Sameer Abufardeh

Associate Professor
Electrical, Computer & Software Engr Department
College of Engineering

Areas of Expertise

Cyber-security phishing, Global Software Development, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Software Internationalization & Localization (Multilingual Software).
Sameer Abufardeh

Dr. Abufardeh earned his Ph.D. in Software Engineering at North Dakota State Univ. (NDSU), 2009, MS Degree in Computer Science at St. Cloud State University (SCSU), 2000, B.S. Computer Science at Southern Illinois University (SIU), 1994, and A.S. Computer Programming and Systems Analysis, Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU), 1986.

Dr. Abufardeh is an Associate Professor in the Computer, Electrical, and Software Engineering Department at Embry-Riddle’s Prescott campus, Aug. 2020-current. Before joining Embry-Riddle, Dr. Abufardeh served as an Associate Professor/Programs Director for the Software Engineering (SE) & Information Tech, Management (ITM) at the Math, Science, and Technology Department (MST) at the University of Minnesota-Crookston (UMC), 2015-2020. Assistant professor and a lecturer at North Dakota State University (NDSU) at the Department of Computer Science, 2006-2015. Lecturer at St. Cloud State University (SCSU), 2000-2002. And he has more than nine years of industry work experience.

Dr. Abufardeh's research interests lie in the area of Cyber-security phishing. Other areas of interest include Global Software Development, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Software Internationalization & Localization (Multilingual Software).

Dr. Abufardeh lives with his wife Dr. Sahar, a Plant Pathologist, their two daughters, Amal 6 & Amani 4. Before becoming a proud and busy dad, Sameer enjoyed playing racketball, bicycling, hiking, and enjoying the outdoors. Now he usually manages to watch these sports and activities on YouTube.

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Software Engineering, North Dakota State University-Main Campus
  • M.S. - Master of Science in Computer Science, Saint Cloud State University

  • SE 310: Analysis & Design S/Ware Systm
  • CS 125: Computer Science I
  • CS 125L: Computer Science I Lab
  • CS 317: Files/Database Systems
  • CS 415: Human-Computer Interfaces
  • SE 420: Software Quality Assurance
  • EE 399: Special Topics Electrical Eng

CS415 - Human-Computer Interfaces​


                                 (ERAU) Indicates work published during my appointment at ERAU. 

                                   (UMC)   Indicates work published during my appointment at UMC.

          (NDSU)  Indicates work published during my appointment at NDSU.

                      *             Indicates an undergraduate author

                       _            Underlined names indicate MS or Ph.D. students at NDSU.


Journal Articles:

(ERAU) Sameer Abufardeh, Bouchaib Falah. (2023), “The State of Phishing Attacks and Countermeasures."  International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS). October 2023, 17(4): 45-71.

(ERAU) Sameer Abufardeh, Rahaf Barakat, (2023). "Improved Automated Framework to Improve Users' Awareness of Online Social Networks."  International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS). October 2023, 17(4): 72-89.

(UMC) Mohammad Hossain (40%), Sameer Abufardeh (40%), Sumit Kumar*  (20%),Frameworks for Performing on Cloud Automated Software Testing Using Swarm Intelligence Algorithm: Brief Survey,” published in Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 252-256 (2018).

Contributions: contributed to the formulation of the research question, literature review, to the writing of the manuscript. All authors provided critical feedback and helped shape the research, analysis, and manuscript.

(NDSU) Al-ahmad, B. (50%); Abufardeh, S. (40%); Magel, K. (10%), “A Domain Ontology-Based Approach to Identify Effect Types upon Security and Functional Requirements.” International Journal of Knowledge Engineering (IJKE), 2015.

Contributions: Formulation of the research question, supervised the research, contributed to the design and implementation of the analysis of the results, and the writing of the manuscript.

(NDSU) M. Akour (50%), S. Abufardeh (40%), K. Magel (10%), Q. Al-Radaideh. (2011) QArabPro: A Rule-Based Question Answering System for Reading Comprehension Tests in Arabic. American Journal of Applied Science, 2011, ISSN: 1546-9239 e-ISSN: 1554-3641

Contributions: Formulation of the research question, supervised the research, contributed to the design and implementation of the analysis of the results, and the writing of the manuscript.


Non-refereed Journal Articles, Essays, or Book Chapters

Book Chapter:

S. Abufardeh, Book Title: “Knowledge-Based Processes in Software Development,” Chapter 2: KM and Global Software Engineering (GSE), pages 12-34. Published by IGI Global, 2013.

      Technical Report

(NDSU) Radermacher, A., Walia (40%), G., Myronovych, O. (20%), Abufardeh, S. (20%), and Rummelt, R. (20%), "Investigating the Use of Pair Programming at North Dakota State University: A Family of Empirical Studies," Technical Report, The Department of Computer Science, North Dakota State University, 2010.

        Creative Work – KEEN - ENGINEERING UNLEASHED

(ERAU) Sameer Abufardeh, (2023). "Inclusive and Accessible User Interface (UI) Design." Submitted for final review to Engineering Unleashed website

         Proceedings of Conferences - peer-reviewed

          (ERAU) Falah, B., Abufardeh, S., & Bourhnane, S. (2023). "Comparison of Mutation Testing and Manual Seeded Testing in Regression Test               Selection." Transactions on Engineering and Computing Sciences, 11(5), 16–37.

(ERAU) B Falah, H Touhs, S Karroumi, S Abufardeh (2021). “An Overview of a Blockchain Application in Education Using Hyperledger Project.” Published 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances,HEA'd21, València, Spain, June 22& 23rd, 2021.

 (ERAU) Falah, Bouchaib, Abufardeh, Sameer; Touhs, Hamza; Brahim, Mohammed (2021). “Reducing Program Complexity Using Critical Edge Analysis of its Control Flow Graph.” Published -ICACA001_21, Oct. 28-29, 2021, in Paris, France.

Contributions: contributed to the design, analysis of the results, and the writing of the manuscript.

NCUR 2021 Proceedings

(ERAU) Financial Impact of the COVID-19 Phishing Scams Research Computer Science - Time: Tue 2:00pm-3:00pm - Session Number: 611 Hongkai Chen, Dr. Mohammad Hossain (UMC), and Dr. Sameer Abufardeh (ERAU).

(ERAU) Developing a Google Chrome Extension for Detecting Phishing Emails Computer Science - Time: Tue 3:30pm-4:30pm - Session Number: 714 Hongkai Chen, Dr. Mohammad Hossain (UMC), and Dr. Sameer Abufardeh (ERAU).

(UMC) Lekssays, A.; Falah, B. and Abufardeh, S. (2020). A Novel Approach for Android Malware Detection and Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Software Technologies - ICSOFT, ISBN 978-989-758-443-5; ISSN 2184-2833, pages 606-614. DOI: 10.5220/0009822906060614

Contributions: contributed to the analysis of the results and the writing of the manuscript.

(UMC) Mohammad Hossain (40%), Maninder Singh (30%), and Sameer Abufardeh (30%). "Vertical Data Processing for Mining Big Data: A Predicate Tree Approach." Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE - 2019), San Diego, CA, USA, September 2019, pp. 68-77. 

Contributions: contributed to the analysis of the results and the writing of the manuscript.

(UMC) Mohammad Hossain (60%), and Sameer Abufardeh (40%). "A New Method of Calculating Squared Euclidean Distance (SED) Using pTree Technology and Its Performance Analysis." Proceedings of 34th International Conference of Computers and Their Applications (CATA-2019), Honolulu, Hawaii, March 2019, pp. 45-54. 

Contributions: contributed to the design and implementation of the experiments, to the analysis of the results and the writing of the manuscript.

(UMC) Barakat, R. (50%); Abufardeh, S. (40%); Magel, K. (10%),Automated Framework to Improve Users’ Awareness on Online Social Networks.” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, Grand Forks, ND, May 2016.

Contributions: Formulation of the research question, supervised the research, contributed to the design and implementation of the analysis of the results, and the writing of the manuscript.

(NDSU) Al-ahmad, B. (60%); Magel, K. (10%), Abufardeh, S. (30%); “Tool Support for Automatically Identifying Effect Types of Security Requirements upon Functional Requirements.” International Conference on Software Engineering ICOSE 2015, Toronto, Canada, August 2015.

Contributions: Formulation of the research question, supervised the research, contributed to the design and implementation of experiments, the analysis of the results, and the writing of the manuscript. origsite=gscholar&cbl=2027412

(NDSU) Goswami, A. (40%), Walia, G. (30%), and Abufardeh, S. (30%). “Using a Web-Based Testing Tool Repository in Programming Course: An Empirical Study” Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering. July 21- 24, FECS 2014 USA, July 2014.

Contributions: contributed to the design and implementation of experiments, analysis of the results, and the writing of the manuscript.

(NDSU) Radermacher, A. (30%), Walia, G. (30%), Abufardeh, S. (30%), and Myronovych, O. (10%) “Guidelines for Implementing Pair Programming in Introductory CS Courses: Experience Report” Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering. July 21- 24, FECS 2014 USA, July 2014.

Contributions: contributed to the design and implementation of experiments, analysis of the results, and the writing of the manuscript.

(NDSU) Ibrahim Aljarah (20%), Shadi Banitaan (20%), Sameer Abufardeh (20%), Wei Jin(20%) and Saeed Salem (20%), Selecting Discriminating Terms for Bug Assignment: A Formal Analysis”, In 7th International Conference on Predictive Models in Software Engineering (ACM PROMISE’11), Banff, Canada, September 2011.

Contributions: Formulation of the research question, contributed to the design and implementation of experiments, the analysis of the results, and the writing of the manuscript. &CFTOKEN=81990554

(NDSU) Abufardeh, S. (80%); Magel, K. (2010) (20%). Impact of Global Software Cultural and Linguistic Aspects of Global Software Development Process (GSD): Issues and Challenges. Proceedings of IEEE 4th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science (NISS2010), Gyeongju, Korea, 2010.

Contributions: Formulation of the research question, the design, and implementation of experiments, the analysis of the results, and the writing of the manuscript. 

(NDSU) Abufardeh, S. (80%) and Magel, K. (2009) (20%). "Software Internationalization: Testing Methods for Bidirectional Software," NCM, 2009 Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC, IEEE: pp.226-231. Seoul, Korea, 2009.

Contributions: Formulation of the research question, the design, and implementation of experiments, the analysis of the results, and the writing of the manuscript.

(NDSU) Abufardeh, S. (80%) and Magel, K. (2009) (20%). Software Internationalization: Crosscutting Concerns across the Development Lifecycle. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on New Trends in Information and Service Science (NISS 2009), IEEE pp. 447-450. Beijing, China, 2009.

Contributions: Formulation of the research question, the design, and implementation of experiments, the analysis of the results, and the writing of the manuscript.

(NDSU) Abufardeh, S. (80%) and Magel, K. (2008) (20%). Culturalization of Software Architecture: Issues and Challenges. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE 2008), pp. 436-439. Wuhan, China, 2008.

Contributions: Formulation of the research question, the design, and implementation of experiments, the analysis of the results, and the writing of the manuscript.

(NDSU) Abufardeh, S. (80%); Magel, K. (2008) (20%). "QA/Testing Bi-directional Languages Software: Issues and Challenges," COMPSAC, 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, IEEE: pp.172-175. Turku, Finland, 2008.

Contributions: Formulation of the research question, the design, and implementation of experiments, the analysis of the results, and the writing of the manuscript.

(NDSU) Abufardeh, S. (80%) and Magel, K. (20%) (2008). “Software Localization: The Challenging Aspects of Arabic to the Localization Process (Arabization).” ACM Proceeding: Software Engineering IASTED- SE 2008, pp. 275-279. Innsbruck, Austria, 2008.

Contributions: Formulation of the research question, the design, and implementation of experiments, the analysis of the results, and the writing of the manuscript.  Total citations: 17


                                 (ERAU) Indicates work published during my appointment at ERAU. 

                                   (UMC)   Indicates work published during my appointment at UMC.

                                  (NDSU)  Indicates work published during my appointment at NDSU.

                      *             Indicates an undergraduate author

                       _            Underlined names indicate MS or Ph.D. students at NDSU.


Journal Articles:

(ERAU) Sameer Abufardeh, Bouchaib Falah. (2023), “The State of Phishing Attacks and Countermeasures."  International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS). October 2023, 17(4): 45-71.

(ERAU) Sameer Abufardeh, Rahaf Barakat, (2023). "Improved Automated Framework to Improve Users' Awareness of Online Social Networks."  International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS). October 2023, 17(4): 72-89.

      (UMC) Mohammad Hossain, Sameer Abufardeh, Sumit Kumar*,Frameworks for Performing on Cloud Automated  Software Testing Using          Swarm Intelligence Algorithm: Brief Survey,” published in Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, vol. 3, no. 2,            pp. 252-256 (2018).

(NDSU) Al-ahmad, B.; Abufardeh, S.; Magel, K., “A Domain Ontology-Based Approach to Identify Effect Types upon               Security and Functional Requirements.” International Journal of Knowledge Engineering (IJKE), 2015.

(NDSU) M. Akour, S. Abufardeh, K. Magel, Q. Al-Radaideh. (2011) QArabPro: A Rule-Based Question Answering System for Reading Comprehension Tests in Arabic. American Journal of Applied Science, 2011, ISSN: 1546-9239 e-ISSN: 1554-3641.         

        Non-refereed Journal Articles, Essays, or Book Chapters

        Book Chapter:

S. Abufardeh, Book Title: “Knowledge-Based Processes in Software Development,” Chapter 2: KM and Global Software Engineering (GSE), pages 12-34. Published by IGI Global, 2013.

        Technical Report

           (NDSU) Radermacher, A., Walia, G., Myronovych, O., Abufardeh, S., and Rummelt, R., "Investigating the Use of Pair Programming at North               Dakota State University: A Family of Empirical Studies," Technical Report, The Department of Computer Science, NDSU, 2010.

        Creative Work – KEEN - ENGINEERING UNLEASHED

(ERAU) Sameer Abufardeh, (2023). "Inclusive and Accessible User Interface (UI) Design." Submitted for final review to Engineering Unleashed website

        Proceedings of Conferences - peer-reviewed

            (ERAU) Falah, B., Abufardeh, S., & Bourhnane, S. (2023). "Comparison of Mutation Testing and Manual Seeded Testing in Regression Test                Selection." Transactions on Engineering and Computing Sciences, 11(5), 16–37.

            (ERAU) B Falah, H Touhs, S Karroumi, S Abufardeh (2021). “An Overview of a Blockchain Application in Education Using Hyperledger                        Project.”  Published 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances,HEA'd21, València, Spain, June 22& 23rd, 2021.

            (ERAU) Falah, Bouchaib, Abufardeh, Sameer; Touhs, Hamza; Brahim, Mohammed (2021). “Reducing Program Complexity Using Critical                    Edge Analysis of its Control Flow Graph.” Published -ICACA001_21, Oct. 28-29, 2021, in Paris, France.

(ERAU) Financial Impact of the COVID-19 Phishing Scams Research Computer Science - Time: Tue 2:00pm-3:00pm - Session Number: 611  Hongkai Chen, Dr. Mohammad Hossain (UMC), and Dr. Sameer Abufardeh (ERAU). NCUR 2021 Proceedings

(ERAU) Developing a Google Chrome Extension for Detecting Phishing Emails Computer Science - Time: Tue 3:30pm-4:30pm - Session Number: 714 Hongkai Chen, Dr. Mohammad Hossain (UMC), and Dr. Sameer Abufardeh (ERAU). NCUR 2021 Proceedings

(UMC) Lekssays, A.; Falah, B., Abufardeh, S. (2020). A Novel Approach for Android Malware Detection and Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Software Technologies - ICSOFT, ISBN 978-989-758-443-5; ISSN 2184-2833, pages 606-614. DOI: 10.5220/0009822906060614

(UMC) Mohammad Hossain, Maninder Singh, Sameer Abufardeh. "Vertical Data Processing for Mining Big Data: A Predicate Tree Approach." Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE - 2019), San Diego, CA, USA, September 2019, pp. 68-77. 

(UMC) Mohammad Hossain, Sameer Abufardeh. "A New Method of Calculating Squared Euclidean Distance (SED) Using pTree Technology and Its Performance Analysis." Proceedings of 34th International Conference of Computers and Their Applications (CATA-2019), Honolulu, Hawaii, March 2019, pp. 45-54. 

(UMC) Barakat, R.; Abufardeh, S.; Magel, K. ,Automated Framework to Improve Users’ Awareness on Online Social Networks.” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, Grand Forks, ND, May 2016.

(NDSU) Al-ahmad, B.; Magel, K., Abufardeh, S.; “Tool Support for Automatically Identifying Effect Types of Security Requirements upon Functional Requirements.” International Conference on Software Engineering ICOSE 2015, Toronto, Canada, August 2015.

(NDSU) Goswami, A., Walia, G., and Abufardeh, S.. “Using a Web-Based Testing Tool Repository in Programming Course: An Empirical Study” Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering. July 21- 24, FECS 2014 USA, July 2014.

(NDSU) Radermacher, A. (30%), Walia, G., Abufardeh, S., and Myronovych, O. “Guidelines for Implementing Pair Programming in Introductory CS Courses: Experience Report” Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering. July 21- 24, FECS 2014 USA, July 2014.

(NDSU) Ibrahim Aljarah, Shadi Banitaan, Sameer Abufardeh, Wei JinSaeed Salem, Selecting Discriminating Terms for Bug Assignment: A Formal Analysis”, In 7th International Conference on Predictive Models in Software Engineering (ACM PROMISE’11), Banff, Canada, September 2011.

(NDSU) Abufardeh, S.; Magel, K. (2010). Impact of Global Software Cultural and Linguistic Aspects of Global Software Development Process (GSD): Issues and Challenges. Proceedings of IEEE 4th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science (NISS2010), Gyeongju, Korea, 2010.

(NDSU) Abufardeh, S. and Magel, K. (2009). "Software Internationalization: Testing Methods for Bidirectional Software," NCM, 2009 Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC, IEEE: pp.226-231. Seoul, Korea, 2009.

(NDSU) Abufardeh, S., Magel, K. (2009). Software Internationalization: Crosscutting Concerns across the Development Lifecycle. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on New Trends in Information and Service Science (NISS 2009), IEEE pp. 447-450. Beijing, China, 2009.

(NDSU) Abufardeh, S., Magel, K. (2008). Culturalization of Software Architecture: Issues and Challenges. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE 2008), pp. 436-439. Wuhan, China, 2008.

(NDSU) Abufardeh, S., Magel, K. (2008). "QA/Testing Bi-directional Languages Software: Issues and Challenges," COMPSAC, 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, IEEE: pp.172-175. Turku, Finland, 2008.

(NDSU) Abufardeh, S., Magel, K. “Software Localization: The Challenging Aspects of Arabic to the Localization Process (Arabization).” ACM Proceeding: Software Engineering IASTED- SE 2008, pp. 275-279. Innsbruck, Austria, 2008.

      Presentations, Posters, and Exhibits


Falah, Bouchaib, Abufardeh, Sameer; Touhs, Hamza; Brahim, Mohammed (2021).Virtual prenetation to a conference paper. “Reducing Program Complexity Using Critical Edge Analysis of its Control Flow Graph.” Published -ICACA001_21, Oct. 28-29, 2021, in Paris, France.


Sameer Abufardeh, Mohammad Hossain, Navjot Singh, Brandyn Forrest, Kyle Stulen. “Electronic Phishing: A Meta-Analysis of High-Risk Victim Profiling. A Poster presented at Cyber-security Awareness and Research Symposium (CARS'18), UND, Grand Forks, ND, Oct. 2018.

Curriculum Internationalization Next Step: Curriculum Localization. A Poster presented at U of M Internationalizing Campus & Curriculum poster fair, Nov. 2017.

Conference presentation: “Automated Framework to Improve Users’ Awareness on Online Social Networks”. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, Grand Forks, ND, May 2016.

Poster: Undergraduate Research Projects, “Development of 3D Virtual Tours to Virtually Experience American and Chinese Universities and Cultures”. American Centers for Cultural Exchange Conference (ACCEX), Guangzhou, China, June 2016. 

Presentation: Software Engineering program at UMC, a presentation to promote our Software Engineering Program to faculty & students at two Chinese Universities, China, June 2016. 


Presentation: “Multilingual Software: Bidirectional Languages - Arabic & Hebrew. Issues and challenges “Microsoft and Great Plains, Fargo, ND, 2007.

Presentation: “Multilingual Software: Bidirectional Languages – Testing Bidirectional Software” Microsoft and Great Plains, Fargo, ND,  2006.

Presentation: Framework for multilingual software development S. Abufardeh and S. Akram, North Dakota State University, MICS, 2005.

Presentation: Multiple presentations about software Internationalization & Localization of software as a guest lecturer for a capstone class, 2008-2015.

  • Cyber Security, IEEE Computer Society Technical Community, 2017-Current.
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society, 2010-Current.
  • Honor Society - Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE), 2008-Current.
  • Localization Industry Standards Association (LISA), 2005-Current.
  • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2004-Current.

​Senior Member IEEE