David Thirtyacre

Assistant Professor, College of Aviation; Chair, Department of Flight
Department of Flight
College of Aviation

Areas of Expertise

Uncrewed systems, flight operations, military aviation, simulation, agricultural operations, flight safety, flight training, photogrammetry, subsurface ROV operations
David Thirtyacre

Dr. David Thirtyacre is an assistant professor in the College of Aeronautics. David is the chair and Chief Pilot for the Department of Flight and currently instructs at the undergraduate and graduate levels in Flight Operations, Aerodynamics, Aircraft Performance, Uncrewed Systems, Airborne Robotics, and Aviation and Aerospace Simulation Systems. David holds a B.A. in Mechanical Engineering, an M.A. in Aerospace Science and a Ph.D. in Aviation. His research expertise is focused on using UAS in air-to-air combat, virtual reality flight simulation and agricultural and environmental applications of sUAS.

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Aviation: Intradisciplinary, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • M.A.S. - Master of Aeronautical Science in Aeronautics, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • B.S. - Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Washington State University

  • Crewmember Certification: Chief Pilot and Remote Pilot Instructor - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Flight Instructor - Federal Aviation Administration
  • TOP Operator Certification: Level I, II, III Remote Pilot Instructor - Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI)
  • Remote Pilot - Federal Aviation Administration
  • Commercial Pilot - Federal Aviation Administration

UNSY 318, Unmanned Aircraft Systems Robotics

UNSY 435, sUAS Practical Application & Assessment. Worldwide.

UNSY 520, sUAS Practical Application & Assessment. Worldwide

UNSY 530, Unmanned Aerospace Systems

UNSY 620, sUAS Operational Planning and Safety Management

ASCI 316, Airborne Robotics

ASCI 515, Aviation/Aerospace Simulation Systems

ASCI 202, Introduction to Aeronautical Science

ASCI 309 Aerodynamics

ASCI 509 Advanced Aerodynamics

ASCI 310 Aircraft Performance

ASCI 637, Unmanned Aerospace Systems Operations and Payload

ASCI 638, Human Factors in Unmanned Aerospace Systems

SUAS 2000, sUAS Ground School. Worldwide OPE

SUAS 2100, sUAS Basic Flight Multirotor

SUAS 2200, sUAS Advanced Flight Multirotor

SUAS 1500. Fundamentals for Starting a sUAS Business, Worldwide OPE

SUAS 4000L1, TOP Level 1 Certification. Worldwide OPE

SUAS 4000L2, TOP Level 2 Certification. Worldwide OPE

SUAS 4000L3, TOP Level 3 Certification. Worldwide OPE

SUAS 4000FOI, sUAS Instructor Certification. Worldwide OPE

SUAS 5000, Incident Evidence Collection and Preservation for Law Enforcement, OPE Worldwide

SUAS 5100, UAS Fundamentals for National Security. OPE Worldwide

David retired from the USAF with 27 years of duty in the fighter community with over 3500 hours piloting fighter aircraft and was a pioneer in the use of uncrewed systems. The majority of his military career was spent at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas, Nevada where he specialized in operational test and was the USAF Warfare Center’s director of advanced programs. He was the focal point for advanced program operational testing and planning; combining the air, space and cyberspace domains with 5th generation aircraft, unmanned systems, national capabilities, and other DoD assets. He is the owner of SkyVue 3D, a commercial drone mapping enterprise, a multi-engine commercial pilot, remote pilot, AUVSI TOP Level-3 RPA instructor, a certified flight instructor, instrument (CFII), and an executive member of the Space Force Association.

Aircraft Owners and Pilot's Association (AOPA)

Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI)

Space Force Association

Academy of Model Aeronautics