Ramzi Belkacemi

Assistant Professor
Management, Marketing and Operations Department
College of Business

Areas of Expertise

Strategy - Corporate Governance / Performance - Innovation 
Ramzi Belkacemi

​​Dr. Ramzi Belkacemi is a tenure-track professor of strategy, a role he's held since August 2023. He previously held the same position for two years at a university based in the francophone province of Canada (i.e., Québec), where he had the honor of also serving as an elected member of the board of directors and a nominated member of the institutional committee on equity, diversity and inclusion.

Prior to his academic career, Dr. Belkacemi's journey led him to follow two different trajectories, both of which consist of experiences that shaped his conception of his current profession and that have fueled the approach he favors to fulfill it. The first is an experience as a manager (as a vice president and director of a family business for 7 years), and the second is an experience as an elite athlete (as a player in the competitive and elite leagues, in the high school, cégep and university networks and under a semi-professional contract).

Since entering academia, Dr. Belkacemi has researched strategic management in general and corporate governance in particular. His work has earned him prestigious awards and scholarships from professional associations (e.g., Outstanding Reviewer Award of the Academy of Management) as well as from different organizations both at the provincial (e.g., FRQSC Scholarship of the government of Québec) and federal levels (e.g., Bertram Scholarship of the Canadian Foundation for Governance Research).

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management, Universite Laval
  • M.S. - Master of Science in Business Management, Universite du Quebec a Montreal
  • M.B.A. - Master of Business Administration in Project Management, Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres
  • B.B.A. - Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business, Universite du Quebec a Montreal

BA 201: Principles of Management (study abroad-Greece)

BA 490: Strategic Management

BA 635: Business Policy & Decision Making

BA 699: Special Topics in Business Administration


9. Belkacemi, R., Veilleux, S., Roy, M.-J., & Tremblay, M. (2024). Board of directors and innovation: A state-of-the-art review from a contingency perspective.  Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (in press/early view).

8. Belkacemi, R., Veilleux, S., Roy, M.-J., & Tremblay, M. (2024). Board-related processes and innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: A continuum logic and configurational approach. Corporate Ownership & Control21(2), 17–36.

7. Belkacemi, R., Papadopoulos, A. & Bouzinab, K. (2021). The impact of board of directors’ surface level diversity on innovation performance. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 18(2), 131-151.

6. Belkacemi, R., Bouzinab, K. & Papadopoulos, A. (2021). The impact of board of directors’ deep level diversity on innovation performance. International Journal of Business and Management, 16(2), 1-20.

5. Belkacemi, R., Papadopoulos, A. & Bouzinab, K. (2020). The presence of creators inside the boardroom: A vector of innovation performance. Journal of International Finance and Economics, 20(2), 27-38.

4. Brinette, S. Khemiri, S. & Belkacemi, R. (2020). Does board diversity matter for innovation performance: Evidence from the world’s most innovative firms. International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review 3(6), 181-192.

3. Belkacemi, R. (2020). Board composition of innovative firms: A portrait and geographical comparison. Journal of International Business Economics, 20(1), 21-38.

2. Belkacemi, R. (2019). A hand on the rudder of innovation: Investigating the influence of board of directors and top management teams. International Journal of Business Strategy, 19(1), 65-84.

1. Belkacemi, R. & Ben Farah, S. (2019). Boon or clog? A systematic literature review of the link between diversity and innovation in the organizational context. International Journal of Strategic Management, 19(1), 73-88. 


1. Belkacemi, R. & Papadopoulos, A. (2022). Le conseil d’administration : Un outil stratégique et un vecteur d’innovation quand diversité rime avec capital. In Sabourin V., Gordini, M. (Éd.). Veille et pratiques stratégiques en gestion de l'innovation, Collection Gestion de l’innovation, Presses de l’Université du Québec.

2. Belkacemi, R., Menvielle, W & El Ourabi, H. (2019) Opening the “black box” of the entrepreneurship/marketing interface trough an under investigated community. In Ratten V., Jones P., Braga V., Marques C (Éd.). Sustainable Entrepreneurship: The role of collaboration in the global economy (pp. 63-86), Contributions to Management Science. Springer, Cham. 


23. Belkacemi, R., Roy, M-J., Veilleux, S., & Tremblay, M.                                                     8-10 November, 2024

Leveraging Advisory Boards for SMEs' Pursuit of Strategic Growth. 

Conference of the International Corporate Governance Society (Tempe, USA).

22. Rhaiem, K., Belkacemi, R., & Latrous, I.                                                                                   13-16 July, 2024

Strategic resilience for sustainable innovation: A systematic literature review and research agenda.

Conference “Global Initiative for Governance and Suitability” (Hammamet, Tunisia).

21. Belkacemi, R.                                                                                                                            15-16 June, 2023

Conseil d'administration et innovation : la diversité et la sophistication méthodologique comme outil de compréhension.

Conference “Governance & Innovation” (Marrakesh, Morocco).

20. Belkacemi, R., Youth, Y., & Toihir, I.                                                                                             9-11 June, 2023

Human Capital Within Boards of Directors and Top Management Teams: What Strategic Scope?

Conference on Opportunities and Challenges in Management, Economics and Accounting (Nice, France).

19. Belkacemi, R., Veilleux, S., Roy, M-J., & Tremblay, M.                                      29 November-1 December, 2021

Board Processes and Product/Service Innovation in SMEs: A configurational approach. 

Conference of the International Society for Professional Innovation Management (Valencia, Spain).

18. Belkacemi, R., Roy, M-J., Veilleux, S., & Tremblay, M.                                                           8-10 October, 2021

Board of directors and internal product/service innovation in small and medium enterprises. 

Conference of the International Corporate Governance Society (Groningen, Netherlands).

17. Belkacemi, R., Veilleux, S., & Roy M-J.                                                                            30 July-3 August, 2021

Board and innovation: A systematic review of the literature from a contingency perspective.

Conference of the Academy of Management (Philadelphia, USA).

16. Belkacemi, R.                                                                                                                                   6-7 May, 2021

La gestion de l’innovation : d’une vision restreinte à une approche extensive.

Conference of the "Association Francophone pour le Savoir" (Sherbrooke, Canada).

15. Belkacemi, R., Papadopoulos, A. & Bouzinab, K.                                                                4-6 December. 2020

The impact of board of directors’ surface level diversity on innovation performance.

Conference of the European Academy of Management (Dublin, Ireland).

14. Belkacemi, R., Bouzinab, K. & Papadopoulos, A.                                                            14-15 November, 2020

A cognitive approach to diversity: Investigating the potential impact of board of directors’ deep level diversity on innovation performance.

Conference of the International Corporate Governance Society (Norfolk, USA).

13. Belkacemi, R., Menvielle, W. & El Ourabi, H.                                                                      16-17 October, 2020

L’entrepreneuriat multiculturel : une approche plus inclusive pour une meilleure compréhension. 

Conference of the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (Toronto, Canada).

12. Belkacemi, R., Papadopoulos, A. & Bouzinab, K.                                                                  16-18 June, 2020

The presence of creators inside the boardroom: A vector of innovation performance.

Conference of the International Association of Business and Economics (Nuremberg, Germany).

11. Belkacemi, R.                                                                                                                            7-9 March, 2019

Board composition of innovative firms: A portrait and geographical comparison.

Conference of the International Association of Business and Economics (West Palm Beach, USA).

10. Belkacemi, R.                                                                                                                         5-7 October, 2019

A hand on the rudder of innovation: Investigating the influence of board of directors and top management teams.

Conference of the International Association of Business and Economics (Las Vegas, USA).

9. Belkacemi, R. & Ben Farah, S.                                                                                              14-16 June, 2019

Boon or clog? A systematic literature review of the relationship between diversity and innovation in the organizational context.

Conference of the International Association of Business and Economics (Los Angeles, USA).

8. Brinette, S., Khemiri, S. & Belkacemi, R.                                                                                29-30 May, 2019

La diversité du conseil d’administration influence-t-elle l’innovation ? Le cas des entreprises les plus innovantes au monde.

Conference of the "Association Francophone pour le Savoir" (Gatineau, Canada).

7. Belkacemi, R.                                                                                                                           29-30 May, 2019

Les contributions d’hier, les fondations de demain : une synthèse des études portant sur le lien entre le conseil d’administration et l’innovation.

Conference of the "Association Francophone pour le Savoir" (Gatineau, Canada).

6. Brinette, S., Khemiri, S. & Belkacemi, R.                                                                                23-24 May, 2019

Does board diversity matter for innovation performance? Evidence from the world’s most innovative companies. 

Conference of the "Association Académique Internationale de Gouvernance" (Brussels, Belgium). 

5. Belkacemi, R.                                                                                                                              4-5 June, 2018

La diversité infuse et acquise des administrateurs: quel impact sur l’innovation?   

Conference of the "Association Académique Internationale de Gouvernance" (Nice, France).

4. Belkacemi, R.                                                                                                                            27-29 May, 2018

La diversité du conseil d’administration et l’innovation : apprendre « des meilleures ».       

Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Toronto, Canada).

3. Belkacemi, R.                                                                                                                            27-29 May, 2018

Les stratégies marketing déployées par les entrepreneurs maghrébins montréalais.              

Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Toronto, Canada).  

2. Belkacemi, R.                                                                                                                           18-19 April, 2018

L’innovation ne serait-elle pas, en premier lieu, l’affaire du conseil d’administration?    

Conference "Management de l’innovation : entre création de valeur et enjeux stratégiques" (El Jadida, Morocco).

1. Belkacemi, R. & Ighrayene, A.                                                                                                  8-12 May, 2017

L’impact de la diversité du conseil d’administration sur l’innovation. 

Conference of the "Association Francophone pour le Savoir" (Montreal, Canada).  

International Corporate Governance Society (ICGS)                                                           2020 – …


Academy of Management (AOM)                                                                                           2019 – …


Canadian Council of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (CCSBE)                              2019 – …


European Academy of Management (EURAM)                                                                     2019 – …


Strategic Management Society (SMS)                                                                                   2018 – …


Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC)                                                    2018 – …


Association Académique Internationale de Gouvernance (AAIG)                                      2018 – …


Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS)                                         2018 – …
