Hongyun Chen

Associate Professor
Civil Engineering Department
College of Engineering

Areas of Expertise

Transportation/Highway Safety; Traffic Signal Control and Operation; Highway Geometric Design; Macro- and Micro- Simulation of Transportation Network; Statistical Modeling in Highway Crashes; Managed Lane Operation; Incident Management
Hongyun Chen

Dr. Chen received the M.S. (2008) and Ph.D. (2010) degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of South Florida, upon receiving her B.S. from Southeast University in China in 2006. Prior to joining in the University, she worked at the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR), and has performed research projects in the area of highway safety and operation, signal timing management and incident management. Dr. Chen has presented and published several peer-review papers and conference proceedings in evaluating the safety performance of highway facilities, modeling traffic crashes, investigating the traffic signal degradation impacts, cost-benefit analysis of incident management and application of advance traffic signal timing technology. 

Dr. Chen currently mentors the ERAU F.I.R.S.T. student organization. She is a member of several professional societies including ASCE, ITE and WTS. She is also the paper reviewer for several national and international conferences and referred journals.

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering: Transportation, University of South Florida
  • M.S. - Master of Science in Civil Engineering: Transportation, University of South Florida

  • ES 202: Solid Mechanics
  • CIV 599: Special Topics in Civil Engin
  • ES 201: Statics
  • CIV 700: Thesis
  • CIV 602: Transportation Safety

ES201 Statics
CIV 311 Introduction to Transportation Engineering
CIV 316 Hydraulics
CIV 595 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Chen H., Zhang Y., Wang Z., and Jian John Lu, (2011), Identifying Crash Distribution and Prone Locations by Lane Groups at Freeway Diverge Areas, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2237, volume 2, pp. 88-97. 

Zhao J., Zhou H., Chen H., and Hsu P., (2011), Safety Effects of Left Exit on Freeway: A case study in Florida, USA, Advances in Transportation Studies: An International Journal, Section B 25,  pp 75-90.

Chen H. Zhou H., Zhao J., and Peter Hsu, (2011), Safety Performance Evaluation of Left-Side Off-Ramps at Freeway Diverge Areas, Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention (AAP), volume 43, issue 3, pp. 605-612, ISSN 0001-4575.

Liu P., Chen H., Lu J. J., and Cao B., (2010), How Lane Arrangements on Freeway Mainlines and Ramps Affect Safety of Freeways with Closely Spaced Entrance and Exit Ramps, Journal of Transportation Engineering, America Society of Civil Engineer (ASCE), volume 136, issue 7, pp. 614-622.

Lu J. J., Geng N., and Chen H., (2010), Impacts of Freeway Exit Ramp Configurations on Traffic Operations and Safety, an international Journal of Advance in Transportation Studies, Section A 22, pp 5-16.

Chen H., Liu P., Lu J. J., and Behzadi B., (2009), Evaluating the Safety Impacts of the Number and Arrangement of Lanes on Freeway Exit Ramps, Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention, volume 41, issue 3, pp 543-551, ISSN 0001-4575.

Chen H., Zhou H., and Hsu P., (2009). What Do We Know About Signal Countdown Timers?, Journal of Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) on the web, July 2009, pp 72-76, ISSN 0162-8178.

Wang Z., Chen H., and Lu J. J., (2009). Exploring Impacts of Factors Contributing to Injury Severity at Freeway Diverge Areas, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2102, volume 1, pp. 43-52, ISSN 0361-1981.

Liu P., Lu J., and Chen H., (2008), Safety Effects of the Separation Distances Between Driveway Exits and Downstream U-Turn Locations, Accident Analysis & Prevention, volume 40, pp 760-767, ISSN 0001-4575.