Mark G. Benton

Associate Professor
Aerospace Engineering Department
College of Engineering

Areas of Expertise

  • Design of Aerospace Vehicles, Atmospheric and Exo-atmospheric
  • Spacecraft Systems Engineering and Integration
  • Human Space Exploration Missions and Concepts
  • National Security Space Domain Awareness and Control
Mark G. Benton

  • M.S. - Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland-College Park
  • B.S. - Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland-College Park

  • AE 414: Space Propulsion
  • EP 394: Space Systems Engineering
  • AE 427: Spacecraft Preliminary Design

EP394 - Space Systems Engineering, AE427 - Spacecraft Preliminary Design, AE445 - Spacecraft Detail Design

  1. Benton, Sr., M. G., “A Conceptual Mars Exploration Vehicle Architecture with Chemical Propulsion, Near-Term Technology, and High Modularity to Enable Near-Term Human Missions to Mars,” AIAA-2015-4611, AIAA Space 2015 Conference, Pasadena, CA (2015).
  2. Benton, Sr., M. G., “Conceptual Space Vehicle Architecture utilizing Common Modular Elements for Near-Term Human Exploration of Mars,” AIAA-2014-4239, AIAA Space 2014 Conference, San Diego, CA (2014).
  3. Benton, Sr., M.G., “Conceptual Common Modular Design for Crew and Cargo Landers and Deep Space Vehicles for Human Exploration of the Solar System,” AIAA-2013-5355, AIAA SPACE 2013 Conference & Exposition, San Diego, California (2013).
  4. Benton, Sr., M. G., et. al., “Conceptual Space Vehicle Architecture for Human Exploration of Mars, with Artificial Gravity and Mini-Magnetosphere Crew Radiation Shield,” AIAA-2012-5114, AIAA SPACE 2012 Conference & Exposition, Pasadena, California (2012).
  5. Benton, Sr., M. G., et. al., “Mars Exploration Vehicle (MEV) Architecture for Human Exploration of Mars, with Artificial Gravity and Mini-Magnetosphere Crew Radiation Shield,” GLEX- 2012.08.2.8x12759, IAF/AIAA 2012 Global Space Exploration Conference, Washington, DC (2012).
  6. Benton, Sr., M. G., et. al., “Modular Space Vehicle Architecture for Human Exploration of Mars using Artificial Gravity and Mini-Magnetosphere Crew Radiation Shield,” AIAA-2012-0633, 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee (2012).
  7. Benton, Sr., M. G., et. al., “Concept for Human Exploration of NEO Asteroids using MPCV, Deep Space Vehicle, Artificial Gravity Module, and Mini-Magnetosphere Radiation Shield,” AIAA-2011- 7138, 44th AIAA SPACE 2011 Conference & Exposition, Long Beach, California (2011).
  8. Benton, Sr., M.G., “Conceptual Design of Crew Exploration Lander for Asteroid Ceres and Saturn Moons Rhea and Iapetus,” AIAA-2010-0795, AIAA 48th Aerospace Sciences Conference, Orlando, FL, 2010.
  9. Benton, Sr., M.G., et al., “Configuration Options to Maximize Lunar Surface Reuse of Altair Lander Structure and Systems,” AIAA-2009-6405, AIAA Space 2009 Conference, Pasadena, CA, 2009.
  10. Benton, Sr., M. G., “Spaceship Discovery – NTR Vehicle Architecture for Human Exploration of the Solar System,” AIAA-2009-5309, AIAA 45th Joint Propulsion Conf., Denver, CO, 2009.
  11. Benton, Sr., M. G., “Crew Exploration Lander for Ganymede, Callisto, and Earth’s Moon - Vehicle System Design,” AIAA-2009-5179, AIAA 45th Joint Propulsion Conf., Denver, CO, 2009.
  12. Benton, Sr., M. G., “Conceptual Design of Crew Lander for Exploration of the Moon, Ganymede, and Callisto,” AIAA-2009-0656, AIAA 47th Aerospace Sciences Conference, Orlando, FL, 2009.
  13. Benton, Sr., M. G., et al., “Boeing Design Trades in Support of the NASA Altair Lunar Lander Concept Definition,” AIAA-2008-7798, AIAA Space 2008 Conference, San Diego, CA, 2008.
  14. Benton, Sr., M. G., “Crew and Cargo Landers for Human Exploration of Mars – Vehicle System Design,” AIAA-2008-5156, AIAA 44th Joint Propulsion Conference, Hartford, CT, 2008.
  15. Benton, Sr., M. G., “Spaceship Discovery’s Crew and Cargo Lander Module Designs for Human Exploration of Mars,” in proceedings of STAIF-2008 Conference, edited by M. El-Genk, AIP, Melville, NY, 2008.
  16. Benton, Sr., M. G. “Conceptual Design of Mars Crew and Cargo Exploration Landers for Spaceship Discovery,” AIAA-2007-6239, AIAA Space 2007 Conference, Long Beach, CA, 2007.
  17. Benton, Sr., M. G., “Spaceship Discovery – Vehicle Architecture for Human Exploration of Moon, Mars, and Beyond,” AIAA-2006-7445, AIAA Space 2006 Conference, San Jose, CA, 2006.
  18. Benton, Sr., M. G., “Spaceship Discovery – Space Vehicle System for Human Interplanetary Exploration,” AIAA-2006-5128, AIAA 42nd Joint Propulsion Conference, Sacramento, CA, 2006.
  19. Benton, Sr., M. G., “Conceptual Design For Interplanetary Spaceship Discovery,” in proceedings of STAIF-2006 Conference, edited by M. El-Genk, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2006.
  20. Benton, Sr., M. G., and Richardson, S., “Northrop Grumman/Orbital Sciences Orbital Space-Plane (OSP) Program Status,” AIAA Space 2003 Conference, Long Beach, CA, 2003.
  21. Benton, Sr., M. G., Berry, J., and Benner, H., “2nd Generation RLV: Overview of Concept Development Process and Results,” AIAA-2003-2848, AIAA Air & Space Conf., Dayton, OH, 2003.
  22. Benton, Sr., M. G., “Rockwell’s Reusable Launch Vehicle Concept – Design for Low Risk and High Operability,” AIAA-1995-3857, AIAA Space Programs & Technologies Conf., Huntsville, AL, 1995.
  23. Benton, Sr., M. G., “Design Synthesis of Shuttle-Class Hypersonic SSTO Vehicle,” AIAA-1990- 0297, AIAA 28th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, 1990.
  24. Benton, Sr., M. G., “Reusable, Flyback Liquid Rocket Booster for the Space Shuttle,” AIAA-26063- 242, AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 26, No. 4, July-August 1989, pp. 252-258.

Senior Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), 1986 to Present

  • Member, AIAA Space Exploration Integration Committee, 2012 to Present
  • Member, AIAA Space Transportation Technical Committee, 2008 to Present
  • Member, AIAA Space Colonization Technical Committee, 2006 to Present

Member, International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), 2017 to Present

  • Expert Systems Engineering Professional (ESEP) Certification (No. 04538), 2018 to Present