Riccardo Bevilacqua
- Title
- Interim Associate Dean and Professor
- bevilacr@erau.edu Email
- Department
- Aerospace Engineering Department
- College
- College of Engineering

External Links
The views expressed on faculty and external web pages are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Dr. Riccardo Bevilacqua is a Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach Campus. He holds a M.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering (2002), and a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics (2007), both from the University of Rome, "Sapienza", Italy. Dr. Bevilacqua is the recipient of two Young Investigator Awards, from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (2012) and the Office of Naval Research (2013), of the 2014 Dave Ward Memorial Lecture Award from the Aerospace Controls and Guidance Systems Committee, and of four Air Force Summer Fellowships (2012, 2015 and 2021 at AFRL Space Vehicle Directorate, 2019 and 2020 at AFRL Munitions Directorate). His research interests focus on spacecraft formation flight, space robotics and warheads/spacecraft fragment fly-out predictions. He has authored and co-authored more than 100 journal and conference publications on the topics. He is an AIAA Associate Fellow, IAA Full Member, and AAS Fellow. He is the founder and chair of the IAA conference on Space Situational Awareness.
- Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Methods and Models, Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza
- M. - Master in Aerospace Engineering, Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza
- B. - Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering, Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza
Currently Teaching
- AE 800: Dissertation
- AE 700: Thesis
Research Projects
- Novel Space Science Test via Adaptive Control and Integral Concurrent Learning Leveraging On-Orbit CubeSat Structural Identification
- GNC Efforts in Support of the University of Floridas Research for the NASA Instrument Incubator
- CubeSats Hosting Flexible Appendages for On-Orbit Testing of Advanced Control Algorithms
- A Machine Learning Based Transfer to Predict Warhead In-Flight Behavior from Static Arena Test Data
- Optimal drag-based collision avoidance Pure Portfolio (2025)
- Machine learning-based quasi-optimal feedback control for a propellantless re-entry Pure Portfolio (2025)
- A deep neural network framework with Analytic Continuation for predicting hypervelocity fragment flyout from satellite explosions Pure Portfolio (2025)
- Modeling and Estimation of Continuous Flexible Structure Using Theory of Functional Connections Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Future in-orbit servicing operations in the space traffic management context Pure Portfolio (2024)
- State space modeling and estimation of flexible structure using the theory of functional connections Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Drag-based analytical optimal de-orbiting guidance from low earth orbit via Deep Neural Networks Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Stable Optimal Feedback Control for Landers Based on Machine Learning Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Onboard estimation of unknown dynamics of flexible spacecraft Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Optimizing aerogravity-assisted maneuvers at high atmospheric altitude above Venus, Earth, and Mars to control heliocentric orbits Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Optimization of Aero-gravity assisted maneuvers for spaceplanes at high atmospheric flight on Earth Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Lunar occultations events from the Earth-Moon equilateral Lagrangian point Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Dual quaternion-based dynamics and control for gravity recovery missions Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Six-degree-of-freedom Optimal Feedback Control of Pinpoint Landing using Deep Neural Networks Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Stereoscopic-Based Mass Properties Estimation for Warhead Fragments Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Modeling and Estimation of a Continuous Flexible Structure using the Theory of Functional Connections Math Department Colloquium Series (2023)
- Modeling and Estimation of a Continuous Flexible Structure using the Theory of Functional Connections Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Using Machine Learning to Predict Hypervelocity Fragment Propagation of Space Debris Collisions Pure Portfolio (2023)
- State Space Modeling and Estimation of Flexible Structure Using the Theory of Functional Connections Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Stability of Deep Neural Networks for Feedback-Optimal Pinpoint Landings Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Neural network based feedback optimal control for pinpoint landers under disturbances Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Controlled short-period orbits around Earth-Moon equilateral libration points for Lunar Occultations Pure Portfolio (2023)
- A Machine Learning Based Transfer to Predict Warhead In-Flight Behavior from Static Arena Test Data Faculty Research Projects (2023)
- Novel Space Science Test via Adaptive Control and Integral Concurrent Learning Leveraging On-Orbit CubeSat Structural Identification Faculty Research Projects (2023)
- GNC Efforts in Support of the University of Florida's Research for the NASA Instrument Incubator Faculty Research Projects (2023)
- CubeSats Hosting Flexible Appendages for On-Orbit Testing of Advanced Control Algorithms Faculty Research Projects (2023)
- GNC Efforts in Support of the University of Florida's Research for the NASA Instrument Incubator Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Novel Space Science Test via Adaptive Control and Integral Concurrent Learning Leveraging On-Orbit CubeSat Structural Identification Pure Portfolio (2023)
- CubeSats Hosting Flexible Appendages for On-Orbit Testing of Advanced Control Algorithms Pure Portfolio (2023)
- A Machine Learning Based Transfer to Predict Warhead In-Flight Behavior from Static Arena Test Data Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Predicting Dynamic Fragmentation Characteristics from High-Impact Energy Events Utilizing Terrestrial Static Arena Test Data and Machine Learning Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Time Optimal Drag-Based Targeted De-Orbiting for Low Earth Orbit Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Metric to evaluate distribution shift from behavioral cloning for fuel-optimal landing policies Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Dual Quaternion Relative Dynamics for Gravity Recovery Missions Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Solar Sailing Adaptive Control Using Integral Concurrent Learning for Solar Flux Estimation Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Experimental validation of inertia parameters and attitude estimation of uncooperative space targets using solid state LIDAR Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Feedback Control Methods on Short-Period Orbits Of the Earth-Moon Equilateral Libration Points Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Online Estimation of Unknown Parameters for Flexible Spacecraft subject to Measurements Noise Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Stability of Deep Neural Networks for Feedback-Optimal Pinpoint Landings Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Using Machine Learning to Predict Hypervelocity Fragment Propagation of Space Debris Collisions Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Machine Learning Based Guidance for Optimal Spacecraft De-Orbiting Pure Portfolio (2023)
- State Space Modeling and Estimation of Flexible Structure Using the Theory of Functional Connections Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Estimation of Uncooperative Satellite Inertia Parameters for Space Debris Removal Using Particle Swarm Optimization Pure Portfolio (2023)
- A simplified gravitational reference sensor for satellite geodesy Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Experimental validation of inertia parameters and attitude estimation of uncooperative space targets using solid state LIDAR Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Precise re-entry and landing of propellantless spacecraft Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Roto-translational control of spacecraft in low earth orbit using environmental forces and torques Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Adaptive control for differential drag-based rendezvous maneuvers with an unknown target Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Aerodynamic and gravity gradient based attitude control for CubeSats in the presence of environmental and spacecraft uncertainties Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Transfer function to predict warhead fragmentation in-flight behavior from static data Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Geostationary debris mitigation using minimum time solar sail trajectories with eclipse constraints Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Cubesat adaptive attitude control with uncertain drag coefficient and atmospheric density Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Differential drag-based multiple spacecraft maneuvering and on-line parameter estimation using integral concurrent learning Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Approximate optimal orbit transfer of non-cooperative debris Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Passive thermal coating observatory operating in low-earth orbit (Patcool) – cubesat design to test passive thermal coatings in space Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Spacecraft collision avoidance using aerodynamic drag Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Spacecraft attitude regulation in low earth orbit using natural torques Pure Portfolio (2019)
- An optimized analytical solution for geostationary debris removal using solar sails Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Hardware and GNC solutions for controlled spacecraft re-entry using aerodynamic drag Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Spacecraft formation flying reconfiguration with extended and impulsive maneuvers Pure Portfolio (2019)
- High fidelity model for the atmospheric re-entry of CubeSats equipped with the Drag De-Orbit Device Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Guidance, navigation, and control solutions for spacecraft re-entry point targeting using aerodynamic drag Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Special issue on Space Situational Awareness from the 1 <sup>st</sup> International Academy of Astronautics Conference on Space Situational Awareness or ICSSA 2017 Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Safety analysis for shallow controlled re-entries through reduced order modeling and inputs’ statistics method Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Minimum-fuel control strategy for spacecraft formation reconfiguration via finite-time maneuvers Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Drag deorbit device Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Satellite formation flying Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Relative maneuvering for multiple spacecraft via differential drag using LQR and constrained least squares Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Avoiding collisions in space via aerodynamically-induced along-track orbit variations Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Continuous maneuvers for spacecraft formation flying reconfiguration using relative orbit elements Pure Portfolio (2018)
- TugSat Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Optimal continuous maneuvers for satellite formation reconfiguration in j2-perturbed orbits Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Survey on guidance navigation and control requirements for spacecraft formation-flying missions Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Constellation design for Mars navigation using Small Satellites Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Hardware and GNC solutions for controlled spacecraft re-entry using aerodynamic drag Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Drag De-Orbit Device (D3) mission for validation of controlled spacecraft re-entry using aerodynamic drag Pure Portfolio (2018)
- The Constellation for Mars Position Acquisition using Small Satellites Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Guidance solutions for spacecraft planar rephasing and rendezvous using input shaping Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Hammerstein–Wiener based reduced-order model for vortex-induced non-linear fluid–structure interaction Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Guidance solutions for spacecraft planar rephasing and rendezvous using input shaping control Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Spacecraft de-orbit point targeting using aerodynamic drag Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Spacecraft deorbit point targeting using aerodynamic drag Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Stereovision-based pose and inertia estimation of unknown and uncooperative space objects Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Spacecraft relative guidance via spatio-temporal resolution in atmospheric density forecasting Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Suboptimal LQR-based spacecraft full motion control Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Solar radiation pressure applications on geostationary satellites Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Rendezvous via differential drag with uncertainties in the drag model Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Spacecraft rendezvous by differential drag under uncertainties Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Spatial resolution in density prediction for differential drag maneuvering guidance Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Differential drag-based reference trajectories for spacecraft relative maneuvering using density forecast Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Neural Network based calibration of atmospheric density models Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Differential-drag-based roto-translational control for propellant-less spacecraft Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Guidance and control for spacecraft planar re-phasing via input-shaping and differential drag Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Differential-drag-based roto-translational control for propellant-less spacecraft Pure Portfolio (2015)
- A six-degree-of-freedom hardware-in-the-loop simulator for small spacecraft Pure Portfolio (2014)
- Lyapunov-based adaptive feedback for spacecraft planar relative maneuvering via differential drag Pure Portfolio (2014)
- Analytical guidance for spacecraft relative motion under constant thrust using relative orbit elements Pure Portfolio (2014)
- Guidance and control for spacecraft planar re-phasing via input-shaping and differential drag Pure Portfolio (2014)
- Analytical guidance solutions for spacecraft planar rephasing via input shaping Pure Portfolio (2014)
- Data-based hybrid reduced order modeling for vortex-induced nonlinear fluid-structure interaction at low Reynolds numbers Pure Portfolio (2014)
- The near earth object (NEO) scout spacecraft Pure Portfolio (2014)
- Orbit-centered atmospheric density prediction using artificial neural networks Pure Portfolio (2014)
- Spacecraft attitude determination system using nano-optical devices and linux software libraries Pure Portfolio (2013)
- Spacecraft maneuvering via atmospheric differential drag using an adaptive Lyapunov controller Pure Portfolio (2013)
- Analytical guidance for spacecraft relative motion under constant thrust using Relative Orbit Elements Pure Portfolio (2013)
- Differential drag spacecraft rendezvous using an adaptive Lyapunov control strategy Pure Portfolio (2013)
- Operational capabilities of a six degrees of freedom spacecraft simulator Pure Portfolio (2013)
- Differential drag spacecraft rendezvous using an Adaptive Lyapunov Control strategy Pure Portfolio (2012)
- Development and experimentation of LQR/APF guidance and control for autonomous proximity maneuvers of multiple spacecraft Pure Portfolio (2011)
- Lyapunov-based spacecraft rendezvous maneuvers using differential drag Pure Portfolio (2011)
- Guidance navigation and control for autonomous multiple spacecraft assembly Pure Portfolio (2011)
- Advances on a 6 degrees of freedom testbed for autonomous satellites operations Pure Portfolio (2011)
- Failure-robust thruster commanding for space vehicles control Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Decoupled-natural-dynamics model for the relative motion of two spacecraft without and with J2 perturbation Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Lyapunov-based thrusters' selection for spacecraft control Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Multiple spacecraft rendezvous maneuvers by differential drag and low thrust engines Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Spacecraft proximity navigation and autonomous assembly based on augmented state estimation Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Ad hoc wireless networking and shared computation for autonomous multirobot systems Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Online generation of quasi-optimal spacecraft rendezvous trajectories Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Laboratory experimentation of multiple spacecraft autonomous assembly Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Rendezvous maneuvers of multiple spacecraft using differential drag under J<sub>2</sub> perturbation Pure Portfolio (2008)
- Quasi-optimal control for path constrained relative spacecraft maneuvers based on dynamic programming Pure Portfolio (2008)
- Special inclinations allowing minimal drift orbits for formation flying satellites Pure Portfolio (2008)
- Rendezvous maneuvers of multiple spacecraft using differential drag under J<sub>2</sub> perturbation Pure Portfolio (2008)
- Fuel-optimal spacecraft rendezvous with hybrid on-off continuous and impulsive thrust Pure Portfolio (2007)
- Periodic relative motion of formation flying satellites Pure Portfolio (2006)