Esmaiel Malek

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Applied Aerospace Science
College of Aviation

Office Hours

Mostly online.

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science and Biometeorology, Utah State University

  • PHYS 123: Science of Flight

I. Refereed Journal Articles:

1- Abdalla, S.H., Neale, C.M.U., Hipps, L.E., and Malek, E. 1997. Spatial and temporal variation of soil heat flux in sparsely vegetated arid ecosystems. Proc. 17th Ann. Amer. Geophys. Un. Hydrol. Days Publ. 1 - 12.

2- Abdalla, S.H., Neale, C.M.U., Malek, E., Hipps, L.E., and Bingham, G.E. 1996. Estimation of net radiation of sparse vegetation using multispectral video imagery. Proc. 16th Ann. Amer. Geophys. Un. Hydrol. Days Publ. 1 - 12.

3- Bingham, G. E. and Malek, E. 1993. Atmospheric radiation balance over alfalfa. In: Management of Irrigation and Drainage Systems: Integrated Perspectives (Eds. Allen and Neale). Amer. Soc. Civil Eng. New York: 937-944.

4- Gillies, R., Symanzik, J., Malek, E. and Moller, A. 2009. Linked Micromap Plots for valuating Trends in Multi-Pollutant Deposition. NADP Proceedings 2009-01. Page 95.

5- Laymon, C., Quattrochi, D., Malek, E., Hipps, L., Boettinger, J., and McCurdy, G. 1998. Remotely sensed regional scale evapotranspiration of a semi arid Great Basin desert and its relationship to geomorphology, soils, and vegetation. Geomorphol. 21(4-4):329-352.

6- Malek, E. 1979. Determination of the constants for the global radiation equation in Bajgah, Iran. Agric. Meteorol., 20:233 235.

7- Malek, E. 1981. Methods of evaluating water balance and determining climatic type: an example for Bajgah, Iran. Iran Jour. Agric. Sci. 12:47 72.

8- Malek, E. 1984. Agro climatic characteristics of the Bajgah area, Fars Province of Iran. Iran Agric. Res. 3:65 74.

9- Malek, E. 1987. Comparison of alternative methods for estimating ETp and evaluation of advection in the Bajgah area, Iran. Agric. For. Meteorol. 39:185 192.

10- Malek, E. 1992. Nighttime evapotranspiration versus daytime and 24-hour evapotranspiration. J. Hydrol. 138: 119-129.

11- Malek, E. 1993 (a). Rapid changes of the surface soil heat flux and its effects on the estimation of evapotranspiration. J. Hydrol. 142: 99-12.

12- Malek, E. 1993 (b). Comparison of the Bowen ratio-energy balance and stability-corrected aerodynamic methods for measurement of evapotranspiration. Theor. Appl. Climatol. 48: 167-178.

13- Malek, E. 1994. Calibration of the Penman wind function using the Bowen ratio-energy balance method. J. Hydrol. 163: 289-298.

14- Malek. E. 1996. An innovative method for use of saline waste water. In: Energy, Electrical Power Systems, Water Resources, and Agriculture, (Eds. Khanbilvardi and Sadegh). Proc. Iran. Acad. Assoc. New York: 26-35.

15- Malek, E. 1997. Evaluation of effective atmospheric emissivity and parameterization of cloud at local scale. Atmos. Research. 45/1: 41-54.

16- Malek, E. 1998. Detecting and quantifying dew in semi-arid irrigated and desert valleys. Proc. First Internat. Conf. On Fog and Fog Collection. Internat. Develop. Research Center, Ottawa, Canada, 253-256.

17 - Malek, E. 2000. Winter time radiation and energy balance components and cloudiness in a mountainous valley. Proc. Ninth Conf. On Mountain Meteorology, Amer. Meteorol. Soc. Aspen, Colorado, 386-391.

18- Malek, E. 2001 (a). Differentiation of the atmospheric moisture collected by dew and fog. Proc. Sec. Internat. Conf. Fog & Fog Collect. Internat. Develop. Res. Cent. (IDRC), Ottawa, Canada, PP: 341-344.

19- Malek, E. 2001 (b). Dew effects on radiometry. The Second Internat. Conf. On Fog and Fog Collect. Proc. Sec. Internat. Conf. Fog & Fog Collect. Internat. Develop. Res. Cent. (IDRC), Ottawa, Canada, PP: 309-312.

20- Malek, E. 2003(a). Microclimate of a desert playa: Evaluation of annual radiation, energy, and water budgets components. Intern. J. Climatol., 23: 333-345.

21- Malek, E. 2003(b). Alternate energy from the desert. J. Utah Acad.,123-133.

22- Malek, E. 2004. An algorithm for continuous evaluation of cloud base temperature, height, and cloud coverage at local scale. Proceedings: The 14th Conf. Internat. Con. Clouds & Precip. Bologna, Italy. 18-23 July 2004. Page 1242-1245.

23- Malek, E. 2007(a). Evaluation of dew in semi-arid desert valleys. Proceedings: 4th Internat. Conf. on Fog, Fog Collection, and Dew. Fogquest. La Serena, Chile, 22-27 July, 2007. Page: 335-338.

24- Malek, E. 2007(b). Effects of dew, frost, and snow on a non-ventilated net radiometer. Proceedings: 4th Internat. Conf. on Fog, Fog Collection, and Dew. Fogquest. La Serena, Chile, 22-27 July, 2007. Page: 347-3350.

25- Malek, E. 2007 (c). The wintertime air pollution in Cache Valley, Utah, USA: Causes and possible solutions. 2nd Internat. Conf. on Environ. Athens Instit. For Educ. And Res. (ATINER). Athens, Greece. Aug., 2007. 21-28.

26- Malek, E. 2008 (d). Cloud contribution to the daily and annual radiation budget in a mountainous valley. Doi.10.1016/j. atmosres.2007.11.029.

27- Malek, E. 2008. The daily and annual effects of dew, frost, and snow on a non-ventilated net radiometer. Doi.10.1016/j. atmosres.2008.02.006.

28- Malek, E. 2009. On Application of Ventilated Pyranometers and Pyrgeometers for Evaluation of Annual Radiation Balance and Cloud Feedback at Local Scale. Proc. The 2nd Internat. Mult. Conf. on Engin. Technol Innov.: 343-344.

29- Malek, E., Biltoft, C, Klewicki, J, and Giles, B. 2002. Evaluation of annual radiation and windiness over a playa: Possibility of harvesting the solar and wind energies. J. Arid Env. 52 (4): 555-564.

30- Malek, E. and Bingham, G. E. 1993 (a). Growing season evapotranspiration and crop coefficient. In: Management of Irrigation and Drainage Systems: Integrated Perspectives (Eds. Allen and Neale). Amer. Soc. Civil Eng. New York: 961-968.

31- Malek, E. and Bingham, G. E. 1993 (b). Comparison of the Bowen ratio-energy balance and the water balance methods for the measurement of evapotranspiration. J. Hydrol. 146: 209-220.

32- Malek, E. and Bingham, G. E. 1997. Partitioning of radiation and energy balance components in an inhomogeneous arid desert valley. J. Arid Env. 37: 193-207.

33- Malek, E., Bingham, G. E. and McCurdy, G. D. 1990. Evapotranspiration from the margin and moist playa of a closed desert valley. J. Hydrol. 120:15-34.

34- Malek, E., Bingham, G. E. and G. D. McCurdy, G. D. 1992. Continuous measurement of aerodynamic and alfalfa crop resistance using the Bowen ratio-energy balance and Penman-Monteith methods. Bound. Layer Meteorol. 59: 187-194.

35- Malek, E., Bingham, G. E., McCurdy, G. D. and Hanks, R. J. 1992. Determination of evapotranspiration from an alfalfa crop irrigated with saline waste water from an electrical power plant. Irrig. Sci. 13: 73-80.

36- Malek, E., Bingham, G. E., Or, D., and McCurdy, G.D. 1997. Annual mesoscale study of water balance in a Great Basin heterogeneous desert valley. J. Hydrol. 191: 223-244.

37- Malek, E., Davis. T., Martin, R.S., and Silva, P.J. 2006. Meteorological and environmental aspects of one of the worst national air pollution episodes (January, 2004) in Logan, Cache Valley, Utah, U.S.A. Atmos. Research. 79: 108-122.

38- Malek, E., and Dudley, L.M. 2010. Disposal of saline wastewater from electrical power plants. Internal. J. Environ. Waste Manag. Vol. 6, Nos. 1/2, 2010.

39. Malek, E., and Giles, B. 2003. Application of Saline Wastewater for Production of Agricultural Crops. Contaminated Soils, Vol 8, 315-333. Amherst Scientific Publishers, Amherst, MA.

40. Malek, E., Giles, B., Bingham, G.E. and Hanks, R.J. 1999. Saline wastewater and agriculture in central Utah. J. Utah Academy. Vol. 76: 97-107.

41- Malek, E. and Javan. M. 1980. Effect of weather and soil water content on alfalfa crop coefficient in Bajgah, Iran. Jour. Iran Meteorol. Soc.:2 8.

42- Malek, E., McCurdy, G., and Giles, B. 1999. Dew contribution to the annual water balance in semi-arid desert valleys. J. Arid Environ., 42:71-80.

43- Malek, E. and Sepaskhah, A.R. 1981. Evaluation of Advection in the Bajgah Area, Iran. Iran Jour. Agric. Sci. 12:29 44.

44- Malek, E. and G. L. Wooldridge. 1983. Evaluation of profile method in calculation of evapotranspiration. Iran Agric. Res. 2:67 77.

45- Sepaskhah, A. R. and Malek, E. 1985. Synthesis of rainfall intensity frequency regime of Iran. Iran Agric. Res. 4:99 107.

II. Books:

1- Malek, E. 1983. Effective Rainfall in Irrigated Agriculture. University Publ. Center. Tehran, Iran. 190 pp. (Translated to Persian).

2- Malek, E. 1993. Knowledge and Measurement of Climatic Factors Affecting Agriculture. Shiraz Univ. Publ., Shiraz, Iran, 239 pp. (In Persian).

3 -Malek, E. and M. H. Alemi. 1986. Consumptive Use of Water and Irrigation Water Requirements. University Publ. Center. Tehran, Iran. 215 pp. (Translated to Persian).

III. Book reviewed:

1- Malek, E. 1990. Climate and Agriculture: Systems approaches to Decision Making. A. Weiss, ed. 1989. 304 pp". Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. Vol. 71 (9): 1351 1353.

2- Malek, E. 2006. Desert Meteorology. T. T. Warner. 2004. 612 pp. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. Vol. 87 (8):1100 1102.

Research Experience

- Study of the atmospheric boundary layer including the crop water requirements [evapotranspiration (ET), ranging from playa to desert to agricultural ecosystems], crop response to climatic factors (crop canopy and aerodynamic resistance). Cooperation in the West Desert monitoring project and Elberta orchard frost control. Application of saline wastewater from electrical power plants for irrigation (in central Utah). Study of radiation and energy budget components at different ecosystem. Cloud parameterization. Application of climate models to evaluate surface runoff in local scales (watersheds).
- Cooperation in the climatology study associated with the proposed Jordanelle reservoir.
- Study of climatic water balance for arid and semi-arid zones. Evapotranspiration of arid and semi-arid regions, irrigation programming, evaluation of advection, and agroclimatic characteristics of dry areas.

Research Grants
- Project entitled "Irrigation season water balance at the Hunter and Huntington Research Farms" as PI. Funded by Utah Power (PacifiCorp) Company.
- Project entitled "Atmospheric surface layer turbulence and environmental science test facility@ as PI. Funded by NSF, plus three matching funds
from USU and University of Utah, and Dugway Proving Ground (Utah).
- Project entitled "Evaluation of effective atmospheric emissivity, and parameterization of cloud at local scale." as PI. Funded by the USU Vice President for Research.
- Project entitled "Mesoscale study of surface heat fluxes and boundary layer processes in a desert region" Gail Bingham was the principal PI, and I was one of the PIs. Funded by NASA.
- Project entitled "Development of mountain climate generator and snowpack model for erosion predictions in the Western United States using WEPP." David Bowles was the principal PI, and I was one of the PIs. Funded by USFS .
- Project entitled "Using the Bowen ratio energy balance and Penman Monteith methods to calculate the 20 minute period alfalfa canopy resistance during the growing season" as PI. Funded by Utah Agric Exp. Stat., USU.
Teaching Experience
(Utah State University): Biometeorology 530/630 (Introduction to Meteorology, 1987-1997), Biometeorology 660 (Biometeorology, 1985-1987), Biometeorology 635 (Physical Climatology, 1989-1997), Biometeorology 550/650 (Plant Microclimate, 1991), Biometeorology 6910 (Climate Modeling, 1989-present), Biometeorology 6300 (Principles of Weather and Climate, 1998), Biometeorology 6400/5400 (Introduction to Meteorology, 2000 - present). All the above-mentioned courses were taught for graduate and upper-division undergraduate students. Biometeorology 2000 (Atmosphere and Weather, 1998 and 2004 to present), Biometeorology/Geography 382 (Regional Climatology, 1989-1997), Biometeorology 4300 (General Meteorology, 1998.
(Shiraz University) Agricultural Meteorology, Irrigation Scheduling and Practices, Principles of Irrigation Science,

- Irrigation Season Water Balance at the Castle Dale and Huntington Research Farms and Huntington Upper Field. Cooperation with Utah Power (PacifiCorp) Company.
- Evaluation of radiation, energy, and water budget components over the playa of the west desert. Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah.
- Comparison of evapotranspiration in sub-tropical region. USDA-ARS, Miami, Florida.
- Application of saline wastewater for agricultural purposes. Power Ministry (Water Division), Tehran, Iran.
- Determination of regional evapotranspiration from measurements of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer. A study for the U.S. Geological Survey. Other investigators: Hipps, (P.I.) and Wooldridge.
- Water research in Egypt. Under contract RFTP 263-0132 between Egypt and the Consortium for International Development at Colorado State University.
- Evaluation of the Climatic Impacts of Construction of the Proposed Jordanelle Reservoir. A study conducted for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation under POI. #6-PG-40-04160. Study conducted through Utah State University Foundation. Other investigators: Ashcroft, Wooldridge, and Bingham.