Krishna Sampigethaya
- Title
- Dept. Chair of Cyber Intelligence and Security, Professor
- Email
- Department
- Cyber Intelligence & Security Department
- College
- College of Business, Security & Intel
Office Hours
M, T, TH, 10:30am-noon; MWF, 2-3pmAreas of Expertise
Aviation and aerospace cyber security, cyber-physical system security, transportation cyber security, connected vehicle cyber security
External Links
The views expressed on faculty and external web pages are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Krishna Sampigethaya is the chair and professor in the Department of Cyber Intelligence and Security. Krishna received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Washington and was the first in the world to defend a thesis on connected vehicle privacy and aviation cyber security research. He then joined The Boeing Company and was selected early as the first Boeing Associate Technical Fellow for aviation cyber-physical security. He was the first associate director for cyber security at the United Technologies Corporation (UTC) Research Center, focusing on the security of aerospace systems and commercial products. He has also been an assistant director for the Masters in Telecom program at the University of Maryland, developing new courses on software-defined networks and connected vehicles.
- Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering, University of Washington-Seattle Campus
- M.S. - Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, University of Washington-Seattle Campus
Currently Teaching
- CI 599: Additional Special Topics
- CECIS 497: Coop Ed Cyb Intell & Sec
- CECIS 396: Coop Ed Cyb Intell & Sec
- CI 490: Cyber Capstone Project
- CI 690: Cyber Security Graduate Projec
- CI 475: Cyber Senior Thesis
- CI 499: Special Topics in Cyber Intell
Courses Taught
CI 505 -- Cyber Intelligence and Information Systems Security
CI 499 -- Multi-Disciplinary Capstone: Secure Autonomous Aircraft
CI 470 -- Aviation Cyber Security
CI 490 -- Cyber Capstone Project
CI 450 -- Computer Forensics II
CI 320 -- Ethical Hacker: Penetration Testing
CS 213 -- Computer Networking
CS 225 -- Computer Science II
EGR 101 -- Introduction to Engineering
Selected Publications (16 out of 65)
K. Sampigethaya, "Aviation Cyber-Physical System Security," AIAA Aviation 2019.
K. Sampigethaya, "Aircaft Cyber Security Risk Assessment: Bringing Air Traffic Systems and Cyber-Physical Security to the Forefront,", AIAA SciTech, 2019.
K. Sampigethaya, P. Kopardekar, J. Davis, "Cyber security of unmanned aircraft system traffic management (UTM)," I-CNS, 2018. Winner of Best of Session, Cyber Track, and 2nd Best of Conference Paper Awards.
K. Sampigethaya, D. Battaglia, A. Almagambetov, M. Andalibi, T. Groh, K. Martin, J. Pavlina, S. Siewert, A. Boettcher, “Integrating Research into Undergraduate Courses: Experiences from a Multi-Disciplinary Faculty Learning Community,” Proceedings of the ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference, Sept. 2016.
J. Haass, K. Sampigethaya, V. Capezzuto, “Aviation and Cybersecurity: Opportunities for Applied Research,” Transportation Research Board TR News, no. 304, pp. 39-43, Jul.-Aug. ’16.
K. Sampigethaya and R. Poovendran, “Aviation Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations for Future Aircraft and Air Transport,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 101, no. 8, pp. 1834-1855, August 2013. (Google Scholar citation count: 60 as of Mar. 2018. Basis for the CANSO Cyber Security and Risk Assessment Guide, Sept. 2014)
K. Sampigethaya, R. Poovendran, S. Shetty, T. Davis, C. Royalty, “Future e-enabled aircraft communications and security: The next twenty years and beyond,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Special issue on Aerospace Communications and Networking in the Next Two Decades, vol. 99. no. 11, pp. 2040–2055, December 2011. (Google Scholar citation count: 72 as of Mar. 2018)
K. Sampigethaya, R. Poovendran, L. Bushnell, M. Li, R. Robinson, S. Lintelman, “Secure Wireless Collection and Distribution of Commercial Airplane Health Data,” IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 14-20, July 2009. (Google Scholar citation count: 32 as of Mar. 2018)
K. Sampigethaya, R. Poovendran and L. Bushnell, “Secure Operation, Control and Maintenance of Future eEnabled Airplanes,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Special issue on Aviation Information Systems, vol. 96, no. 12, pp. 1992–2007, Dec. 2008. (Google Scholar citation count: 52 as of Mar. 2018)
K. Sampigethaya, M. Li, L. Huang and R. Poovendran, “AMOEBA: Robust Location Privacy Scheme for VANET,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special issue on Vehicular Networks, vol. 25, no. 8, pp. 1569–1589, October 2007. (Google Scholar citation count: 321 as of Mar. 2018)
K. Sampigethaya and R. Poovendran, “A Survey on Mix Networks and their Secure Applica- tions,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 94, no. 12, pp. 2142 –2181, December 2006. (Google Scholar citation count: 73 as of Mar. 2018)
K. Sampigethaya and R. Poovendran, “A Framework and Taxonomy for Comparison of Elec- tronic Voting Schemes,” Elsevier Computers & Security, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 137–153, March 2006. (Google Scholar citation count: 95 as of Mar. 2018)
K. Sampigethaya, R. Poovendran, “Cyber-Physical Integration in Future Aviation Information Systems,” IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Oct. 2012. Best Paper Award in Avionics Information Management session. (Google Scholar citation count: 19 as of Mar. 2018)
K. Sampigethaya, R. Poovendran, S. Taylor, “Balancing operator privacy and future airspace surveillance,” International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), Sept. 2012.
K. Sampigethaya and R. Poovendran, “Visualization and Assessment of ADS-B Security for Green ATM,” IEEE DASC, October 2010. Best Paper Award in NextGen Surveillance session. (Google Scholar citation count: 26 as of Mar. 2018)
K. Sampigethaya and R. Poovendran, “Privacy of Future Air Traffic Management Broadcasts,” IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), October 2009. (Google Scholar citation count: 16 as of Mar. 2018)
K. Sampigethaya, L. Huang, M. Li, R. Poovendran, K. Matsuura, and K. Sezaki, “CARA- VAN: Providing Location Privacy for VANET,” Proceedings of the Embedded Security in Cars (ESCAR), November 2005. (Google Scholar citation count: 388 as of Mar. 2018)
Professional Experience
- Chair and Professor, Cyber Intelligence and Security Department, ERAU-Prescott
- Assistant Professor, College of Engineering and College of Business, Security & Intelligence, ERAU Prescott
- Associate Director, Cyber-Physical Security, UTC Research Center
- Assistant Director, Masters in Telecommunications Program, Univ. of Maryland
- Associate Technical Fellow, Aviation Cyber Security & CPS, The Boeing Company
- Affiliate Associate Professor and Network Security Lab Co-Director, EE, Univ. of Washington
- Advanced Technologist, Networked Systems, Boeing Research & Technology
Memberships and Credentials
AIAA and IEEEAwards, Honors and Recognitions
Best of Cyber Track and 2nd Best of Conference Paper Award, I-CNS Conference (2018)
University of Maryland ENTS Instructor Award. For excellence in teaching in the ENTS program. (2015)
Engineer of the Year Award, American Society of Engineers of Indian Origin (ASEI). Award presented by General Charles Bolden Jr., NASA Administrator. (2013)
Corporate Engineering Excellence Award, ASEI. (2013)
Boeing Certificate of Recognition. For demonstrating “very high technical excellence and leadership in ATM Cyber-Physical Security R&D.” (2013)
Boeing Associate Technical Fellow. Selected for engineering and aviation cyber security expertise. Fewer than 1.5% of Boeing employees are selected members of the Technical Fellowship. (2012)
Best Paper of Session Award, Avionics Information Management Session, IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference. (2012)
Pride@Boeing award. For contributions to developing a combined security and safety management system to FAA. (2012)
Best Paper of Session Award, NextGen Surveillance Session, IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference. (2010)
Pride@Boeing award. For effort in airplane cyber security contract R & D effort. (2009)
Lead Teaching Assistant, UW EE. Selected by the UW College of Engineering for this first-time position. (2003)