Linda V. Weiland

Associate Professor of the Practice, College of Aviation; Program Coordinator, Master of Aviation Maintenance
Department of Applied Aerospace Science
College of Aviation

Office Hours

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Areas of Expertise

Human Factors, Air traffic Control and Management, Aviation Maintenance Management, Developer of courses to include, both graduate and undergraduate courses, Massive Open Online Courses, and Professional Education courses
Linda V. Weiland

Dr. Linda Weiland is currently a faculty member and program coordinator (PC) for the master’s in aviation maintenance (MAM). Her passions are in human factors in aviation and aeronautical industrial engineering, with an emphasis on aviation sustainability and airport management.

Dr. Weiland received her Ph.D. in Human Factors. Her dissertation was on Implications between UAV and ATM systems in commercial airspace incorporation. She also holds two master’s degrees from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Master of Science in Aeronautical Science and the Master of Science in Business Administration/Aviation. Dr. Weiland’s Bachelor of Science in Professional Aeronautics was also obtained from ERAU. Linda was also a part-time student at the University of Witwatersrand in the School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Aeronautical Engineering, Johannesburg, South Africa (SA). Her topic of interest there was Resilience of communication in ATM, with a focus on aeronautical and industrial engineering methodologies and theoretical framework. She was able to publish with her Supervisors in this area.

Linda began her career in aviation in the United States Navy in 1975 as an enlisted air traffic controller. After completing her bachelor’s degree from Embry-Riddle, Linda accepted a commission and became a Naval Officer. She spent 16 years as an Aeronautical Maintenance Duty Officer, retiring as a highly decorated Navy Lieutenant Commander. After completing a successful career in the Navy, Linda spent four years at a major airline as a Liaison Engineer, ensuring complete airworthiness with the Federal Aviation Association, coordinating all aircraft modifications for Boeing aircraft, specializing in mechanical, structural and fuel systems. She was the primary weight and balance engineer and served as the Director of Project Management on over 36 projects to include maintenance modernization and establishing new routes for the airline.

She is a reviewer for aviation journals globally including the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA), and has been on several Transportation Research Board (TRB) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) panels. Linda is the current Outreach Coordinator of the Women in Aviation International (WAI) Embry-Riddle Worldwide Virtual Chapter. She is also a member of AWAM and WMA. Linda works with the Aeronautical Society of South Africa, which is part of the Royal Aeronautical Society, Girls Fly Programme Africa, and the Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering (SAIIE). She presented and published her Conceptual Framework with her SA Ph.D. Supervisors through SAIIE 31st Annual (virtual) conference in 2021 and continues to review papers for SAIIE.  She also is active in Zonta, as a past Honolulu President, Area Director, and current District 9 Leadership and Development Coordinator. Linda is a past president of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) and a member of Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).

Linda's certifications include FAA Control Tower Operator (CTO), Defense acquisition certified. DAWIA level II Acquisition AQD, Manufacturing, and Production. DAWIA Acquisition Professional Community APC, APM fully qualified. DAWIAI level I logistics support, and logistics maintenance.

Dr. Weiland has published articles and given presentations in aviation-related fields internationally, often with faculty and students. She is interested in global research in aviation, diversity and inclusion.

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Human Factors, Capitol Technology University
  • M.A.S. - Master of Aeronautical Science in Aviation Aerospace Management, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • M.B.A. - Master of Business Administration in Aviation, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • B.S. - Bachelor of Science in Professional Aeronautics: Air Traffic Control Technology, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

  • 2018 2nd International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering (CAMME 2018) - CAMME
  • Editorial Board Member and International Scientific Committee Member of CAMME 2018 (Hanoi, Vietnam) - CAMME

  • ASCI 411: Human Factors in ATM

AMNT 416 Aviaiton Maintenance Mgmt: A global perspective, AMNT 322 Aircraft Inspection and Scheduled Maintenance Programs, AMNT  424 Maintenance Repair and Overhaul, AMNT 429 Advanced Technologies in Design and Production, AMNT 491 Operational Applications in Aviation Maintenance 

ASCI 301 Introduction to Air Traffic Control, ASCI 303 Tower and Radar for Air Traffic Control and Management , ASCI 403 Air Traffic Management , ASCI 411 Human Factors in Air Traffic Management, ASCI 426 Airport Management in ATM,  ASCI 491 Operational Applications in Aeronautics

ASCI 606 Global Air Traffic Management,  620 Air Carrier Operations, ASCI 624 Global Aviation Leadership: Critical Decision Making in Air traffic Systems , ASCI 625 The role of Airports in Global Air Traffic Management

COIN Co-Operative Education and Internship 496, 497, 498, 696 (The student will gain practical learning experience in full-time or part-time employment that is related to the student's degree program and career goals. Course title and level are based on work assignment.)

MAVM 601 Leadership in Global Aviation Maintenance Organizations, 605 Global Maintenance Resource Management, MAVM 609 Aviation Maintenance Management,  615 Strategic Management of Global Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) Operations, 620 Project Management for Aviation Maintenance


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

2021  Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Transportation Research Board (TRB) panel member 10-27 -National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2021. Airport Collaborative Decision Making (ACDM) to Manage Adverse Conditions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.  Http://

2020 L.V. Weiland, C. Law and B.P. (2020). Ensuring Sustainable and Resilient Air Traffic Management Systems for South Africa with Complexity and Whole -of- Society Theory Approaches. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering Nov 2020 Vol 31 ( 3 ) Special edition, pp 97-109.

2018 Weiland, L., Wei, G. (2018) Evaluating the Impact of NextGen’s Air Traffic System on Aviation Security. Presented at International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering (CAMME)

2016    Ison, D., Herron, R. & Weiland, L. (2016) Two decades of progress of minorities in aviation. Journal of Aviation technology and Engineering, 6 (1). Doi: 10.7771/2159-6670.1141

2016    Newcomer, J. M., Clark, P. J., Button, D. K., & Weiland, L. V. (2016). Gender diversity in aircraft maintenance: A cross-sectional triangulation of male perspectives. Journal of Gender Studies, 25(6), 1-13. doi:10.1080/09589236.2016.1243046

2016    Holt, T.B., Moallemi, M., Weiland, L., Earnhardt, M., & McMullen, S. Department of Commerce. (2016). Aircraft cyber security and information exchange safety analysis for the department of commerce.

2016    Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Transportation Research Board (TRB) – Project 11-03/Synthesis/Topic S02-16 FY2016- Airport Experience with Implementing Notifications Required by the Aircraft Drinking Water Rule project panelist

2016    Burgess, S., Ison, D., Sanders, B., Vincenzi, D., Weiland, L., & Whealan-George, K. (2016). Transitioning to the Virtual Classroom (TVC). Grant application for FAA Center of Excellence for Technical Training and Human Performance. 

2015    McAndrew, I., Ison, D., Moran, K., Weiland, L., (2015). Identification of Air Traffic Management Principles Influential in the Development of an Airport Arrival Delay Prediction Model ERAU Journal of Aviation /Aerospace Education and Research – 2015


2021 Weiland, L.V. Technologies and Skills that will GearUp the Aerospace Industry Post Pandemic. Presented at the Aeronautical Society of South Africa a Division of the royal Aeronautical Society 2021 virtual conference Young professionals forum webinar 15 October 2021.

2020 L. V. Weiland, B.P. Sunjka, C. Law (2020) Ensuring Sustainable Resilient Air Traffic Management Systems for South Africa with Complexity and Whole-of-Society Theory Approaches. Presented at the virtual South Africa Institute of Industrial Engineering Conference 2020 SAIIE 31 5-7 October 2020 Green "Being the Change"

2018 Weiland, L., Wei, G. (2018) Evaluating the Impact of NextGen’s Air Traffic System on Aviation Security. Presented at International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering (CAMME)

2016    Ison, D, Herron, R., Wieland, L. (2016). The status of women faculty in four-year aviation higher education programs. Presentation presented at the Women in Aviation International, Nashville, TN.

2016    Moran, K and Weiland, L. Hosted Diversity and Inclusion Panel (A3IR) Conference 2016

2015 Clark, P., Wilson, G., Weiland, L. (2015). “Analyzing the Importance of Aviation Diversity and Inclusion?” Paper Presented at Aviation/Aerospace/Aeronautics International Research (A3IR) Conference 2015

2014 Clark, P., Wilson, G., Weiland, L (2014). Women in Aviation: Have We Reached our Ceiling? Submitted and presented at Bollinger-Rosado Symposium 2014

Experience: Dr. Linda Weiland is an Assistant Professor, Full Time Faculty at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide and the College of Aeronautics.  Linda teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses and is a course developer.  Linda is currently assigned to the Undergraduate Department and recently became the Program Coordinator for the BSA degree. Prior to serving as the PC for the BSA she was the Assistant Program Coordinator for the BSAvM.  She also led the development of a graduate Specialization and an undergraduate minor  in Global Air Traffic Management. Likewise, Linda is a member of the Faculty Senate as a Senator for the COA, serving on the  Faculty Handbook  and Research Committees. She is the first President of the ERAU Worldwide Women in Aviation International Virtual Chapter and sits on the Board as the Outreach Coordinator. In 2011, Linda accepted a full-time faculty position within the College of Aeronautics specializing in both air traffic control and aviation maintenance. Prior to her current position  Dr. Weiland served the College of Aeronautics as the Liaison to the Singapore Campus, both assistant and Program Chair for the Bachelor of Science in Aviation Maintenance degree program, Aeronautical Science Discipline Chair and Air Traffic Control Discipline Chair.  In 2006, Linda accepted the Director of Academic Support for the Embry-Riddle Kaneohe Center. Prior to that Linda was adjunct faculty for over 10 years. Before Joining ERAU full-time Dr. Weiland completed 26 years in Aviation (air traffic control and aeronautical maintenance duty officer) in the US Navy and six years as a liaison engineer for a major airline.

Research:  interests are in the air transportation industry worldwide, focusing on Human Factors in Global Air Traffic Control and Management and aviation Maintenance management with a special interest in safe, secure and efficient airspace, airport management, aviation maintenance and aviation curriculum development. She has worked with fellow colleagues in research for the Airport Cooperative Research Program Transportation Research Board (TRB) under The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. She is active in the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) and a member of both their publication and cyber committees. Also active in International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE), International Academy of Science and Engineering for Development (IASED), Department of Commerce, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), and other air transportation and diversity areas.



Reviewer, Member Science - International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE) in both Europe and Asia (2016- present)

Reviewer and technical committee International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic engineering (CAMME) (2016 – present)

Reviewer, International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace (IJAAA) (2014- present)

Reviewer, Collegiate Aviation Review (CAR) (2014- present)

Researcher, editor, reviewer Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) – member of the Publication and Cyber Security Committees (2011 – present)

Participated in FAA Mega Maintenance Conferences in Hawaii (2008-2012)

Participated in Aeronautical Society of South Africa (AeSSA), a division of the Royal Aeronautical Society (2019-Present) Facilitated the virtual Young Professionals networking forum as Guest Speak and coordinator (2021)

Member South Africa Institute for Industrial Engineering (2019- present) - Presented and reviewed at 2020 virtual conference, reviewer for 2021 conference

Member, University Aviation Association (UAA) (2014- present) 

Member, Hong Kong Society of Mechanical Engineers (HSKME) (2014- present)

Member, Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) (2015- present)

Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (2016- present)

 Member, Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) (2014- present)

Member, Professional Aviation Maintenance Association (PAMA) (2014- present)

Member Woman in Aviation International (WAI) (2002-present)

Member Association for Women in Aviation Maintenance (AWAM) (2012- present) 


Program Coordinator BSA Degree (2021)

Assistant Program Coordinator BSAvM degree (2016-2021)

College of Aeronautics Member Student engagement (2018-2020)

College of Aeronautics Member Communication across the Curriculum Committee (2018 – present)

College of Aeronautics Member Faculty Council College of Aeronautics (2018- present)

Elected Faculty Senate ERAU Worldwide (2013- 2018 -2021- present)

Chair for Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, ERAU Worldwide (2012- 2018)

Member, of Faculty Handbook Committee ERAU (2015- 2018 -2019- present)

Member Curriculum Management Tool Design Review Committee (2012)

President, Women in Aviation International ERAU Worldwide Chapter (2015-2016) Current Board member

Member, Diversity track committee at the 2016 AIR3 Conference (2014 - 2016)

Co-Chair on Focus group for Next Generation of Aviation Professionals ERAU (2014- 2016)

Member design and development of minor course of study under BS in Aviation Maintenance, the Aviation Maintenance Operations Minor (2013)

Course Developer ASCI 327 Aviation Workforce Management in a Global Environment (2013), ASCI 411 Human Factors in Air traffic Management 2020, MAVM 60  Leadership in Global Aviation Maintenance Organizations, MAVM 609 Aviaiton Maintenance Management

Assisted Team Hawaii on Aviation Accreditation Board International (ABBI) (2009-2012)

Faculty representation College of Aeronautics to Singapore (2014- 2016)

Lead on graduate specialization in Air Traffic Management (2016 2017)

Assisted with ERAU Hawaii Graduation (2006 present- 2017)

Member, ERAU Alumni Association active with Hawaii group (2004- present)

Assisted in the 12-9 week compression project of Undergraduate courses (2011)

Assisted team Hawaii presenting ERAU programs to local airports and outer island locations

Assisted Anchorage Campus and participated in the Alaska Airman’s Association conference (2014)


State of Hawaii  Governors Women Veterans Subcommittee (2012-2016 - 2021 - present)

American Association of University Women (AAUW) –Past Honolulu President (2001- to present)

Zonta – Past Honolulu President and Area Director  (2004- present), leadership and development Coordinator 2016-President, Vice President Local Chapter 2021-Present)

Junior League (2002- present)

Daughter of the American Revolution (2007- present)

Pearl Harbor Yacht Club Past Commodore

International order of the Blue Gavel (2010- present)

Volunteer, Kaneohe Yacht Club (2015- present)

Volunteer, Vets America (2014- present)

Volunteer, high school robotics judge (2012 present)

Ambassador to Cuba on a People-to-People trip (2012)

Ambassador to Poland on a Zonta trip speaking on Status of Women US/Warsaw (2012)

Formal presentations on gender issues for woman in Cuba to professional organizations in Hawaii (2012)

Member, Women in Aviation Scholarship Committees (2012 - present)

Linda is on the editorial staff of three Aviation Journals and works with high schools around the country in Robotics, Z-Girls, and STEM endeavors. Linda is also the Past President of American Association of University Women (AAUW) and ZONTA in Hawaii. She has also been on boards and committees for Women in Aviation, Jr. League, and Daughters of the American Revolution.

Linda's certifications include Federal Aviation Administration Control Tower Operator (CTO); Defense acquisition certified. DAWIA level II Acquisition AQD, Manufacturing and Production. DAWIA Acquisition Professional Community APC, APM fully qualified. DAWIAI level I logistics support, and logistics maintenance.

Her professional memberships include University Aviation Association; Air Traffic Control Association; Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International; Women in Aviation/ Woman Military Aviators/Association for Women in Aviation Maintenance; Professional Aviation Maintenance Association; American Association of University Women; and Zonta.

2018- CAMME Best Paper Presentation Evaluating the Impact of NextGen’s Air Traffic Systems on Aviation Security Weiland, L., Wei, G.

2016 – International Academy of Science and Engineering for Development 2016 – Received two Certificates of Appreciation from ERAU for continuing support of Massive Open Online Courses

2016- 2015 - International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE) research reviewer letter of appreciation

2015 - Received President’s Citation of Merit from President and CEO of Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) as a member of the ATCA Publication committee for exemplary work in air traffic control and overall enhancement of and contribution to air traffic control and the aviation community