Massoud Bazargan
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Email
- Department
- Office of Professional Education
- College
- Daytona College of Business
Areas of Expertise
Production/ Operations Management, Operations Research, Transportation, Simulation, Scheduling, Supply Chain Management, Project Management Safety , Risk Analysis, Optimization, Mathematical Modeling and Combinatorial Problems.

Dr. Bazargan is currently a Professor of Operations Research, Operations Management and the Associate Dean for Research at the College of Business, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He is the author of “Airline Operations and Scheduling”. He has worked on extensive funded research grants from the FAA, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the aviation industry. Some of his industry research projects include aircraft boarding strategy, aircraft replacement strategy, optimizing flight block and ground times, aviation safety studies, manpower planning, airports funding strategies and airports productivity and efficiency. He has extensive publications and research interests in optimization and simulation applied to transportation and aviation industries.
- Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering, University of New South Wales
Currently Teaching
- AVM 3103: Oper Research/Airline Opt'n
Courses Taught
- Advanced Topics in Business Quantitative Methods, PhD course
- Operations Research (MBA and online MBA)
- Quantitative Methods I & II (Executive MBA)
- Airline Optimization and Simulation Systems (MBA)
- Simulation modeling (undergraduate and MBA)
- Project Management (graduate and undergraduate)
- Multi- Objective Mathematical Programming (Graduate)
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing & Management (undergraduate)
- Independent Studies (MBA)
Research Projects
- Aircraft Boarding Strategies
- Aircraft Replacement Strategy
- A Database Management System for General Aviation Safety
- A Simulation Approach to Manpower Planning at Continental Airlines
- A Simulation Study to Determine Optimal Shipping Strategy
- Development of an Aviation Weather Database Highlighting Weather Encounters
- Fellowship in Advanced Simulation & Training
- Fellowship in Advanced Simulation & Training - Runway Layout
- General Aviation Safety Analysis
- GA Airport funding strategies
- Integration of Small Aircraft Transportation Systems (SATS) into General Aviation
- LAX Tow Tugs Feasibility Study
- Manpower Planning for Maintenance Crew at SFO
- NextGen Task G 4D FMS TBO Demonstration Benefits Analyses
- Statistical Analysis for General Aviation Accidents
- Tow Tug Simulation Feasibility Study
- Tow Tug Simulation Feasibility Study Faculty Research Projects (2022)
- Statistical Analysis for General Aviation Accidents Faculty Research Projects (2022)
- NextGen Task G 4D FMS TBO Demonstration Benefits Analyses Faculty Research Projects (2022)
- LAX Tow Tugs Feasibility Study Faculty Research Projects (2022)
- Manpower Planning for Maintenance Crew at SFO Faculty Research Projects (2022)
- Integration of Small Aircraft Transportation Systems (SATS) into General Aviation Faculty Research Projects (2022)
- GA Airport funding strategies Faculty Research Projects (2022)
- General Aviation Safety Analysis Faculty Research Projects (2022)
- Fellowship in Advanced Simulation & Training - Runway Layout Faculty Research Projects (2022)
- Fellowship in Advanced Simulation & Training Faculty Research Projects (2022)
- Aircraft Replacement Strategy Faculty Research Projects (2022)
- Development of an Aviation Weather Database Highlighting Weather Encounters Faculty Research Projects (2022)
- A Simulation Study to Determine Optimal Shipping Strategy Faculty Research Projects (2022)
- Aircraft Boarding Strategies Faculty Research Projects (2022)
- A Simulation Approach to Manpower Planning at Continental Airlines Faculty Research Projects (2022)
- A Database Management System for General Aviation Safety Faculty Research Projects (2022)
- Tow Tug Simulation Feasibility Study Faculty Research (2022)
- Statistical Analysis for General Aviation Accidents Faculty Research (2022)
- NextGen Task G 4D FMS TBO Demonstration Benefits Analyses Faculty Research (2022)
- Manpower Planning for Maintenance Crew at SFO Faculty Research (2022)
- Integration of Small Aircraft Transportation Systems (SATS) into General Aviation Faculty Research (2022)
- LAX Tow Tugs Feasibility Study Faculty Research (2022)
- General Aviation Safety Analysis Faculty Research (2022)
- Fellowship in Advanced Simulation & Training - Runway Layout Faculty Research (2022)
- GA Airport funding strategies Faculty Research (2022)
- Fellowship in Advanced Simulation & Training Faculty Research (2022)
- Aircraft Replacement Strategy Faculty Research (2022)
- Development of an Aviation Weather Database Highlighting Weather Encounters Faculty Research (2022)
- Aircraft Boarding Strategies Faculty Research (2022)
- A Simulation Approach to Manpower Planning at Continental Airlines Faculty Research (2022)
- A Simulation Study to Determine Optimal Shipping Strategy Faculty Research (2022)
- A Database Management System for General Aviation Safety Faculty Research (2022)
- Efficiency analysis of a congested Brazilian airport applying slots optimization control: Congonhas Airport Case International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace (2020)
- A Simulation Approach to Airline Cost Benefit Analysis Management, Marketing and Operations - Daytona Beach (2013)
- General Aviation Weather Encounter Case Studies School of Graduate Studies - Daytona Beach (2012)
- Developing Proactive Methods for General Aviation Data Collection Publications (2010)
- Determinants of Financial Health of US General Aviation Airports Management, Marketing and Operations - Daytona Beach (2008)
- Entrepreneurial Spirit in Government Managed Enterprises: Evidence from the U.S. General Aviation Airports Management, Marketing and Operations - Daytona Beach (2008)
- Bazargan, M. (2004), Airline Operations & Scheduling, ISBN: 075463616X, Ashgate Publishing Group, Chinese Translation (2006).
- Bazargan, M. (2010), Airline Operations & Scheduling, second edition, ISBN: 978075467900, Ashgate Publishing Group, Turkish Translation (2012).
- Bazargan, M., (2001), “A Multi-Criteria Model for Warehouse Layout Design”, Lecture Notes in Economic and Mathematical Systems – Multiple Criteria Decision Making in the new Millennium, Springer-Verlag, pp. 327-337.
- Bazargan, M., (1999), “Intra-cell and Inter-cell Layout designs in Cellular Manufacturing”, Handbook of Cellular Manufacturing Systems, John Wiley, pp. 111-140.
- Bazargan, M., (2017), Airline Hangars Balanced Manpower utilization – An Optimization Approach, International Journal of Aviation Systems, Operations and Training, Vol. 3, Issue: 2, pp 36-49.
- Liang, Y., Bazargan, M., (2017), A Simulation Study on Boarding and Deplaning Utilizing Two-Doors for a Narrow Body Aircraft, International Journal of Aviation Systems, Operations and Training, Vol. 3, Issue: 2, pp 25-35.
- Chen, X., Bazargan, M., (2017), Airline Hangars Balanced Manpower utilization – A simulation Approach, International Journal of Aviation Systems, Operations and Training, Vol. 3, Issue: 1, pp 49-58.
- Bazargan, M, (2016), Airline Maintenance Strategies– In-House vs. Outsourced – An Optimization Approach, International Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 22, Issue: 2, pp. 114-129.
- Bazargan, M, (2015), Flight Scheduling through Optimizing Flight Block and Ground Times: A Case Study, International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, Vol. 21, pp. 299-315.
- Bazargan, M, (2015), An optimization approach to aircraft dispatching strategy with maintenance cost - A case study, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 42, pp 10-14.
- Bazargan, M, Byrnes, K., Mazhar, A., Adewumi, A., Liu, Q., (2014), A simulation approach to enhancing aircraft availability, International Journal of Aviation Systems, Operations and Training, Vol. 1, No.1, pp 44-50.
- Bazargan, M, Lange, D, Tran, L, Zhou, Z, (2013), A Simulation approach to Airline Cost Benefit Analysis, Journal of Management Policy and Practice, Vol. 14 (2), pp 54-61.
- Bazargan, M., Hartman, J, (2012), Aircraft Replacement Strategy – Model and analyses, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 25, pp. 26-29.
- Bazargan, M., (2011), A Linear Programming approach for wide-body two-aisle aircraft boarding strategy, International Journal of Operations & Quantitative management, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 193-210.
- Bazargan, M., Guzhva, V.S., (2011), Impact of Gender, Age and Experience of Pilots on General Aviation, Accidents, Accidents Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 43, pp 962-970.
- Guzhva, V.S., Bazargan, M, and Byers, D. (2009), Determinants of Financial Health of U.S. General Aviation Airports., Journal of Airport Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, 158-182.
- Guzhva, V.S., Bazargan, M, and Byers, D. (2008) Entrepreneurial Spirit in Government Managed Enterprises: Evidence from the U.S. General Aviation Airports, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting, and Financial Management, Vol. 20, Number 4, pp. 419-438
- Bazargan, M., Guzhva, V., (2007), Factors Contributing to Fatalities in General Aviation, World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, Issue 2, 170-182.
- Bazargan, M. (2007), “A Linear Programming approach for Aircraft Boarding Strategy”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 183, pp 394-411.
- Bazargan, M., (2004), “Flexible versus Fixed Timetabling - A Case Study”, Journal of Operational Research Society, Vol. 55, 123-131.
- Bazargan, M., Vasigh, S. (2003), “Size versus Efficiency - A case study on U.S. Commercial Airports”, Journal of Air Transport Management, , Vol. 9, pp 187-193.
- Bazargan, M., Nahavandi, S. (2001), “The impact of cell formation on layout designs in cellular manufacturing systems”, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol. 7, No. 1, 13-23.
- Bazargan, M., Kaebernick, H., Harraf, A. (2000), “Cell formation and layout designs in a cellular manufacturing environment – A case study”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 38, No. 7, 1689-1709.
- Bazargan, M. (1999), “Layout Designs in Cellular Manufacturing - A Case Study.”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 112, pp. 258-272.
- Bazargan, M., Kaebernick, H., (1997), “An Approach to the Machine Layout Problem in a Cellular Manufacturing Environment”, Production Planning & Control, Vol. 3., pp. 139-150.
- Bazargan, M., Kaebernick, H., (1996), “An efficient hybrid method to solve equal and unequal-size facility layout problems”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering - applications and practice, Vol. 3 (1), pp. 51-63.
- Bazargan, M., Kaebernick, H., (1996), “Intra-cell and Inter-cell layout designs for Cellular Manufacturing”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering - applications and practice, Vol. 3(3), pp. 139-150.
- Kaebernick, H., Bazargan, M., (1996), “An Integrated Approach to the Design of Cellular Manufacturing”, CIRP Annals, , Vol. 45/1, pp. 421-425.
- Bazargan, M., (2016), Aircraft Boarding Strategies: Part II - Simulation Study, AGIFORS 56th Annual Symposium, Santiago, Chile, Best presentation award, Oct 10-14.
- Bazargan, M, (2015), Airline Maintenance Strategies– In-House vs. Outsourced –An Optimization Approach, ATRS 2015, Singapore, July 3-5.
- Bazargan, M, (2014), An optimization approach for robust flight scheduling through ground and flight block times, AGIFORS Airline Operations Study Group, Panama City, April 4-6.
- Bazargan, M, (2012), Strategic Aircraft Replacement Planning for Turkish Airlines, European Decision Science Institute (ESDI 2012), Istanbul, June 24-28.
- Bazargan, M., (2011), Aircraft Replacement Strategies, AGIFORS Airline Study Group, London, May 14-19.
- Bazargan, M., Baohong,J., (2010), A Simulation Approach to Airline Maintenance Manpower Planning, The Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Ottawa, July 11-14.
- Bazargan, M., Staschinski, S., (2008), “Airbus-380 Aircraft Boarding Strategies: A Simulation Study”, Proceedings of Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (AGIFORS) Study Group, Amsterdam, May 18-22.
- Bazargan, M., (2007), “A mathematical model for minimizing passenger interferences for boarding a single aisle aircraft”, Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Operational Research, Prague, July 8-11.
- Bazargan, M., Talaga, M., Yen-Ping, W., (2006), “Super-tug Simulation Feasibility Study”, Proceedings of Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering & Technology (PICMET 06), Istanbul July 8-13.
- Bazargan, M., Ruiz, J., Cole, V., (2006), “Aircraft Boarding Strategies: A Simulation Study”, Proceedings of Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (AGIFORS) Study Group, Dubai, May 6-10.
- Bazargan, M., Baohong J., (2005), “Aircraft Maintenance Planning and Control Simulation Model for AirTran Airways”, Proceedings of the Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (AGIFORS), Brazil, Sep 25-30.
- Bazargan, M. (2004), “A simulation case study for maintenance operations”, Proceedings of Decision Science Institute (DSI) Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, Nov 20-23.
- Bazargan, M., Ross, D., (2004), “A comparative risk measure for general aviation”, Proceedings of Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM 2004), Whistler, B. C. Canada August 6-11.
- Bazargan, M., Gupta, P., Young, S., (2003), “A simulation approach to manpower planning”, Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2003), New Orleans, Dec. 7-10, pp 1677-1685.
- Bazargan, M., Fleming, K., Subramanian, P., (2002), “A simulation study to investigate runway capacity using TAAM simulation modeler”, Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2002), San Diego, Dec. 8-11, pp 1235-1243.
- Bazargan, M., Vasigh, B., (2002), “Efficiency measures for US commercial Airports”, A DEA Approach to Study the Size and Efficiency of US Commercial Airports”, CD – ROM Proceedings of Air Transport Research Society 2002 (ATRS 2002), Seattle 14-16 July.
- Bazargan, M., McGrath, R.N., (2002), “ Simulation as a tool for manpower planning”, Proceedings of 9th SOLE – The International Society of Logistics Conference, Feb. 15-16, 2002, Orlando Florida, pp. 81-94.
- Bazargan, M., (2001), “A Simulation Approach to Improving Operations at Flight Training Department at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University”, Proceedings of The Second European Conference on Intelligent Management Systems in Operations (IMSIO 2), 3-4 July 2001, University of Salford, UK, pp 21-29.
- Bazargan, M.,. (2000), “Efficient Warehouse Layout Designs with Multiple objectives”, 15th international conference on Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM 2000), July 10-14 Ankara, Turkey. This research work was nominated for Wiley Prize for best paper on MCDM reporting a real-case application.
- Bazargan, M., Harraf, A., (2000), “Cellular Manufacturing – a system approach for design”, Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Managing Innovative Manufacturing (MIM 2000), 17-19 July 2000, pp. 103-109.
- Bazargan, M., (1997), “Inter-Cell Layout Designs in a Cellular Manufacturing Environment - A Case Study”, Proceedings of the 7th international Flexible And Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM) Conference, European Process Industries Competitiveness Center, Middlesbrough, England, 25-27 June 1997, pp. 504-516.
- Bazargan, M., (1995), “An Efficient Multiple Criteria Approach to Design of the Physical Layout In a Cellular Manufacturing Environment”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Melbourne 29 Nov.- 1 Dec. 1995, Australia, Vol. 1, pp. 399-405.
- Bazargan, M., Kaebernick, H., (1995), “Simulated Annealing and Local Search Methods - An Integrated Approach”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, Vol. 1, pp. 107-114.
Professional Experience
- Aug 2013 - Present
Professor, Associate Dean for Research and PhD Program Chair, College of Business, Embry - Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.
- Aug 2007 – Aug 2013
Professor and Department Chair of Management, Marketing and Operations, College of Business, Embry - Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.
- Aug 2003 – Aug 2007
Tenured Associate Professor, Production/ Operations Management & Operations Research, Embry - Riddle Aeronautical University, College of Business, Daytona Beach, Florida.
- Jan 1999 – Jul 2003
Assistant Professor Production/ Operations Management & Operations Research, Tenure Track, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, College of Business, Daytona Beach, Florida.
- July 1996 – Dec 1998
Assistant Professor Operations Research, University of Western Sydney, School of Science & Technology, Australia.
- Aug 1992- July 1996
PhD Student/ Assistant Lecturer, Industrial Technology & Management, University of New South Wales, School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Sydney, Australia.
Memberships and Credentials
- Editor-In-Chief, International Journal of Aviation Systems, Operations and Training (IJASOT).
- Reviewer for:
- International Journal of Operations & Quantitative Methods
- Computers & Industrial Engineering
- European Journal of Operational Research
- Decision Sciences
- Multi Criteria Decision Making Journal
- Central European Journal of Operations Research
- World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research
- Journal of Airport Management
- Transportation Research: Part E
- Journal of Air Transport management
- Aeronautical Journal.
- Flexible Automation and Integrated Manufacturing.
- International Symposium on Manufacturing with Application.
- Air Transport Research Society
- Transportation Research – Part C (emerging Technologies)
- PhD Thesis Examiner for:
- Simulation and Control of conveyor systems, PhD Thesis, 2010.
- Logistics Technology Transfer Models, PhD Thesis, 2008.
- Teamwork in Cellular Manufacturing, PhD Thesis, 2007.
- Extending robust optimization using simulation and reinforcement learning, PhD Thesis, 2004.
- MBA, EMBA and MS Thesis Supervisor and Examiner for:
- Scheduling, Gate Utilization and Allocation Analysis for AirTran Airways, MBA thesis, 2010
- Development of a Discrete Event Simulation Software Tool to Evaluate Enplane and Deplane on Commercial Airliners, MS thesis, 2008
- Boarding Time Simulation Modeling for Singapore Airlines Airbus A380-800, MBA thesis, 2007
- Tow-tug Simulation Feasibility Study, MBA thesis, 2005
- Production floor planning and control simulation model, MBA Thesis, 2005.
- Aircraft maintenance planning and control simulation model, MBA Thesis, 2004.
- Modeling and optimizing operations of a plant using JIT philosophy – MS. Eng. Thesis, 2003.
- The impact of micro-jets on short-haul air-taxi operation, Executive MBA Thesis, 2003.
- Materials Planning in Support of Pratt & Whitney Business Growth, Executive MBA Thesis, 2002.
- Airfield Traffic Congestion at Philadelphia International Airport, MBA Thesis, 2002.
- Design of maintenance Scheduling Models through Simulation for Continental Airline, MBA Thesis, 2001.
- Development of an Optimum Factory Model for Manufacturing Operation through Computer Simulation, MS.Eng. Thesis, external examiner, 2001.
- Design of Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing Systems, PhD thesis, external examiner, 2001.
- Supply chain management the opportunity for increasing material management efficiency in the airline industry, Executive MBA Thesis, 2001.
- Proposed Expansion of Data Analysis Capabilities within Sikorsky Aircraft Flight Test, EMBA Project, 2001.
- Analysis of Logistical Framework for NASA, MBA Thesis, 2000.
- Execution System for Asynchronous Process Manufacturing, M.S. Thesis, external examiner, 1999.
- Identifying Operational Characteristics using Simulation, M. S., Thesis, 1998.
- Design and Development of a simulation model to analyze scheduling rules in an FMS in a Virtual Manufacturing Environment, M. S. Thesis, 1998.
- Investigating Aspects of Behavior-based Scheduling, M.S. Thesis, 1998.
- A mathematical programming approach to warehouse design and storage policies, M.S. Thesis, 1997.
- Design of a simulation model to refine the Shop Floor Layout Designs in a Cellular Manufacturing Environment, M.S. Thesis, 1997
Awards, Honors and Recognitions
- Fulbright Scholar (2019-2020)
- Best AGIFORS Presentation, Santiago, Chile, 2016
- Runner-up for Outstanding Researcher of the year Award, Daytona Beach Campus, 2005-2008.
- Outstanding Faculty Award, College of Business – Embry – Riddle Aeronautical University, 2005.
- Outstanding Faculty Award, College of Business – ERAU, 2003.
- Runner-up for Outstanding Teacher of the year Award, Daytona Beach Campus- ERAU, 2003.
- Runner-up for Wiley Prize for best paper on Multi-Criteria Decision Making reporting a real-case application, 2000.