Sally Blomstrom

Humanities and Communication Department
College of Arts & Sciences
Sally Blomstrom

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Communication, Michigan State University
  • M.A. - Master of Arts in Communication, Michigan State University

  • COM 219: Speech

Blomstrom, S. A., Hayford, B., & Mumpower, L. (in press) Service-Learning and STEM Literacy: A Case Study of Speech Students and a Natural History Museum. In Research in Science Education (Vol. VII) Science and Service-Learning.

Blomstrom, S. A., Hayford, B., Mumpower, L., & Bobinsky, A. (2016). Multiple Perspectives Community Engagement Assessment Model. Florida Communication Journal, 44 (1).


Hayford, B., Blomstrom, S. A., & Mumpower, L. (2015) Formation and Evaluation of a Tool to Evaluate STEM Literacy in Service-learning Projects in the Journal on Excellence in College Teaching 26 (4) 73-101.  special edition on Integrating Communication Instruction Throughout STEM Curricula: Transformational Åpproaches to Curricular Design.


Hayford, B., Blomstrom, S. A., DeBoer, B. (2014) STEM and Service-learning: Does service-learning increase STEM literacy? International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, 1(2), (ed.) Burack, C. & Melchior, A.

Blomstrom, S. A. (2012). Service-Learning as a pedagogical approach for net generation learners: A case study in Ferris, S. P. (ed). Teaching, Learning and the Net Generation: Concepts and Tools for Reaching Digital Learners (pp. 0-488). doi:10.4018/978-1-61350-347-8.