Mary Kay K. Whitaker
- Title
- Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Email
- Department
- Department of Management
- College
- College of Business
Areas of Expertise
Organizational Culture
Organizational Leadership and Management
Organizational Development
Coaching for Improved Performance
Building High-Performance Teams
Cultural Integration Models
Getting Results through People
Strategic Planning
Increasing Human Capital
Group and Team Dynamics
Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Core Values
Communication Styles
Personal Leadership
Human Relations in Administration
External Links
The views expressed on faculty and external web pages are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
- Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Organization and Management: Leadership, Capella University
- M.S. - Master of Science in Organization and Management: Leadership, Capella University
Currently Teaching
- OBLD 275: Critical Thinkg for Leadership
Courses Taught
MSLD 511 Organizational LeadershipMSLD 520 Management Skills for Leaders
MSLD 521 Leadership Communication
MSLD 632 Decision Making for Leaders
MSLD 633 Strategic Leadership
MSLD 641 Resonant Leadership: Leading Change
MSLD 690 Graduate Leadership Capstone
Professional Experience
Executive Coach
Nationally recognized as a leadership development coach. Specialized in coaching key talent that is experiencing conflicts or tension within the organization. Experiences include retention of key talent during culture integration, promotions, organizational restructuring, and economic hardship.
Organizational Leadership and Business Consultant
Responsible for facilitating strategic planning, coaching sessions, conflict resolution, and executive leadership development.
• Mentored and coached over 50 individuals toward successfully retaining their employment positions.
• Developed a performance strategy for Fortune 500 companies in the areas of communication, leadership, motivation, coaching, conflict resolution, succession planning, and organizational development. Identified root causes of performance issues and created strategies to correct them.
• Connected and built trust with employees from a diversity of organizational cultures.
Presenter and Speaker
Responsible for speaking engagements, presentations, and workshops for executive retreats, adult learning, and management education.
Author and Program Developer
Researched, formulated, and wrote a system for leaders to enhance organizational productivity and performance levels within their organization and respective teams.
• Developed leadership programs for the manufacturing industry resulting in an increase in production, communication system efficiencies, and internal and external levels of customer satisfaction.
• Designed and launched an online motivational needs assessment for manufacturing and sales managers throughout the United States.
• Creator and developer of Getting Results Through People System
Teacher, Facilitator, and Management Educator
Consults and provides training in leadership development, culture integration, team building, conflict resolution, communication skills, and strategic planning. Conducts and facilitates on-site training sessions for corporate, nonprofit, higher education, and government businesses.
• Launched instructional management and leadership design modules for government agencies.
• Facilitated classroom and online educational programs for leading corporations in the areas of management strategy, leadership, and communication in the United States, Canada, and Europe.
• Led senior executives and other team members at Fortune 500 companies with the purpose of creating one team, one culture within the organization
Entrepreneur and Co-Founder
Co-founder of consulting and training organization focused on leadership development, culture integration, team building, communication skills, and strategic planning.
• Responsible for ongoing business development over a period of 25 years.
• Successfully executed strategic plans, goals, and business objectives through team members.