Michael D. Santonino

Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration
College of Business

Areas of Expertise

Management, Organizational Behavior, Strategy, Leadership, Operations Management, and Customer Value.
Michael D. Santonino

Dr. Michael D. Santonino III is an associate professor in the Department of Business Administration at the Worldwide Campus.

Dr. Santonino holds a DBA with a double major in Management and Marketing from the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship at Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He also holds an MBA from the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship at Nova Southeastern University (NSU), Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from NYIT (New York Institute of Technology), New York.

Dr. Santonino's research interests include the advancement of new management thought, inclusive organizations and operationalizing the business concept for a sustainable future. He is an active member of the Academy of Management.

  • D.B.A. - Doctor of Business Administration in Management and Marketing, Nova Southeastern University
  • M.B.A. - Master of Business Administration, Nova Southeastern University
  • B.S. - Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, New York Institute of Technology-Old Westbury

  • 2019 Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Harassment Prevention for Employees - Higher Education Edition - Skillsoft
  • Bridging the Diversity Gap - Skillsoft
  • Operationalizing Humanistic Management toward Social Learning Environments in Higher Education - International Conference The Future of Education
  • Certificate of Appreciation Session Moderator of Technology in Education - International Conference The Future of Education
  • Certificate of Honor for Outstanding Research and Presentation - University of Nevada Las Vegas
  • 18th ATRS World Conference - Air Transport Research Society (ATRS)
  • Paper: Quality 'Likes' Integrity in Online Education - International Conference The Future of Education
  • Conference Presentation: Air Transport Research Society held in Bergamo Italy - Universita Degli Studi Di Bergamo

  • MKTG 630: Customer Value
  • MKTG 512: Delivering Customer Solutions
  • MKTG 633: Digital Marketing
  • MKTG 311: Marketing

MKTG 514 – Professional Service Marketing
MKTG 512 – Delivering Customer Solutions
MKTG 630 – Customer Value

BUSW 635 – Business Strategy for Managers

OBLD 519 – Organizational and Employee Behavior

Recent papers and books (2024)

1Santonino III, Michael D. (2024, April). Creare Un'industria Del Turismo Sostenibile a Firenze, ISBN# 979-12-5984-567-2 (Italian edition); Publisher: Armando S.r.l. Rome Italy. 

Available at: https://www.armandoeditore.it/catalogo/creare-unindustria-del-turismo-sostenibile-a-firenze/

2. Santonino III, Michael D. (2024, July). Creating a sustainable tourism industry in Florence: A Humanistic Management Approach, ASIN: B0DBM12MVS (English edition), Publisher: ‎ Armando Editore. Armando S.r.l. Rome Italy. 

Available at https://www.amazon.com/s?k=B0DBM12MVS&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss

3. Santonino III, Michael D. (2024). Semiconductor Manufacturing Business Revisited: Good old days at AT&T Bell Labs Microelectronics plant in Orlando, Florida. IEEE Access. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3390395

4. Santonino III, Michael D. (2024). Humanistic Supervisors as Change Agents – the Core of an Organization. Humanistic Management Journalhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s41463-024-00187-7

5. Santonino III, Michael D. (working draft, 2nd edition, 2024/2025). The Supervisor's Guide to Human Relations & Communication - A Humanistic Management Perspective. Creating Space Independent Publishing Platform. Author Website: https://supervisorssite.wordpress.com/the-book/

Published Research Journals

1. Santonino III, Michael D.  (2020, February 20). Review on Weinstein’s Superior Customer Value: Finding and Keeping Customers in the Now Economy. Journal of Marketing Analytics,1-3. doi: 10.1057/s41270-020-00069-5. Available at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41270-020-00069-5

2. Santonino III, Michael D., Koursaris, C. M. Koursaris, & Williams, M.J. (2018). RFID-Blockchain Application in the Modernization of Supply Chain in the Aviation Sector for Airbus. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp. 1–17.  Available download at https://commons.erau.edu/ijaaa/vol5/iss4/4

3. Santonino III, Michael D. (2017). Global strategies in performance management: integrating a real-time performance appraisal process with managing a global ‘digital’ workforce. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 6 (2), pp. 289-296. ISSN: 2158-1479. UniversityPublications.net.

4. Santonino III, Michael D. (2017). Utilizing field trips in aviation business education to improve student learning outcomes. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 9, Issue 4, pp. 669–678. ISSN:1944-6934. UniversityPublications.net.

5. Yang, C. & Santonino III, M.D. (2016). A Kano Analysis on the adoption of self-service bag drops at Singapore Changi Airport. International Journal of Aviation Management, Vol. 3, Issue 2-3, pp. 150-171. Inderscience Publisher.

6. Du Terroil, R., & Santonino III, M.D. (2012). The American Study Abroad Industry in Italy. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 5, Issue 5, pp. 109–120. ISSN: 1944-6934. UniversityPublications.net.


1. Santonino III, Michael D. (2024). Creare Un'industria Del Turismo Sostenibile a Firenze, ISBN# 979-12-5984-567-2 (Italian edition); Creating a Sustainable Tourism Industry in Florence – the Humanistic Supervisor (English edition). ARMANDO ARMANDO S.R.L. di Roma.  Publisher Website: https://www.armandoeditore.it/catalogo/

2. Santonino III, Michael D. (2024). Creating a sustainable tourism industry in Florence: A Humanistic Management Approach, ASIN: B0DBM12MVS (English edition), Publisher: ‎ Armando Editore. Armando S.r.l. Rome Italy. Available at https://www.amazon.com/s?k=B0DBM12MVS&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss

3. Santonino III, Michael D. (2021). The Humanistic Supervisor. In Della Lucia, M. & Giudici, E. (2021), “Humanistic Tourism: Values, Norms and Dignity” (Volume I), 300 pages. Published by Routledge, A Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN# HB: 978-0-367-62340-1; PB: 978-0-367-62342-5; eBook: 978-1-003-10899-3

4. Santonino III, Michael D. & Villa Jr., Frank J. (2017). The Supervisor's Guide to Human Relations & Communication. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (part of the Amazon group of companies). ISBN-13: 978-1548691448, ISBN-10: 1548691445, BISAC: Business & Economics / Skills. Copyright and Published on 11 October 2017.
Authors Blog: https://supervisorssite.wordpress.com/the-book/

5. Santonino III, Michael D. (2015). Avionics. pp. 77–85. In Materna, R., Mansfield, R.E., & Walton, R.O., (2015). Aerospace industry report (4th edition): Facts, figures & outlook for the aviation and aerospace manufacturing industry. Washington, D.C.: Aerospace Industries Association and the Center for Aviation & Aerospace Leadership at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide.

6. Santonino III, Michael D. (2007). Challenges and Solutions in Performance Management. In Preziosi, R.C. (2007), The 2007 Pfeiffer Annual Human Resource Management (pp. 235-244). Published by Pfeiffer, An Imprint of Wiley. ISBN# 9780787984717.


A Study of the Relationship between consumers’ risk perception, information and knowledge to assess product safety, business policies and government regulation: Wireless Cellular Phone Uncertainty as a Public Health Hazard. Dissertation (2004, ProQuest UMI Number 3129118)

Committee Members:

Dr. Gareth S. Gardiner (Chair), Nova Southeastern University

Dr. Richard E. Plank, Associate Professor at the University of South Florida Polytechnic

Dr. Dan Austin, Emeritus Faulty at Nova Southeastern University

Dr. Joseph L. Balloun, Associate Professor of Management at. Louisiana Tech University

Dr. Preston Jones, Executive Associate Dean at Nova Southeastern University


Pickersgill, D. & Santonino III, MD. (2024, October – December). Humanistic Leadership Academy (HLA) Development Cohort. Cohort leader. Available at https://humanisticleadershipacademy.org/

1. Santonino III, M.D. & Yang, C. (2014, July 20th). A Kano Analysis on the adoption of self-service bag drops at Singapore Changi Airport. Paper presented at the Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference, Bordeaux, France on July 20th, 2014 at 11:00 am (Concurrent Sessions VIII, VIII-A, Airport Case Studies (3), Room #1215; Paper Number 9).
2. Santonino III, M.D. (2014, June 12-13). Quality ‘Likes’ Integrity in Online Education, paper was published in the conference proceeding at The Future of Education 2014 international conference in Florence, Italy. The Conference Proceedings was published by Libreriauniversitaria.it in a book with ISBN code (978-88-6292-499-3).
3. Santonino III, M.D. (2014, June 12-13). Quality and Assessment in Online Education: a Brief Review of the MBA Program Assessment Process at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide, abstract was published in the conference proceeding at The Future of Education 2014 International Conference in Florence, Italy, June 12-13. The Conference Proceedings was published by Libreriauniversitaria.it in a book with ISBN code (978-88-6292-499-3).
4. Santonino III, Michael D. (2013, February 21-23). Myth or Fact: Quality in American Study Abroad
Business in Florence Italy. The proceedings at the Mustang International Academic Conference in Las
Vegas, Nevada, February 21-23, 2013.
5. Santonino III, Michael D. & Spanò, Isabella (October, 2009). Human relations and communications in a
global environment. Special excerpts in Italian on the “Practical implications- Management of people in the public administration”. The proceeding at the 2nd Annual EuroMed Conference in the EuroMed Journal of Business, University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy, October 26-28, 2009, pp.1608-1618.
6. Santonino III, Michael D. (2003). Conceptual Framework: consumer behavior, product safety, and perceived risk with wireless technology. International Business & Economics Research Conference.


  1. Santonino III, M.D., et al. (2021, July 30). Toward the Humanistic Manager and Transformation in Management and Organizing. Professional Development Workshop (PDW). Breakout Facilitator at the Academy of Management Annual Conference (Virtual).
  2.  Santonino III, M.D., et al. (2017, August 5th). Beyond the Classical Management Paradigm. Presented at the Academy of Management, Professional Development Workshop,  Atlanta, GA.
  3. Santonino III, M.D., et al. (2017, August 7th ). Challenges of Humanistic Management Education in a Borderless Digital World. Presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Marriott Hotel, Atlanta, GA.
  4. Santonino III, M.D. (2017, April 24th). A Kano Analysis on the adoption of self-service bag drops at Singapore Changi Airport. Presented to the College of Business faculty at the Sixth COB Research Seminar via a ‘live’ online broadcast.                                               
  5. Santonino III, M.D. (2017). Utilizing field trips in aviation business education to improve student learning outcomes. Presented to the College of Business faculty at the Sixth COB Research Seminar via a ‘live’ online broadcast.                                                    
  6. Santonino III, M. D. (2017, March 13th). Utilizing field trips in aviation business education to improve student learning outcomes. Presented at International Journal of Arts and Sciences Academic Conferences at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV). 
  7. Santonino III, M.D. (2015, June 11th). Quality control in the online classrooms - Is zero plagiarism possible with digital students? The Future of Education International Conference, Florence, Italy.         
  8. Santonino III, M.D. (2014, December 11th). Technology Trends in Management Online Education. Presented at the Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research (ABSRC) Conference, Milan, Italy.                                                                                                                                    
  9. Santonino III, M.D. (2014, August 2nd). What Teaching Tools Are Able To “Plant the Seeds of Knowledge” in Today’ Virtual Students?-Teaching Virtual Students. Presented at the Academy of Management Conference for the Professional Development Workshop (PDW) session, Philadelphia, PA.                                                                                       
  10. Santonino III, M.D. & Yang, C. (2014, July 20th). A Kano Analysis on the adoption of self-service bag drops at Singapore Changi Airport. Presented at the Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference, Bordeaux, France.                                                             
  11. Santonino III, M.D. (2014, June 12th). Quality ‘Likes’ Integrity in Online Education, Presented at the Future of Education International conference, Florence, Italy.                    
  12. Santonino III, M.D. (2014, June 12th). Quality and Assessment in Online Education: a Brief Review of the MBA Program Assessment Process at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide. Presented at the Future of Education International Conference, Florence, Italy.          
  13. Santonino III, Michael D. (2013, February 21st). Myth or Fact: Quality in American Study Abroad Business in Florence Italy. Presented at the Mustang International Academic Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.     
  14. Du Terroil, R., & Santonino III, M. D. (2012, February 11th). The American Study Abroad Industry in Italy. Presented at the International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) Conference, Florence, Italy.       
  15. Santonino III, Michael D. & Spanò, Isabella (2009, October 26th). Human relations and communications in a global environment. Special excerpts in Italian on the Practical implications- Management of people in the public administration. Presented at the University of Salerno, EuroMed Conference, Salerno, Italy.                                                                      

​Dr. Santonino is a management practitioner with more than 15 years of corporate experience working for military defense contractors and commercial corporations such as; AT&T Bell Laboratories Microelectronics, Lucent Technologies, Cirent Semiconductor, Agere Systems, Motorola, Harris, General Instruments, Fairchild Weston Systems, and Raytheon. He has held various positions in management, research, and development, design, and high-volume manufacturing. His career path in education started in 2001 teaching engineering and business courses. After earning his doctorate in 2003 he began teaching management courses full time at several universities and colleges.

Member of the Academy of Management (AOM)

Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)