Richard P. Anderson
- Title
- Professor
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- Department
- Aerospace Engineering Department
- College
- College of Engineering

Dr. Anderson is a professor of Aerospace Engineering and the Director of the Eagle Flight Research Center at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He is an authority on flight dynamics; automatic flight controls; electric and hybrid electric propulsion; and novel vehicle concepts including fixed wing hybrid aircraft and e/hVTOL urban mobility vehicles. Dr. Anderson has lead a team that developed and flew the first manned electric gas/battery hybrid aircraft. He is the author of University patents in the area of hybrid aircraft propulsion and active ground noise mitigation of motors and rotors. His research in these areas include $4M in externally funded programs. His background includes not only engineering but also experience as an ATP rated pilot with category and class ratings that include airplane single and multiengine, land and sea, glider and helicopter. He holds an FAA certified flight instructor, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) operator and airframe & powerplant certificate with inspection authorization. Dr. Anderson’s awards include the Lindbergh Electric Airplane Prize, The Carnegie Foundation's Florida University Professor of the Year and the University’s Researcher of the Year.
Funded Research Activities:
- Hybrid and Electric Aircraft Propulsion
- Alternative aviation fuel certification and testing
- Hybrid tailsitter UAV development - Airframe/propulsion/controls
- Agricultural UAV research and development
- Manned aircraft Fly-by-Wire systems
- Aircraft Parameter Identification (PID) for simulation, math modeling and controls
- Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering, University of Central Florida
- M.S. - Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
- B.S. - Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Currently Teaching
- AE 506: Airplane Dynamic Stability
- AE 432: Flight Dynamics and Control
- AE 553: Hybrid and Urban Air Mobility
- AE 415: In-Flight Laboratory
- AE 495AA: Tech & Design of Hyb & Urb Air
- AE 700: Thesis
Research Projects
- Integrated Flight and Propulsion Control for Novel Rotorcraft Student Research Symposium (SRS) (2021)
- Development of ERAU VOLTRON Hybrid-Electric Powerplant Student Research Symposium (SRS) (2021)
- Systems and Methods for Noise Mitigation for Hybrid and Electric Aircraft Publications (2021)
- Systems and Methods for Noise Mitigation for Hybrid and Electric Aircraft Publications (2018)
- Hybrid Clutch Assembly for an Aircraft Publications (2016)
- Hybrid Assembly for an Aircraft Publications (2015)
- Safety Assurance of Non-Deterministic Flight Controllers in Aircraft Applications - 1st Aerospace Engineering PhD Dissertation - Alfonso Noriega (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Battery Centric Serial Hybrid Aircraft Performance and Design Space (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Aviation Propulsive Lithium-Ion Battery Packs State-of-Charge and State-of-Health Estimation and Propulsive Battery System Weight Analysis (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Propulsive Battery Packs Sizing for Aviation Applications (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Analytic and Numeric Forms of Range and Endurance for Hybrid and Electric Aircraft
- Low-Cost Wearable Head-Up Display for Flight in General Aviation Aircraft (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study on the Aerodynamic Performance of Ram-Air Parachutes (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Anderson, Richard P., 'UCAV Backwards Engine Configuration', Advances in Aviation Safety Conference & Exposition, Daytona Beach, FL, 1999.
Anderson, Richard P., Hubert, Smith C., 'Use of GPS for Airspeed Calibrations on Light Aircraft', Proceedings of the AIAA/FAA/MSU 3rd Joint Symposium on General Aviation Systems, 1994.
Professional Experience
- Gulfstream Aerospace; Engineer, Summers 2004 and 2005
Memberships and Credentials
- Airline Transport Pilot,
- Commercial pilot and Certified Flight Instructor in Airplanes Land and Sea, Helicopters, Multi-engine, Instrument and Glider,
- Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic, with Inspection Authorization,
- Remote Pilot: Small Unmanned System, and
- Basic Ground Instructor.
- Experimental Aircraft Association,
- International Aerobatics Club,
- Soaring Society of America,
- Commemorative Air Force, T-6 Texan Pilot in Command, and
- Vertical Flight Society.
Awards, Honors and Recognitions
- 2012 Florida State University Professor of the Year, The Carnegie Foundation
- Researcher of the Year ERAU, 2006
- Unsung Eagle Service Award, 2006
- President’s Safety Award, 2010
- Runner up to the Teach of the Year, 2007