Sam Butler
- Title
- Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Department
- Department of Aeronautics
- College
- College of Aviation
Office Hours
office hours are scheduled each term for each course, as requiredAreas of Expertise
See resume under biography, and courses taughtBiography
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide Campus 2004-present Adjunct, Assistant Professor, College of Aeronautics
Delta Air Lines 1991-2002
Captain B-767/200-300ER/757, 737ng, 727
F/O 727, European Operations (Frankfurt, Berlin)
Simulator Instructor-727, 3 years
Internal Audit-Flight Operations Quality/Safety Team
Safety Consultant for Delta Air Lines 1997-1998
Code Share Audit/Safety Team: 18 months on site, Seoul, South Korea
Korean Air Lines Safety Consultant Team
China Southern Airlines, Safety Review, Guangzhou, China (one month, 1997)
Pan American World Airways 1980-1991
727 Chief Standards Captain, New York/Europe/Asia, Ferry Flights
F/O DC-10/10-30, Domestic/International, Charter Operations Pilot Representative, Pan Am PAC, Washington, D.C.
Member PAA Employee Sales Team: Presentation to Management of Delta Air Lines
National Airlines
F/O B727, DC-10-Domestic and International Operations 1969-1980
Flight Experience: 3 airlines, U.S. Navy (certified celestial navigator) 25,000+
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United States Navy, Worldwide Operations 1964-1969
Naval Aviator, Patrol Squadron-P-3, Anti-Submarine Operations,
Active Duty 6 years, Viet-Nam (1967-1 year)
Commendations: Air Medal, Navy Commendation Medal, and other
United States Naval Air Reserves 1969-1989
19 years Naval Air Reserves, Retired as O-6/1989
(Command at Sea)-Commanding Officer, Patrol Squadron VP-62
9 P-3 aircraft, 500-person, Operational Reserve Squadron, Deployed around the World
P3 Reserve Air Wing Commander, NAS JAX-3 years
CNO (Chief of Naval Operations) Reserve Support Unit-Pentagon-3 years; Qualified, Active Duty Navy Department Duty Captain-Pentagon
Seabreeze High School, Daytona Beach, Florida 1956-1960
Florida State University, BS Business
-Basketball Scholarship 1960-1963
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, MAS-Safety ----, 2002
Other Academic Participation
Lecturer for LIFE Organization-a UCF, University of Central Florida Affiliated,
1000-member, Adult Education Forum 2018
Other Interests
City of Belle Isle, Florida, City Commissioner 2010-2014
Founding Member of Cornerstone Charter School, Belle Isle, Florida 2010-2014
Board of Directors 2010-2014
Married, Children, Grand Children
- M.A.S. - Master of Aeronautical Science, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
- B.S. - Bachelor of Science in Finance, Florida State University
Currently Teaching
- ASCI 516: Appl Crew Resource Mgmt
- BSAS 345: Avia Safety Program Mgmt
- MSAS 611: Avia/Aerosp System Safety
- ASCI 254: Aviation Legislation
- ASCI 491: Oper'l Apps in Aeronautics