Hans-Joachim Ruff-Stahl

Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Aeronautics
College of Aviation

Areas of Expertise

Safety, security, Human Factors, Safety Management Systems, strategy, policy, diplomacy

My research interest in human factors and safety has been instigated as a fighter pilot. Over the past two and a half decades, this curiosity has evolved from human behavior via psychoanalytic theories toward human endeavors such as safety management systems, strategy, politics, and diplomacy. 

I have flown the F-4 F Phantom II, T-38 Talon, and MiG-29 Fulcrum; for many years as an instructor pilot and Fighter Weapons School graduate. Other than that, I am a rated airline transport pilot, a flight engineer, and have been involved in aviation research projects. Among them were the integration of large Unmanned Aircraft Systems into the airspace system and the European Community’s FLYSEC project, aiming to develop an innovative airport security process for airports and airlines - based on human behavior. During my military flying time, I served as director of operations at NATO’s Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training in Texas, as a squadron commander, and vice wing commander. After my career as a fighter pilot I became a diplomat and served as Defense Attaché to Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. Presently, I am the Defense Attaché to Lithuania and an active duty colonel in the German Air Force.

My education includes a Master of Science in Aeronautical Science from Embry-Riddle and a Master of Strategic Studies from the USAF Air War College in Montgomery, Alabama. I have two PhDs, one in Cultural and Political Sciences from Humboldt University of Berlin (thesis on human factors in strategy: "Medienkriege - Menschliche Faktoren strategischen Scheiterns") and a second in Media and Communications from the European Graduate School (thesis on psychoanalytic theory in socio-technical environments: "The Intuitive Cyborg").

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Cultural Science, Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin
  • M.A.S. - Master of Aeronautical Science in Aviation Aerospace Management, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • M.S.S. - Master of Strategic Studies in Strategic Studies, Air University

  • ASCI 516: Appl Crew Resource Mgmt

2018 Waltenberger, J., & Ruff-Stahl, H. K. Implications of Short Scheduled Ground Times for European Carriers. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 5(3). 

2018 Anton, J., & Ruff-Stahl, H. Competitiveness of Hybrid Electric Aircraft on Short Range Scheduled Flights. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 5(3). 

2017 Vogel, D., Sikora, I., & Ruff-Stahl, H. An Analysis of Human Factor Aspects in Operational Fuel Saving. Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation Proceedings of the AHFE 2017 Conference on Human Factors in Transportation, July 17-21, 2017, Los Angeles, California, USA. Springer Verlag.

2017 Weber, T. A., & Ruff-Stahl, H. Advances in Composite Manufacturing of Helicopter Parts. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 4(1).

2016 Schaurer, F. & Ruff-Stahl, H. Hybride Bedrohungen. Sicherheitspolitik in der Grauzone. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 43-45/2016 (24. Oktober 2016), 9-14. ISSN: 0479-611X

2016 Ruff-Stahl, H. K., Vogel, D., Dmoch, N., Krause, A., Strobl, A., Farsch, D., & Stehr, R. (2016). Measuring CRM Aptitude: Is NOTECHS a Suitable Tool for Pilot Selection?. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 3(3). https://doi.org/ 10.15394/ijaaa.2016.1128

2016 Ruff-Stahl, H., Esser, S., Farsch, D., Graner, T., Klein, R., & Schneidt, C. Not-So-Risky Business? Assessing the Risk of Integrating Large RPVs into the Current Air Traffic System. IJAAA International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace. doi:10.15394/ijaaa.2016.1103

2016 Human Factors im Krieg: Ist COIN eine taktische Antwort auf ein strategisches Problem? 137-148. In: Schroeder, R., & Hansen, S. Stabilisierungseinsätze als gesamtstaatliche Aufgabe. Erfahrungen und Lehren aus dem deutschen Afghanistaneinsatz zwischen Staatsaufbau und Aufstandsbewältigung (COIN). doi:10.5771/9783845249018-137

2014 The Strategic Assessment Model: Studying and Preventing Strategic Failure, in Journal of Military Studies, National Defense University, Finland and Finnish Society of Military Sciences.

2013 Bismarck’s Leadership: Beyond Good and Evil. Journal of Defense Studies & Resource Management J Def Stud Resour Manage, 02(02). doi:10.4172/2324-9315.1000116

2013 Grand Strategy in Grand Complexity: Consolidating Ideas, Interests, and Resources in a Postmodern World. Journal of Defense Studies & Resource Management J Def Stud Resour Manage, 02(02). doi:10.4172/2324-9315.1000115

2013 The  China-Pakistan-US  Strategic  Triangle:  From  Cold  War  to  the  War  on  Terrorism  an Objection  to  Paul  J.  Smith’s  Article.  JDefStudResourManage  2:1.

2012 „Modeling  Operational  Failure  in  Warfare:  Lessons  Learned  from  Human  Factors Science.“  American  Society  of  Business  and  Behavioral  Sciences  -  Berlin  Conference. San  Diego:  ASBBS,  2012

2012 Medienkriege.  Menschliche  Faktoren  strategischen  Scheiterns.  Springer  VS,  Berlin,  2012.

2010 “Nervenkriege  -  Zur  Bedeutung  des  strategischen  Denkens  für  zukünftige  Konflikte”, in Europäische  Sicherheit,  Februar  2010.

2008 „Der  menschliche  Faktor  im  zukünftigen  Kriegsbild  -  Situation  Awareness  und Entscheidungsfindung  in  komplexen  Systemen“,  in  Strategie  und  Technik,  Juni  2008:  40-46.

2008 „Zukunftsanalyse  in  der  Bundeswehr“  (Vortrag  bei  DWT  Forum,  Bonn,  03.-04.  Juni  2008)

2008 „Future  Studies  in  National  Security.  Mapping  the  Future”  (Vortrag  bei  NATO  Allied Transformation  Command  Conference,  Berlin,  11.-13.06.2008)

2008 „Zukunft:  Konflikte  und  Einsatzumfeld“  (Vortrag  an  der  Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr,  18.06.2008)

2006 Ruff-Stahl,  H.-J.  „Strategisches  Informationsmanagement  und  vernetzte Operationsführung  –  Situation  Awareness  und  Entscheiden  in  komplexen  Systemen“,  in: Strategisches  Informations-  und  Kommunikationsmanagement,  ed.  Bockstette,  Jertz,Quant,  156-172.  Bonn:  Bernard  und  Graefe,  2006

2005 Ruff-Stahl,  H.-J.  The  Intuitive  Cyborg.  Problem  Solving  in  the  Post-Computational  Age. Verfügbar  unter:  www.europeangraduateschool.com/pdfs/hans-ruff-stahl-intuitive-cyborg.pdf

Military Pilot License (Germany and USA)

Airline Transport Pilot License (FAA)

Flight Engineer (FAA)

Military Flight Instructor

FWIC Instructor


- F-4F Phantom II

- MiG-29 Fulcrum

- T-38 Talon

- B 737

External  Supervisor  for  the Ph.D.  research  program  at  the  School  of  Mathematics  and Engineering,  City  University  London,  UK.

 Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Media and Communications, European Graduate School

2012: Air  War  College  nomination  for  U. S. Chairman  Joint  Chiefs  of  Staff  national  defense  and strategy  essay  competition

2011: Publication  scholarship,  Walter  de  Gruyter  Stiftung,  Berlin

2010: International  Region  Award,  Embry-Riddle  Aeronautical  University

2007: Faculty  of  the  Year  Award,  Embry-Riddle  Aeronautical  University