Quentin G Bailey
- Title
- Professor of Physics
- baileyq@erau.edu Email
- Department
- Physics and Astronomy Department
- College
- College of Arts & Sciences
Areas of Expertise
Gravitation, Special Relativity, General Relativity, Orbital Mechanics, Classical and Quantum Field Theory, Lorentz symmetryExternal Links
The views expressed on faculty and external web pages are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Quentin G Bailey is generally interested in tests of our best current fundamental theory of gravity, the general theory of relativity, and tests of classical Maxwell electrodynamics. So far, I have been studying the theoretical and experimental aspects of testing Lorentz symmetry, the spacetime symmetry of Special Relativity. The motivation for this work is twofold. First, Lorentz symmetry is a cornerstone of modern physics. As such, it should be an experimental precedent to test this principle in as many ways as possible. Second, recent work on fundamental theories of physics, that attempt to unify the Standard Model of particle physics and General Relativity, has pointed to the possibility of deviations from perfect Lorentz symmetry. In the ongoing search for new physics, high-precision, typically low-energy tests of Lorentz symmetry offer a promising alternative to conventional high-energy accelerator experiments.
- Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Physics: Mathematics, Indiana University-Bloomington
- B.S. - Bachelor of Science in Physics, University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus
Currently Teaching
- PS 250: Physics for Engineers III
- PS 161: Physics I & II for Engineers
- PS 219: Physics III
- PS 350: Quantum Mechanics I
- PS 490: Senior Research Thesis, Part I
- PS 491: Sr Research Thesis, Part II
Courses Taught
Physics I, II, & III for EngineersModern Physics
Classical Mechanics
Particle Physics and Cosmology I & II
Electricity & Magnetism, parts I & II
Research Projects
- Explicit diffeomorphism violation no-go constraints and discontinuities Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Classical radiation fields for scalar, electromagnetic, and gravitational waves with spacetime-symmetry breaking Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Search for anisotropic, birefringent spacetime-symmetry breaking in gravitational wave propagation from GWTC-3 Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Short-range forces due to Lorentz-symmetry violation Pure Portfolio (2023)
- New Signals in Precision Gravity Tests and Beyond Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Lorentz and CPT Symmetry Breaking via Dispersion and Birefringence Effects of Gravitational Waves Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Analysis of birefringence and dispersion effects from spacetime-symmetry breaking in gravitational waves Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Constraining velocity-dependent Lorentz and CPT violations using lunar laser ranging Pure Portfolio (2021)
- 3+1 formulation of the standard model extension gravity sector Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Construction of higher-order metric fluctuation terms in spacetime symmetry-breaking effective field theory Pure Portfolio (2021)
- New Test of Lorentz Invariance Using the MICROSCOPE Space Mission Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Recent Developments in Spacetime-Symmetry Tests in Gravity Publications (2019)
- A 3+1 Decomposition of the Minimal Standard-Model Extension Gravitational Sector Publications (2019)
- Testing the gravitational weak equivalence principle in the standard model extension with binary pulsars Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Testing the Gravitational Weak Equivalence Principle in the Standard-Model Extension with Binary Pulsars Publications (2019)
- Testing for lorentz invariance violations through birefringence effects on gravitational waves Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Testing Velocity-Dependent CPT-Violating Gravitational Forces with Radio Pulsars Publications (2018)
- Testing velocity-dependent CPT -violating gravitational forces with radio pulsars Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Relating Noncommutative SO(2,3)* Gravity to the Lorentz-Violating Standard-Model Extension Publications (2018)
- Lorentz-Symmetry Test at Planck-Scale Suppression with a Spin-Polarized <sup>133</sup>Cs Cold Atom Clock Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Relating noncommutative SO(2,3)* gravity to the Lorentz-Violating standard-model extension Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Lorentz-Symmetry Test at Planck-Scale Suppression with a Spin-Polarized 133Cs Cold Atom Clock Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Velocity-Dependent Inverse Cubic Force and Solar System Gravity Tests Publications (2017)
- Velocity-Dependent Inverse Cubic Force and Solar System Gravity Tests Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Lorentz-Symmetry Test at Planck-Scale Suppression with Nucleons in a Spin-Polarized 133 Cs Cold Atom Clock Publications (2017)
- Lorentz-Symmetry Test at Planck-Scale Suppression with Nucleons in a Spin-Polarized 133 Cs Cold Atom Clock Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Lorentz-symmetry test at Planck-scale suppression with nucleons in a spin-polarized Cs 133 cold atom clock Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Prospects for SME Tests with Experiments at SYRTE and LKB Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Low-energy tests of lorentz symmetry Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Gravity sector of the SME Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Constraints on SME Coefficients from Lunar Laser Ranging, Very Long Baseline Interferometry, and Asteroid Orbital Dynamics Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Improved Tests of Lorentz Invariance in the Matter Sector Using Atomic Clocks Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Tests of Lorentz Symmetry in the Gravitational Sector Publications (2016)
- Tests of Lorentz Symmetry in the Gravitational Sector Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Anisotropic Cubic Curvature Couplings Publications (2016)
- Anisotropic Cubic Curvature Couplings Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Combined Search for Lorentz Violation in Short-Range Gravity Publications (2016)
- Combined Search for Lorentz Violation in Short-Range Gravity Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Constraints on SME Coefficients from Lunar Laser Ranging, Very Long Baseline Interferometry, and Asteroid Orbital Dynamics Publications (2016)
- Improved Tests of Lorentz Invariance in the Matter Sector Using Atomic Clocks Publications (2016)
- Gravity Sector of the SME Publications (2016)
- Prospects for SME Tests with Experiments at SYRTE and LKB Publications (2016)
- Improved Tests of Lorentz Invariance in the Matter Sector Using Atomic Clocks Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Constraints on SME Coefficients from Lunar Laser Ranging, Very Long Baseline Interferometry, and Asteroid Orbital Dynamics Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Prospects for SME Tests with Experiments at SYRTE and LKB Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Gravity Sector of the SME Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Testing Lorentz Symmetry with Planetary Orbital Dynamics Publications (2015)
- Testing Lorentz Symmetry with Planetary Orbital Dynamics Pure Portfolio (2015)
- What Do We Know About Lorentz Symmetry? Publications (2015)
- What Do We Know About Lorentz Symmetry? Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Short-Range Gravity and Lorentz Violation Publications (2015)
- Short-Range Gravity and Lorentz Violation Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Quantum Tests of the Einstein Equivalence Principle with the STE-QUEST Space Mission Publications (2015)
- What do we know about lorentz symmetry? Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Quantum Tests of the Einstein Equivalence Principle with the STE-QUEST Space Mission Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Constraints on Violations of Lorentz Symmetry from Gravity Probe B Publications (2014)
- Local Lorentz-Symmetry Breaking and Gravity Publications (2014)
- Constraints on Violations of Lorentz Symmetry from Gravity Probe B Pure Portfolio (2014)
- Local Lorentz-Symmetry Breaking and Gravity Pure Portfolio (2014)
- Limits on Violations of Lorentz Symmetry from Gravity Probe B Physics & Astronomy - Prescott (2013)
- Limits on Violations of Lorentz Symmetry from Gravity Probe B Pure Portfolio (2013)
- Light-Bending Tests of Lorentz Invariance Physics & Astronomy - Prescott (2011)
- Light-Bending Tests of Lorentz Invariance Pure Portfolio (2011)
- Light bending and gravitational lensing as tests of Lorentz symmetry Pure Portfolio (2011)
- Gravity couplings in the standard-model extension Pure Portfolio (2011)
- Gravity Couplings in the Standard-Model Extension Publications (2010)
- Gravity Couplings in the Standard-Model Extension Pure Portfolio (2010)
- New Tests of General Relativity Publications (2010)
- New Tests of General Relativity Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Lorentz-Violating Gravitoelectromagnetism Physics & Astronomy - Prescott (2010)
- Lorentz-Violating Gravitoelectromagnetism Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Light Bending and Gravitational Lensing as Tests of Lorentz Symmetry Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Lorentz Violation and Gravity Publications (2010)
- Lorentz Violation and Gravity Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Lorentz Violation with an Antisymmetric Tensor Physics & Astronomy - Prescott (2010)
- Lorentz Violation with an Antisymmetric Tensor Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Time-Delay and Doppler Tests of the Lorentz Symmetry of Gravity Physics & Astronomy - Prescott (2009)
- Time-Delay and Doppler Tests of the Lorentz Symmetry of Gravity Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Catching Relativity Violations with Atoms Physics & Astronomy - Prescott (2009)
- Catching Relativity Violations with Atoms Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Testing Lorentz Symmetry with Gravity Publications (2007)
- Testing Lorentz Symmetry with Gravity Pure Portfolio (2007)
- Lorentz Violation and Gravity Pure Portfolio (2007)
- Signals for Lorentz Violation in Post-Newtonian Gravity Publications (2006)
- Signals for Lorentz Violation in Post-Newtonian Gravity Pure Portfolio (2006)
- Lorentz-Violating Electrostatics and Magnetostatics Publications (2004)
- Lorentz-Violating Electrostatics and Magnetostatics Pure Portfolio (2004)
- Lorentz-Violating Electromagnetostatics Publications (2004)
- Lorentz-Violating Electromagnetostatics Pure Portfolio (2004)
- Modification of a vortex street by a polymer additive Pure Portfolio (2001)
"Testing Lorentz symmetry with planetary dynamics" (with Aurelien Hees et al.), Phys. Rev. D 92, 064049 (2015)
"Short-range gravity and Lorentz violation" (with V.A. Kostelecky and Rui Xu), Phys. Rev. D 91 , 022006 (2015)
"Quantum Tests of the Einstein Equivalence Principle with the STE-QUEST Space Mission", accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research, 2014
"Limits on violations of Lorentz Symmetry from Gravity Probe B", Phys. Rev. D 88, 102001 (2013) (with J. Overduin and R. Everett)
"Local Lorentz-Symmetry Breaking and Gravity", presented at the Sixth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, June 2013
"Constraints on violations of Lorentz Symmetry from Gravity Probe B", (with J. Overduin and R. Everett), presented at the Sixth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, June 2013,
"Light-bending tests of Lorentz invariance", (with undergraduate Rhondale Tso), Phys. Rev. D 84, 085025 (2011)
"New tests of General Relativity, in Matters of Gravity", The Newsletter of the Topical Group on Gravitation of the American Physical Society, Volume 36, Fall 2010
"Gravity Couplings in the Standard-Model Extension", in CPT and Lorentz Symmetry V, World Scientific, 2011.
"Gravitational Lensing and Light Bending as tests of Lorentz Symmetry",(with Rhondale Tso), in CPT and Lorentz Symmetry V, World Scientific, 2011.
"Lorentz-violating gravitoelectromagnetism", Phys. Rev. D 82, 065012 (2010).
"Lorentz violation with an antisymmetric tensor, (with B. Altschul and V.A. Kostelecky), Phys. Rev. D 81, 065028 (2010).
"Lorentz Violation and Gravity", in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Symposium 261: Relativity in Fundamental Astronomy, 2009.
"Catching relativity violations with atoms", Physics 2, 58, 2009.
"Time-delay and Doppler tests of the Lorentz symmetry of gravity", Phys. Rev. D 80, 044004 (2009).
"Testing Lorentz Symmetry with Gravity, in CPT and Lorentz Symmetry IV", World Scientific, 2008.
"Lorentz Violation and Gravity", Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University, 2007.
"Signals for Lorentz Violation in Post-Newtonian Gravity" (with V.A. Kostelecky), Phys. Rev. D 74, 045001 (2006). [TOPCITE 150+]
"Lorentz-Violating Electrostatics and Magnetostatics" (with V.A. Kostelecky), Phys. Rev. D 70, 076006 (2004). [TOPCITE 100+]
Professional Experience
Visiting Scientist, Paris Observatory, Summer 2019
Visiting Scientist, Paris Observatory, Summer 2015
Visiting Associate Professor, Indiana University, Spring 2014
Research Assistant and Associate Instructor, Indiana University, 2001-2007
Peer Instructor of mathematics and Research Assistant in Fluid Dynamics, Astrophysics and Nuclear Physics, University of Pittsburgh, 1998-2001
Memberships and Credentials
Member: American Physical Society
International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation
American Association of Physics Teachers
Phi Beta Kappa
Sigma Pi Sigma
Awards, Honors and Recognitions
3 year National Science Foundation $89,810 award "RUI: Testing Spacetime Symmetry Foundations of General Relativity"
Campus Researcher of the Year, ERAU Prescott Campus, 2014-2015
3 year National Science Foundation $127,130 award "RUI Proposal to Test Fundamental Principles of General Relativity"
May 2010 and May 2009: Service Excellence Award Nomination, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Departmental Award as Outstanding Graduate Research Student in Research, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, April 2005.
Joseph and Sophia Konopinski Award as Outstanding Associate Instructor, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, March 2004.
Halliday-Resnick Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 2001.
The Department of Physics and Astronomy Academic Achievement Award, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 2000.