Dave Hinkes
- Title
- Assistant Professor of the Practice, College of Business
- David.Hinkes@erau.edu Email
- Department
- Department of Business Administration
- College
- College of Business
Office Hours
24/7 OnlineAreas of Expertise
See Narrative Bio AboveExternal Links
The views expressed on faculty and external web pages are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
I am a South Florida bilingual (Spanish) native who has been selling and managing my whole life in the areas of office equipment, document management services outsourcing, mortgages, and sales/marketing training for companies like Xerox and IKON (now Ricoh) before going solo. I am affiliated with all of the professional sales and marketing associations, honor societies, and fraternities in which I hold all seven of their professional certifications. I have been an adjunct professor at the University of Miami, Barry University, American InterContinental University (on-ground, hybrid, and online deliverables), Florida Atlantic University, Miami Dade College, Northwood University, Nova Southeastern University, Strayer University, South College, Everglades/Keiser University, and New England College teaching sales, sales management, marketing, management, negotiation, diversity, leadership/ethics, business research methods, operations management, real estate, mortgages, and strategy at all levels. I have conducted executive education and professional association seminars, consulted with mortgage companies, been a guest speaker for various groups, and coached (except health/fitness) many clients.
I am currently an Assistant Professor of Marketing-Faculty of the Practice and a Fellow for the Direct Selling Educational Foundation (DSEF) @ Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) Worldwide Online in Daytona Beach, FL after a decade away as Professor of Management and Marketing @ Sullivan University (SU) Graduate School of Business in Louisville, KY and Chair/Associate Professor of Management and Marketing @ Lincoln Memorial University (LMU) in Harrogate, TN where MBA students voted me Faculty Member of the Year (2012-13). I am a former LMU Sam Walton Fellow for Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE; now renamed ENACTUS) and LMU Chair of the Management, Marketing, and Professional Golf Management Departments. I am published and cited in textbooks, websites, and scholarly and professional trade journals. My research interests are professional salesmanship, sales management, general management, marketing, communication, cross-cultural values, performance leadership, motivation, strategy, entrepreneurship, and international business. I serve on the editorial review board for the Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business (IJCRB). I am a recipient of a Teaching Excellence Award from the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). I am CEO of ‘Hink, Inc.’, my own sales, marketing, management, and keynote speech consulting practice since 1991. My book (now in its 3rd Edition, CreateSpace Publisher-An Amazon Company), ‘Selling By Objectives (SBO): The Handbook for More Profitability in the 21st Century’, is an Amazon Bestseller. I’ve also written a marketing textbook ‘Senior Seminar in Marketing Topics’ (McGraw-Hill Publisher).
I hold a BA in Political Science from the University of Miami (Magna cum Laude), an MBA from Barry University, and dual DBA degrees in Management (11/02) and Marketing (4/09) from Nova Southeastern University. I am listed in Who's Who in Professional Management, National Association of Sales Professionals Registry of Who's Who, and Metropolitan Registry of Who’s Who Executives and Professionals, The Global Directory of Who’s Who, and Faculty Row of Super Professors.
I reside with my wife of 41 years, Deb, in Port Saint Lucie, Florida and have three adult ‘kids’ (Jennifer, Melissa, and Steven). I love going to live theatre, spectator basketball and football, bowling, table tennis (ping pong), reading, music, beach, and golf.
My contact info is:
4295 SW Yalta ST
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34953
305.975.4354 Smartphone
HinkInc@aol.com My Personal Email
www.linkedin.com/in/davehinkes My Social Network
www.hinkinc.net My Company Website
www.amazon.com/author/davehinkes Amazon Author Central
- D.B.A. - Doctor of Business Administration in Management and Marketing, Nova Southeastern University
- M.B.A. - Master of Business Administration, Barry University
- B.A. - Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Public Affairs: Philosophy, University of Miami
Ratings and Certificates
Currently Teaching
- MKTG 311: Marketing
- MKTG 330: Professional Selling
- MKTG 511: Science of Selling
Courses Taught
MBAA514 - Strategic Marketing Management in Aviation
MKTG514 - Professional Service Marketing