Dennis A. Vincenzi

Associate Professor
Dept of Human Factors, Safety and Social Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences
Dennis A. Vincenzi

Dr. Dennis Vincenzi is the Graduate Studies Department Chair and an Associate Professor in the College of Aeronautics at ERAU Worldwide.

Awards and Experience: Dr. Vincenzi has previously held positions as an Assistant Professor of Human Factors Psychology at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach Campus; Senior Human Factors Engineer at the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division in Orlando, FL. Dr. Vincenzi has more than 20 years of combined Human Factors experience in the areas of training, training systems development, advanced simulation interface design, augmented reality and helmet mounted display design and assessment, human performance assessment, and unmanned aerial systems design, development and analysis.

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology: Human Factors, University of Central Florida
  • B.S. - Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Central Florida

  • MSHF 618: HF in Virtual and Sim Environ
  • MSHF 606: Human Cognition
  • MSHF 700B: MSHF Thesis II

Seamon, A.G., Bradley, S.K., Hays, R.T., & Vincenzi, D.A., (1999, April). Vesub Technology Demonstration: Project Summary (NAWCTSD TR 99-002). Orlando, FL: Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division.

Hays, R.T., Vincenzi, D.A., Seamon, A.G., & Bradley, S.K. The Devil's in the details: Challenges and the implementation of virtual environment ship handling trainers. Presented at Innovations in Marine Technology, 1998. December 2-3, 1998, New Orleans, LA.

Vincenzi, D.A. and Mouloua, M. (1998). Monitoring automation failures: Effects of age on performance and subjective workload. In M Scerbo and M. Mouloua (Eds.), Automaton Technology and Human Performance: Current Research and Trends. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

McDonald, D., Vincenzi, D.A., Muldoon, R.V., Tyler, R.R., Barlow, A.S. and Smither, J. (1998). Performance differences between older and younger adults for a virtual environment locomotion Task. In M Scerbo and M. Mouloua (Eds.), Automaton Technology and Human Performance: Current Research and Trends. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Hitt, J. M., Mouloua, M. and Vincenzi, D.A. (1998). Attitudes towards automation technology: Using and operating an automated system. In M Scerbo and M. Mouloua (Eds.), Automaton Technology and Human Performance: Current Research and Trends. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Hays, R.T., Vincenzi, D.A., Seamon, A.G., & Bradley, S.K. (1998, June). Training effectiveness evaluation of the VESUB technology demonstration system (NAWCTSD TR 98-003). Orlando, FL: Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division.

Vincenzi, D.A., Muldoon, R. and Mouloua, M. (1997). Effects of aging and workload on monitoring of automation failures. In M. Mouloua and J. Koonce (Eds.), Human-Automation Interaction: Research and Practice. (pp. 118 &endash; 125). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum

Vincenzi, D.A., Muldoon, R., Mouloua, M., Hardy, D.J., and Parasuraman, R. (1997). Effects of aging and workload on monitoring of automation failures in multi-task environments. Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology.

Research Interests

  • Identification of Cross Platform and Platform Specific Operator Requirements for Unmanned Aircraft System Operators and Crew Members for Navy and Marine Corps UAS Platforms
  • The Effect of Latency on Simulator Sickness in a See-Through Helmet-Mounted Display: Reducing Apparent Latency With Predictive Compensation
  • The Need for NextGen and UAS Integration in the NAS: A case for CRM Training in UASs