Jayathi Raghavan

Chair and Professor
Mathematics Department
College of Arts & Sciences
Jayathi Raghavan

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics, Washington State University
  • M.S. - Master of Science in Computer Science, Washington State University

  • MA 510: Fundamentals of Optimization
  • MA 441: Math Methods Engr & Physics I
  • MA 325: Matrix Methods

MA111 - College Math for Aviation I

MA112 - College Math for Aviation II

MA120 - Quantitative Methods I

MA143 - PreCalculus Essentials

MA220 - Quantitative Methods II

MA222 - Business Statistics

MA241 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry I

MA242 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry II

MA243 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry III

MA245 - Applied Differential Equations

MA305 - Introduction to Scientific Computing

MA345 - Differential Equations and Matrix Methods

MA348 - Numerical Analysis

MA410 - Linear Optimization

MA412 - Probability and Statistics

MA432 - Linear Algebra

MA441 - Mathematical Methods for Engineering and Physics I

MA442 - Mathematical Methods for Engineering and Physics II

MA444 - Scientific Visualization

MA502 - Boundary Value Problems

MA510 - Fundamentals of Optimization

MA595E - Numerical Methods for Engineers

CS118 - Fundamentals of Computer Programming

CS222 - Introduction to Discrete Structures

CS317 - Files and Database Systems