission of the SIGMAA on RUME Nomination Committee is to solicit nominations and recommend members for leadership roles within the RUME community. 
  • National Grant Reviews
    • Member of a National Science Foundation grant panel. Read 9 grants and discussed recommendations with grant panel.
  • Journal Paper Reviews
    • ​Educational Studies in Mathematics
    • Journal of Mathematical Behavior
    • Mathematical Thinking and Learning
    • International Journal of Research in Mathematics Education
    • Journal of Assessment in Higher Education
    • Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies


In his free time, he enjoys games of all kinds: sports, board games, video games, puzzles, cards, and anything else that can be turned into a competition. You may find him running through neighborhoods and on walking trails (weather permitting).  

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics and Statistics, Georgia State University
  • B.S. - Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, University of Florida

  • Applied Data Science with Python - Coursera (University of Michigan)

  • DSCI 411: Appl Data Sci Capstone
  • MATH 502: Boundary Value Problems

Published Peer-Reviewed Articles

  1. Chamberlain Jr., D. (Jan 2023). How one instructor can teach a large-scale, mastery-based College Algebra course online. Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies. DOI: TBD.
  2. Faulconer, E., Chamberlain Jr., D., & Woods, B. (2022). A Case Study of Community of Inquiry Presences and Cognitive Load in Asynchronous Online STEM Courses. Online Learning Journal. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24059/olj.v26i3.3386.
  3. Chamberlain Jr., D. & Vidakovic, D. (2021). Cognitive trajectory of proof by contradiction for Transition-to-Proof students. Journal of Mathematical Behavior. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmathb.2021.100849.
  4. Chamberlain Jr., D. & Jeter, R. (2020). Creating diagnostic assessments: Automated distractor generation with integrity. Journal of Assessment in Higher Education. DOI: 10.32473/jahe.v1i1.116892.
  5. Chamberlain Jr., D., Grady, A., Keeran, S., Knudson, K., Manly, I., Shabazz, M., Stone, C., & York, A. (2020). Transitioning to an active learning environment for calculus at the University of Florida. Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies. DOI: 10.1080/10511970.2020.1769235
  6. Stalvey, H., Burns, A., Chamberlain Jr., D., Kemp, A., Meadows, L., & Vidakovic, D. (2019). Students’ understanding of the concepts involved in hypothesis testing for one population. Journal of Mathematical Behavior. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmathb.2018.03.011.

Under Review Peer-Reviewed Articles

  1. Chamberlain Jr., D. and Jeter, R. (Submitted Dec 2022). Utilizing Theoretically-Driven Distractors to Make Diagnostic Multiple-Choice Assessments Possible. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (IJRUME).

  2. Chamberlain Jr., D., Reed, Z., & Keene, K. (Submitted Dec 2022). Collective Knowledge Progression and Proliferation in Asynchronous Calculus Discussion Boards. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (IJRUME).

  3. Paolucci, C., Chamberlain Jr., D., Redding, C., Vancini, S., & Reese, A. (first submission Nov 2021, revised and resubmitted Aug 2022). Critical lessons from certification exam preparation materials for mathematics teachers’ content knowledge and professional learning. Journal of Teacher Education.