Esmaeil Zarei
- Title
- Associate Professor
- Email
- Department
- Safety Science Department
- College
- College of Aviation
Areas of Expertise
- AI Integration in Safety, Risk, and Human Factors Assessment for Emerging Technologies
- AI-Human Integration and Risk Management
- Risk-Based Decision-Making Under Uncertainty
- System Safety and Human Factors/Reliability Analysis in Sociotechnical Systems

External Links
The views expressed on faculty and external web pages are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Esmaeil Zarei is an associate professor of Safety Science. Prior to this position, he had been affiliated with the Centre for Risk, Integrity, and Safety Engineering (C-RISE) at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, since January 2020. He served as an Assistant Professor (2017-22) and faculty instructor (2012-14) in Iran's Departments of Occupational Health and Safety Engineering. Preceding his academic roles, he worked as a Safety and Risk Engineer for three years at the Iranian Petroleum Oil Company. During these periods, Esmaeil held various positions, such as Founder and Director of Safety, Occupational Health Labs, and Student Research Center. He also assumed the role of Executive Manager in the Industry Innovations & Partnerships Office. Notably, he received recognition for his efforts in establishing one undergraduate and three graduate programs, including their hardware and software requirements, in ergonomics, noise control, air ventilation and safety labs.
Esmaeil demonstrated a fervent interest in creating a meaningful impact through innovative approaches to science and engineering, particularly in safety, risk, resilience engineering and human factors/reliability. His primary research focuses on these areas in emerging sectors (e.g., the Hydrogen Economy) and critical industries (e.g., Aviation, Process Industries). At the Robertson Safety Institute (RSI), he conducts research to generate fundamental and conceptual knowledge within his research domains, applying them across various emerging and complex sociotechnical systems. With a history spanning four universities, Esmaeil has cultivated active collaborations with industry partners and numerous leading academic institutions worldwide since 2012. Furthermore, he has (co)supervised over 15 Master's and Ph.D. theses and serves as an Editorial Board Member for several highly regarded journals in his research areas at Elsevier. His scholarly contributions have earned him recognition among the top 2% of scientists by Stanford University for three consecutive years since 2021.
- Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Occupational Health Engineering, Hamedan University of Medical Sciences
- M. - Master in Occupational Health Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
- B. - Bachelor in Occupational Health Engineering, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
- A. - Associate in Occupational Health, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences
Currently Teaching
- MSF 686: Emergency Preparedness
- MSF 691: Graduate Capstone Course
- MSF 602: Human Factors
- MSF 603: Occupational Safety
- MSF 612: Research Methods
- MSF 609: System Safety
Courses Taught
MSF603 – Occupational Safety
MSF 609 – System Safety
- Advancing occupational and system safety in Industry 5.0 Pure Portfolio (2025)
- Reliability modeling of multi-state phased mission systems with random phase durations and dynamic combined phases Pure Portfolio (2025)
- Influential criteria in domino accident analysis Pure Portfolio (2024)
- A dynamic system reliability analysis model on safety instrumented systems Pure Portfolio (2024)
- A systematic review of the integration between occupational and process safety risk analysis methodologies Pure Portfolio (2024)
- An integrated approach to assess safety and security risks in chemical process industries Pure Portfolio (2024)
- A dynamic system-based model for analyzing human factors Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Towards decision-making support for complex socio-technical system safety assessment Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Advancing understanding of vulnerability assessment in process industries Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Advancing understanding of vulnerability assessment in process industries Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Navigating the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Risk Management Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Navigating the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Risk Management Pure Portfolio (2024)
- A system theory based accident analysis model Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Exploring the intellectual insights in aviation safety research Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Railway transport and its role in the supply chains Pure Portfolio (2024)
- A comprehensive resilience assessment framework for hydrogen energy infrastructure development Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Tripod Beta Methodology in Incident Investigation and Analysis of Complex Systems Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Systems Thinking in Safety Causation Analysis in Sociotechnical Systems Pure Portfolio (2024)
- A model to analyze human and organizational factors contributing to pandemic risk assessment in manufacturing industries Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Accident Investigation Processes and Techniques in Sociotechnical Systems Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Systems Thinking in Safety Causation Analysis in Sociotechnical Systems Pure Portfolio (2024)
- A hybrid model for dynamic analysis of domino effects in chemical process industries Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Nash Equilibrium-Based FMEA for Risk Prioritization in Hydrogen Refueling Station Design Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Enhancing Crowd Safety Resilience Through Systematic Analysis Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Accident and Safety Causation Analysis in Sociotechnical Systems Using AcciMap Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Applying Bayesian Networks to Safety Causation Analysis and Modeling in Socio-technical Systems Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation in System Safety and Risk Management Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Tripod Beta Methodology in Incident Investigation and Analysis of Complex Systems Pure Portfolio (2024)
- The Bow-Tie Method Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation in System Safety and Risk Management Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Harnessing AI for Project Risk Management Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Harnessing AI for Project Risk Management Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Interval-Valued Spherical Fuzzy Functional Resonance Analysis Method (IVSFS-FRAM) Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Unraveling Complexity Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Causal Analysis Based on Systems Theory (CAST) in Complex Systems Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Data-Driven Approaches for Accident Analysis in Sociochemical Systems Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Safety Causation Models in Complex Sociotechnical Systems Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Enhancing System Safety Through System Dynamics Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Sequentially Timed Events Plotting (STEP) Method Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Safety Causation Analysis in Sociotechnical Systems Pure Portfolio (2024)
- System Safety Causal Analysis Models Considering Risk Influence Factors (RIFs) Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Expert Judgment and Uncertainty in Sociotechnical Systems Analysis Pure Portfolio (2024)
- An integration of intelligent approaches and economic criteria for predictive analytics of occupational accidents Pure Portfolio (2023)
- An integration of intelligent approaches and economic criteria for predictive analytics of occupational accidents Pure Portfolio (2023)
- An integration of intelligent approaches and economic criteria for predictive analytics of occupational accidents Pure Portfolio (2023)
- An integration of intelligent approaches and economic criteria for predictive analytics of occupational accidents Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Enabling Safe and Sustainable Hydrogen Mobility Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Fault tree analysis improvements Pure Portfolio (2023)
- An advanced framework for leakage risk assessment of hydrogen refueling stations using interval-valued spherical fuzzy sets (IV-SFS) Pure Portfolio (2023)
- AcciMap-Based Development of a Dedicated Approach for Marine Accident Analysis Pure Portfolio (2023)
- A Knowledge-Driven Model to Assess Inherent Safety in Process Infrastructure Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Assessing the Reliability of the City Gate Station Using Monte Carlo Simulation Pure Portfolio (2023)
- How to account artificial intelligence in human factor analysis of complex systems? Pure Portfolio (2023)
- An advanced approach to the system safety in sociotechnical systems Pure Portfolio (2023)
- An Intelligent Fuzzy Functional Resonance Analysis Model on System Safety and Human Factors Pure Portfolio (2023)
- A hybrid framework to analyze crisis management system maturity in sociotechnical systems Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Analyzing Health, Safety, and Environmental Risks of Construction Projects Using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Influence-Based Consequence Assessment of Subsea Pipeline Failure under Stochastic Degradation Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Identifying, Assessing and Prioritizing Pressure Reduction Station Risks Using FMEA Based on SWARA-VIKOR Multi-criteria Decision making Methods Pure Portfolio (2022)
- A dynamic human-factor risk model to analyze safety in sociotechnical systems Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Systems Thinking Accident Analysis Models Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Risk assessment using failure modes and effects analysis on the basis of SWARA-RE-VIKOR fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making methods Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Application of the BASNEF Model in Safety Training in Automobile Manufacturing Plants Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Identifying, Assessing and Prioritizing Pressure Reduction Station Risks Using FMEA Based on SWARA-VIKOR Multi-criteria Decision making Methods Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Reliability assessment on natural gas pressure reduction stations using Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) Pure Portfolio (2022)
- A dynamic domino effect risk analysis model for rail transport of hazardous material Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Fuzzy Bow-Tie Analysis Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Step Forward on How to Treat Linguistic Terms in Judgment in Failure Probability Estimation Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Risk assessment using failure modes and effects analysis on the basis of SWARA-RE-VIKOR fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making methods Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Introducing a Probabilistic-Based Hybrid Model (Fuzzy-BWM-Bayesian Network) to Assess the Quality Index of a Medical Service Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Fuzzy Sets Theory and Human Reliability Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Quantitative Risk Analysis on Rail Transportation of Hazardous Materials Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Application of multi-criteria decision-making tools for a site analysis of offshore wind turbines Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Application of multi-criteria decision-making tools for a site analysis of offshore wind turbines Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Smart Decision Fuzzy-Based Data Envelopment Model for Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Optimizing the Allocation of Risk Control Measures Using Fuzzy MCDM Approach Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Importance of human reliability in process operation Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Importance of human reliability in process operation Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Dynamic occupational accidents modeling using dynamic hybrid Bayesian confirmatory factor analysis Pure Portfolio (2021)
- A framework for resilience assessment in process systems using a fuzzy hybrid MCDM model Pure Portfolio (2021)
- A framework for resilience assessment in process systems using a fuzzy hybrid MCDM model Pure Portfolio (2021)
- A comprehensive approach to analyze the risk of floating roof storage tanks Pure Portfolio (2021)
- A comprehensive approach to analyze the risk of floating roof storage tanks Pure Portfolio (2021)
- A dynamic risk model to analyze hydrogen infrastructure Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Analyzing Reliability of CGS Station by Continuous Time Markov Chains (CTMC) Pure Portfolio (2021)
- A reliable risk analysis approach using an extension of best-worst method based on democratic-autocratic decision-making style Pure Portfolio (2020)
- A novel Fuzzy Bayesian Network approach for safety analysis of process systems; An application of HFACS and SHIPP methodology Pure Portfolio (2020)
- A novel extension of DEMATEL approach for probabilistic safety analysis in process systems Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Model for A Novel Fuzzy Bayesian Network-HFACS (FBN-HFACS) model for analyzing Human and Organizational Factors (HOFs) in process accidents Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Safety Assessment of Process Systems using Fuzzy Extended Bow Tie (FEBT) Model Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Safety analysis of process systems using Fuzzy Bayesian Network (FBN) Pure Portfolio (2019)
- A hybrid model for human factor analysis in process accidents Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Dynamic risk assessment of chemical process systems using Bayesian network Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Uncertainty Handling in the Safety Risk Analysis Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Dynamic safety risk modeling of process systems using bayesian network Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Dynamic safety risk modeling of process systems using bayesian network Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Dynamic safety assessment of natural gas stations using Bayesian network Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Presentation of a practical framework for performance assessment of HSE in construction contractors Pure Portfolio (2017)
- On the relationship between safety climate and occupational burnout in healthcare organizations Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Efficiency prediction of control room operators based on human reliability analysis and dynamic decision-making style in the process industry Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Association between overuse of mobile phones on quality of sleep and general health among occupational health and safety students Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Explosion risk analysis on Town Border Stations of natural gas using Failure Mode & Effect Analysis and Fault Tree Analyses methods Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Explosion risk analysis on Town Border Stations of natural gas using Failure Mode & Effect Analysis and Fault Tree Analyses methods Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Safety risk modeling and major accidents analysis of hydrogen and natural gas releases Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Safety risk modeling and major accidents analysis of hydrogen and natural gas releases Pure Portfolio (2015)
- A survey of patient safety culture Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Surprising incentive Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Assessment of occupational exposure to crystalline silica during demolition of buildings in Tehran Pure Portfolio (2014)
- Risk analysis by means of a QRA approach on a LPG cylinder filling installation Pure Portfolio (2014)
- The role of modeling and consequence evaluation in improving safety level of industrial hazardous installations Pure Portfolio (2014)
- Risk assessment of vapor cloud explosions in a hydrogen production facility with consequence modeling Pure Portfolio (2013)
- Risk assessment of vapor cloud explosions in a hydrogen production facility with consequence modeling Pure Portfolio (2013)
- Comparative assessment of manual material handling using the two NIOSH lifting equation in a tile manufacturing methods of MAC and revised company Pure Portfolio (2013)
- The quantitative risk assessment of a hydrogen generation unit Pure Portfolio (2012)
- The quantitative risk assessment of a hydrogen generation unit Pure Portfolio (2012)
Professional Experience
Editorial Board Member:
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Elsevier 2022-Present
Journal of Health Scope, Brieflands, 2020 - Present
Journal of Computational and Cognitive Engineering, 2022- Present
Lead Guest Editor:
1) Sustainability, Special Issue Topic: Risk, Resilience and Reliability Analysis for Sustainable Management Oct 2021- Dec 2023
2) Safety, Special Issue Topic: Safety, Resilience and Reliability Challenges and Engineering Research in Renewable Energies Oct 2022-July 2023
Memberships and Credentials
- Certified Safety Professional (CSP), BCSP (Board of Certified Safety Professionals), 2023
- Associated Safety Professional (ASP), BCSP (Board of Certified Safety Professionals), 2023
- American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Member
- Graduate Supervisor Institute (10 modules) Memorial University (MUN) and Athabasca University, October 2020-July 2021.
- Research Fellowship (8 modules), Mashhad University, Jan 2019-July 2019.
- Teaching Fellowship (7 modules), Mashhad University, Jan 2019-July 2019.
Awards, Honors and Recognitions
- 24, 2023, 22, 21 The World's Top 2% Scientists, Stanford University & Elsevier Study Report.
- 2020 School of Graduate Studies Scholarship, Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN).
- 2020 Centre for Risk, Integrity and Safety Engineering (C-RISE) Scholarship, MUN.
- 2019 Performance Award for "Practice-oriented Teaching Excellence", Mashhad University.
- 2017and 2016 Performance awards for "Outstanding Research”, Ministry of Health Education.
- 2016 Dean Award for "Excellent Academic Performance” Hamedan University.
- 2005-2014 Ministry of Health Education Scholarship for all degrees from A.Sc. to Ph.D.