Sam Butler

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Aeronautics
College of Aviation

Office Hours

office hours are scheduled each term for each course, as required

Areas of Expertise

See resume under biography, and courses taught


Embry Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide Campus                                     2004-present      Adjunct, Assistant Professor, College of Aeronautics

Delta Air Lines                                                                                                               1991-2002

     Captain B-767/200-300ER/757, 737ng, 727

     F/O 727, European Operations (Frankfurt, Berlin)

     Simulator Instructor-727, 3 years

     Internal Audit-Flight Operations Quality/Safety Team

Safety Consultant for Delta Air Lines                                                                            1997-1998

     Code Share Audit/Safety Team:  18 months on site, Seoul, South Korea

     Korean Air Lines Safety Consultant Team                                                                 

     China Southern Airlines, Safety Review, Guangzhou, China (one month, 1997)    

Pan American World Airways                                                                                        1980-1991

     727 Chief Standards Captain, New York/Europe/Asia, Ferry Flights

     F/O DC-10/10-30, Domestic/International, Charter Operations      Pilot Representative, Pan Am PAC, Washington, D.C.

     Member PAA Employee Sales Team: Presentation to Management of Delta Air Lines     

National Airlines

     F/O B727, DC-10-Domestic and International Operations                                       1969-1980  

Flight Experience:  3 airlines, U.S. Navy (certified celestial navigator)                          25,000+

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United States Navy, Worldwide Operations                                                                 1964-1969

     Naval Aviator, Patrol Squadron-P-3, Anti-Submarine Operations,  

     Active Duty 6 years, Viet-Nam (1967-1 year)

     Commendations: Air Medal, Navy Commendation Medal, and other

United States Naval Air Reserves                                                                                  1969-1989

     19 years Naval Air Reserves, Retired as O-6/1989

     (Command at Sea)-Commanding Officer, Patrol Squadron VP-62

     9 P-3 aircraft, 500-person, Operational Reserve Squadron, Deployed around the World

     P3 Reserve Air Wing Commander, NAS JAX-3 years

     CNO (Chief of Naval Operations) Reserve Support Unit-Pentagon-3 years;       Qualified, Active Duty Navy Department Duty Captain-Pentagon



Seabreeze High School, Daytona Beach, Florida                                                          1956-1960

Florida State University, BS Business

  -Basketball Scholarship                                                                                                1960-1963

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, MAS-Safety                                                     ----, 2002 

Other Academic Participation

Lecturer for LIFE Organization-a UCF, University of Central Florida Affiliated,

1000-member, Adult Education Forum                                                                                   2018 

Other Interests

City of Belle Isle, Florida, City Commissioner                                                              2010-2014

Founding Member of Cornerstone Charter School, Belle Isle, Florida                          2010-2014

Board of Directors                                                                                                           2010-2014

Married, Children, Grand Children

  • M.A.S. - Master of Aeronautical Science, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • B.S. - Bachelor of Science in Finance, Florida State University

  • ASCI 516: Appl Crew Resource Mgmt
  • BSAS 345: Avia Safety Program Mgmt
  • MSAS 611: Avia/Aerosp System Safety
  • ASCI 254: Aviation Legislation
  • ASCI 491: Oper'l Apps in Aeronautics

20 years teaching every course offered (at least once) in the Aeronautics Department.  To many courses to list here.

See Resume under Biography