Karen Churchill
- Title
- Adjunct Faculty Humanities and Communications
- churchik@erau.edu Email
- Department
- Humanities and Communication Department
- College
- College of Arts & Sciences
Office Hours
By appointment.Areas of Expertise
19th- and 20th-century European art, History of Photography, American Art, Technology and Human Values, Popular Culture
Karen Churchill teaches Humanities and Communication courses at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Churchill returned to her native Arizona, after living in Cleveland, Ohio, where she did her doctoral studies in art history and museology at Case Western Reserve University and worked in the Department of Photography and Contemporary Art at the Cleveland Museum of Art. While there, she curated numerous exhibitions for the museum, published several articles and a book collaboration on the Museum’s photography collection, and was an Andrew Mellon Fellow. In addition, she has master’s degrees in art history, arts administration, and business administration from Arizona State University and Southern Methodist University, and a bachelor’s degree in English from Colgate University.
Karen enjoys acting in various community-theater productions and presenting reader’s theater programs around the state on theater in territorial Arizona with her acting partner, Tom Collins.
- M.A. - Master of Arts in Art, Arizona State University
Currently Teaching
- HU 162: Art of Prehist Ancnt World
- HU 163: Art of the Classical World:
- COM 219: Speech
Courses Taught
COM 122, COM 219, COM 230, HU 144, HU 145, HU 320, HU 330Professional Experience
Primary duties were developing the curriculum and instruction for programs within the Museum, including lecture series, book series, 2nd and 4th grade school tours, adult tours, field trips for members and volunteers, volunteer training, workshops, and education programs for exhibitions, festivals, and special events. Responsible for the conception/organization/scheduling/recruitment/overseeing of these programs. Evaluated all childrens tours and exhibited-related educational activities according to Arizona Department of Educations AIMS standards. Updated the departmental Web-site to better reflect activities and educational opportunities within the Museum; implemented educational services delivered by new technologies, including recording of lectures and classes for viewing by DVD or Web, and worked on creating a public-access television show to highlight departmental activities. Served as the Museums representative for the Prescott Area Arts and Humanities Council and the Prescott Centennial Committee. Oversaw all aspect of Volunteer Services and continued with the responsibilities outlined below except for direct contact with recruiting, placing, and scheduling volunteers. Did all editing for the Museum.
Sharlot Hall Museum, Prescott, Arizona
Responsibilities included the overseeing of the Museums approximate 350+ volunteers, including recruitment, training, placement, scheduling, evaluation, and maintaining personal contacts. Developed, facilitated, and conducted 8-month training program with additional in-service events and continuing education. Planned and coordinated volunteer recognition events. Worked as a liaison between volunteers and staff, and as the staff advisor to the Volunteer Advisory Council. Interpreted and enforced volunteer policies and procedures. Raised the funds to meet the departments annual budget through the Yard Sale and the creation and sale of Volunteer Services tee-shirts. Prepared, wrote for, edited, and distributed a volunteer newsletter and The Messenger, the Museums bimonthly membership newsletter distributed in both an electronic and print format, as well as general editing for the Museum. Conceptualized a traditional Fourth of July event, wrote and received grant money for bunting/fans for Museum buildings. Acted in Blue Rose Theater, the Museums historical-based theater company.
Sharlot Hall Museum Press
Sharlot Hall Museum, Prescott, Arizona
Oversaw and was responsible for all aspects of the press, including: acquisition of materials; editing (including copyediting and proofreading); grant applications and administration; financial reporting, inventory control, and budget planning and implementation; preparation and publication of museum support materials such as catalogues, the annual report, bimonthly newsletter (New Directions), an annual scholarly journal (Cactus & Pine), and independent book projects. In charge of all press sales and marketing, including promotional campaigns. Wrote and maintained an on-line sales catalogue for the museum's Web site. Managed all aspects of the Longan Award, an annual literary prize for women writing about the Southwest. Supervised museum volunteers in press related work, including editing, proofreading, indexing, database entry, and marketing. Edited outgoing material such as brochures, invitations, calendars, and press releases for museum staff. Developed an Editorial Advisory Board. Actress with museum's Blue Rose Theater.
Department of Contemporary Art and Photography
The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio
Responsible for research on the museum's collection of contemporary art and photography. Curated photography exhibitions and gallery rotations. Regularly met with dealers, collectors, and artists, and active in acquisitions. Involved in planning, preparation, and presentation of activities for Friends of Photography and the Cleveland Society for Contemporary Art, and gave presentations and gallery talks to college classes and museum visitors. Recruited, developed projects for, and supervised departmental interns and volunteers. Created a photographic-collection database outline adopted for museum use, including a standardization/authority list of photographers and media. Researched, wrote in part, edited, and secured copyright permission for a five hundred page catalogue raisonn'' of the photography collection which included essays, artists' biographies, and a technical glossary.
Wellington B. Gray Gallery and University Museum
East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina
Director of a 6,500 square foot gallery with a small permanent collection and staff of fourteen. Major emphases were contemporary exhibitions, grant writing and administration, building community relations, and upgrading facility and policy towards accreditation. Presented twelve to fourteen exhibitions annually, with accompanying lecture series or symposia. Rewrote loan agreements. Involved with advising and teaching community arts management majors; worked on school committees; and acted as a liaison, as well as a board member, for the School of Art's community-support group.
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
Position included the complete start-up and overseeing of a new 2,500 square foot gallery, a photography gallery, and an arts and crafts center. As gallery director was responsible for all phases of planning, installing, and curating eleven to thirteen exhibitions of contemporary, regional art annually. Created and developed the Exhibition Selection Committee and the Advisory Board. Hosted one to two symposia per year. Arts and Crafts Center duties included major equipment purchases, and creating, marketing, and scheduling classes. Developed an art-based philanthropic program between the university and nonprofit children's organizations. Produced policies and procedures. Supervised a staff of eleven, as well as coordinated a large volunteer force. Served as a liaison between SMU and various arts organizations and educational institutions.
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, Arizona
Teach Humanities and Communications classes. Faculty Advisor for the Eagle Eye Digital Photography Club.
Aesthetics of Visual and Musical Arts: American Art, Fall 2003, Fall 2010 (upper-division)
Aesthetics of Visual and Musical Arts: Art and Music of Europe and North America, 1750-1900, Spring 2012 (upper-division)
Aesthetics of Visual and Musical Arts: History of Photography, Fall 2008, Fall 2009 (upper-division)
Application and History of Digital Photography, Fall 2012 (upper-division)
Digital Photography, Spring 2012
English Composition, Fall 2018, Fall 2019
Speech, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Summer A and B 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Summer B 2019, Fall 2019
Studies in Art, [Art Appreciation] Fall 2003, [Art Appreciation] Spring 2008, [Art Appreciation] Fall 2010, [Survey II] Spring 2011, [Renaissance to Rococo] Fall 2011, [Greek Art, Archaeology, and Mythology], Fall 2012
Studies in Humanities [Popular Culture], Spring 2018, Spring 2019
Values and Ethics, Spring 2011, Fall 2011 (upper-division)
Northern Arizona University—Yavapai, Prescott Valley, Arizona
Teach Applied Human Behavior, Communication, English, Humanities, and University (capstone/organizational behavior) department classes.
Dispute Resolution, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019 (upper-division)
Diverse Work Environments, Spring 2019 (upper-division)
Dynamic Organizations, Fall 2018 (upper-division—answers Junior-level writing requirement)
English Composition I, Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Spring 2017
English Composition II, Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Fall 2016
Professional Practices and Ethics, Spring 2014 (capstone class, upper-division)
Introduction to Speech Communication, Spring 2015 (two sections), Spring 2016, Spring 2017
Technology and Human Values, Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017
Yavapai College, Prescott, Arizona
Art History I, Summer 2002, Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Spring 2004, Spring 2008, Spring 2012
Art History II, Fall 2001, Spring 2002, Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Summer 2003, Fall, 2003, Spring 2004, Spring 2006, Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Spring 2012
History of Photography, Spring 2007
Introduction to Popular Culture, Fall 2015, Fall 2016 (dual enrollment with Arizona Agribusiness and Equine Center [AAEC, high school]), Fall 2017
Twentieth-Century Art, Fall 2001, Fall 2007, Fall 2011, Spring 2012
Prescott College, Prescott, Arizona
Graduate advisor and paper/thesis reader for graduate students in art history, history of photography, art theory, painting, photography, museum studies, and heritage preservation in the Master of Arts Program, a long-distance-learning degree program. Taught art and photographic history classes and supervised some Writing Certification papers for the Resident Degree Program (one of two adjunct professors allowed to do so). In addition, served as a Mentor for students in the Adult Degree Program working on publishing and arts education projects.
Art Survey I (Prehistory-Baroque), Spring 2003 (lower- and upper-divisions)
Art Survey II (18th –20th centuries), Spring 2002 (lower- and upper-divisions
Critical Concepts in Contemporary Art, Spring 2009 (lower- and upper-divisions)
History of Photography, January 2002, Fall 2008 (upper-division, taught at Prescott campus and the Center for Creative Photography, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona)
Independent Study: Concepts of Arts Education, Summer 2009 (upper-division)
Independent Study: History of Art, Summer 2003 (upper-division)
Independent Study: History of Photography, Spring 2003 (upper-division)
Independent Study: Peruvian Art and Architecture, Fall 2002 (upper-division)
Independent Study: Publishing for Non-profit Organizations, Spring 2001 (upper-division)
Independent Study: Twentieth-century Art, Spring 2006 (upper-division)
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
Oversaw all aspects of the administration of the Distance Learning sites in Prescott and the Verde Valley. Supervised faculty and staff; oversaw student services; scheduled classes; ensured appropriate coordination, coherence, and standardization of programs, services, and operations. Other duties included: long-range planning, staffing, facilities management, marketing of NAU and its programs, and the development and implementation of student recruitment and retention plans. Advised graduate students for master’s degree programs in education and business. Placed student teachers in local schools. Hosted and co-produced a monthly thirty-minute cable-television show, NAU, Today. Liaison with the Mountain Campus, 2 + 2 agreement with Yavapai College, other Distance Learning sites, and numerous nonprofit and educational groups in Yavapai County. Coordinated physical moves of NAU-Prescott and NAU-Verde Valley to new sites on the respective Yavapai College campuses.
Memberships and Credentials
Awards, Honors and Recognitions
1996-1997 Andrew W. Mellon Dissertation Fellowship1996 Named in Who's Who of American Women, 20th edition
1993-1997 Milbourne Scholarship, Case Western Reserve University
1992-1993 Teaching Assistantship, Case Western Reserve University
1991 Inducted into the National Society of Arts and Letters
1990 North Carolina Arts Commission Research Grant
1985-1987 Administrative Associate, Southern Methodist University
1985-1987 Dean's Scholarship, Meadows School of the Arts, Southern Methodist University
1983 Research Associate, Arizona State University
1981-1983 Teaching Assistantship, Arizona State University
1981 Research Assistantship, Arizona State University (for Helmut Gernsheim, Distinguished Visiting Professor)