Sergey V Drakunov
- Title
- Professor
- Department
- Physical Sciences Department
- College
- College of Arts & Sciences
Areas of Expertise
control theory and its applications, engineering physics, applied mathematics
External Links
The views expressed on faculty and external web pages are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
- Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics, Institute of Control Sciences
Currently Teaching
- EP 800: Dissertation
- EP 702: Theoretical Mechs Astrodynamic
Research Projects
- PH-Gauss-Lobatto Reduced-Order-Model for Shape Control of Soft-Continuum Manipulators Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Integrated Spacecraft Autonomous Attitude Control Testbed Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Swarm UAVs for Area Mapping in GPS-Denied Locations Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Quaternion Kinematic Observer Using Multiplicative Error Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Parametric PH Curves Model Based Kinematic Control of the Shape of Mobile Soft Manipulators in Unstructured Environment Pure Portfolio (2022)
- A sliding mode estimation method for fluid flow fields using a differential inclusions-based analysis Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Comparative Methodology and Validation of Steam as a Monopropellant Through a Converging-Diverging Nozzle Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Sliding mode estimation and closed-loop active flow control under actuator uncertainty Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Finite-Time State Estimation for an Inverted Pendulum under Input-Multiplicative Uncertainty Publications (2020)
- Finite-Time State Estimation for an Inverted Pendulum under Input-Multiplicative Uncertainty Publications (2020)
- Finite-Time State Estimation for an Inverted Pendulum under Input-Multiplicative Uncertainty Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Path Planning and Control of Mobile Soft Manipulators with Obstacle Avoidance Pure Portfolio (2020)
- A Closed-Loop Nonlinear Control and Sliding Mode Estimation Strategy for Fluid Flow Regulation Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Bio-inspired methodologies for energy conservation and harvesting flight-path modeling for unmanned aerial system Pure Portfolio (2019)
- A quaternion-based sliding mode observer for gyro-bias estimation and attitude reconstruction Pure Portfolio (2019)
- A dynamic model of helical dielectric elastomer actuator Pure Portfolio (2019)
- An experimental steam propulsion system for spacecraft in-situ refueling operations Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Optimization of a Non-Classical Trajectory Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Control of Nonholonomic and Underactuated Systems Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Variable Structure, Sliding-Mode Controller Design Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Sliding mode observer for fluid flow Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Active flow control under actuator uncertainty using a sliding mode estimation strategy Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Time Optimal State Feedback Control with Application to a Spacecraft with Cold Gas Propulsion Publications (2017)
- Time Optimal State Feedback Control with Application to a Spacecraft with Cold Gas Propulsion Pure Portfolio (2017)
- A Biomimetic Energy-Conserving/Harvesting Trajectory Planning for a sUAV Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Nonlinear Observer for Distributed Parameter Systems Described By Decoupled Advection Equations Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Robust Nonlinear Estimation and Control of Fluid Flow Velocity Fields Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Biomimemic Opportunistic Approaches in Energy-Conserving/Harvesting Flight-Path Modeling for UAS Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Mathematical Multi-Sensory Model of Spatial Orientation Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Biomimemic opportunistic approaches in energy- conserving/harvesting flight-path modeling for UAS Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Modeling and Control of Cold Gas Propulsion for Spacecraft Attitude Control Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Stabilization of an underactuated parallel system with a single input Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Observer design for distributed parameter systems Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Skid detection of an autonomous vehicle under extreme driving conditions using a sliding mode observer Pure Portfolio (2014)
- A simple short-term solution to helicopter Spatial Disorientation during operations in degraded visual environments Pure Portfolio (2014)
- Control and Systems For Autonomously Driven Vehicles: patents no. 8,126,642, no. 8,280,623, no. 8412449, no. 20100106356, no. 20120101680, no. 20120316725, no. 20130274986 A1. Pure Portfolio (2013)
- Self-Reconfigurable Control for Dual-Quaternion/Dual-Vector Systems Pure Portfolio (2013)
- Three-Axis Magnetic Attitude Control Algorithms for Small Satellites in the Presence of Noise Pure Portfolio (2012)
- Robust and Adaptive Maximum Power Point Tracking for Standalone Photovoltaic Systems Using a Sliding Mode Control Approach Pure Portfolio (2012)
- An equivalent control based sliding mode observer using high order uniform robust sliding operators Pure Portfolio (2012)
- Nonlinear Estimation of Fluid Flow Velocity Fields Pure Portfolio (2011)
- Hierarchical Sliding Mode Observers for Distributed Parameter Systems Pure Portfolio (2011)
- Feasibility of Space Vehicle Debris Hazard Airspace Stratification Pure Portfolio (2011)
- Feedback control of a nonholonomic vehicle among moving obstacles using variable structure observer Pure Portfolio (2011)
- Control of Nonholonomic and Underactuated Systems Pure Portfolio (2011)
- Variable Structure, Sliding Mode Controller Design Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Variable Mode Control Systems for a Tethered Aircraft With Ducted Wind Energy Generators Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Control of Nonholonomic and Underactuated Systems Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Variable mode control systems for a tethered aircraft with ducted wind energy generators Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Control of nonholonomic and underactuated systems Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Variable structure, sliding-mode controller design Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Sliding Mode Control of DC-DC Power Converters Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Novel Three-Axis Attitude Control Algorithms for Small Satellites Using Only Magnetic Actuators Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Design of an estimator for the prediction of drying curves Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Novel three-axis attitude control algorithms for small satellites using only magnetic actuators Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Planar maneuvering of a spacecraft with propellant sloshing using switched feedback Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Attitude stabilization of a nadir-pointing small satellite using only magnetic actuators Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Integral sliding mode control of an extended Heisenberg system Pure Portfolio (2009)
- A fractal control architecture for multiple UAVs missions Pure Portfolio (2008)
- Feedback concept using controlled virtual point following Pure Portfolio (2008)
- Attitude stabilization of small satellites using only magnetic actuation Pure Portfolio (2008)
- Parameter Estimation Using Sliding Mode Observers: Application to the Monod Kinetic Model Pure Portfolio (2007)
- Derivation and Application of a Conserved Orbital Energy for the Inverted Pendulum Bipedal Walking Model Publications (2007)
- Derivation and Application of a Conserved Orbital Energy for the Inverted Pendulum Bipedal Walking Model Pure Portfolio (2007)
- Derivation and Application of a Conserved Orbital Energy for the Inverted Pendulum Bipedal Walking Model Pure Portfolio (2007)
- Delay Identification in Time-Delay Systems using Variable Structure Observers Pure Portfolio (2006)
- Capture point Pure Portfolio (2006)
- Discrete-time sliding mode control on a flexible truss structure Pure Portfolio (2005)
- Control strategy for planar vertical jump Pure Portfolio (2005)
- Determination of time optimal diafiltration for an ultrafiltration process Pure Portfolio (2005)
- Determination of time optimal diafiltration for an ultrafiltration process Pure Portfolio (2005)
- Higher-order optimal control design via singular perturbation Pure Portfolio (2005)
- Stabilization and tracking control for an extended Heisenberg system with a drift Pure Portfolio (2005)
- Sliding mode control of extended heisenberg systems Pure Portfolio (2004)
- A nonlinear stability controller for rear wheel driven vehicles Pure Portfolio (2002)
- A sampled-data formulation for boundary control of a longitudinal elastic bar Pure Portfolio (2001)
- Hierarchical human-in-the loop control systems Pure Portfolio (2001)
- Finite time stability and stabilization Pure Portfolio (2000)
- A unifying characterization of robust sliding mode control Pure Portfolio (2000)
- Further results on sliding manifold design and observation for a heat equation Pure Portfolio (2000)
- Stabilization of Nonholonomic Systems Using Isospectral Flows Pure Portfolio (2000)
- Variable Structure Control in Automotive Control Systems Pure Portfolio (2000)
- Yaw control algorithm via sliding mode control Pure Portfolio (2000)
- An O(T<sup>2</sup>) boundary layer in sliding mode for sampled-data systems Pure Portfolio (2000)
- Towards an integrated welding testbed Pure Portfolio (1998)
- Manifold control and observation of Jordan forms with application to distributed parameter systems Pure Portfolio (1998)
- Unified Lyapunov setting for continuous and discrete time sliding mode control Pure Portfolio (1998)
- Nonholonomic stabilization and isospectral flows Pure Portfolio (1998)
- Planning/control in multiresolutional systems via sliding mode Pure Portfolio (1998)
- Nonlinear Control of a Rodless Pneumatic Servoactuator, or Sliding Modes versus Coulomb Friction Pure Portfolio (1997)
- Sliding surfaces design for distributed parameter systems Pure Portfolio (1997)
- Manifold control of a class of distributed parameter systems using modal expansion Pure Portfolio (1997)
- Stabilization of Brockett's generalized canonical driftless system Pure Portfolio (1997)
- Discrete-time/discrete-event sliding mode design via Lyapunov approach Pure Portfolio (1997)
- Constructing discontinuity surfaces for variable structure systems: A Lyapunov approach Pure Portfolio (1996)
- Leader-follower strategy via a sliding mode approach Pure Portfolio (1996)
- Stabilization and tracking in the nonholonomic integrator via sliding modes Pure Portfolio (1996)
- Sliding-mode control in discrete-state and hybrid systems Pure Portfolio (1996)
- Sliding mode observers for automotive applications Pure Portfolio (1996)
- Sliding mode control in arc welding Pure Portfolio (1996)
- Sliding mode control of a heat equation with application of arc welding Pure Portfolio (1996)
- Time sub-optimal/sliding mode controller for a flexible structure Pure Portfolio (1996)
- Sliding mode control of an inverted pendulum Pure Portfolio (1996)
- Rotational motion stabilization for a vertical shaft magnetic bearing with a sliding mode controller and observer Pure Portfolio (1996)
- A sliding mode observer and controller for stabilization of rotational motion of a vertical shaft magnetic bearing Pure Portfolio (1996)
- ∞ -LQ regulator and sliding mode controller for a flexible structure with synchronous motor Pure Portfolio (1996)
- Sliding mode control design for automated steering via Lyapunov approach Pure Portfolio (1995)
- Combined longitudinal and lateral controller design for a vehicle with radar sensors Pure Portfolio (1995)
- On-line estimation of indicated torque in IC engines via sliding mode observers Pure Portfolio (1995)
- Sliding mode observers. Tutorial Pure Portfolio (1995)
- On-line estimation of indicated torque in ic engines using nonlinear observers Pure Portfolio (1995)
- Discrete-event sliding mode observers for continuous-time systems Pure Portfolio (1995)
- Tracking in nonholonomic dynamic systems via sliding modes Pure Portfolio (1995)
- Semigroup approach to discrete-time sliding modes Pure Portfolio (1995)
- Estimation of engine torque using nonlinear observers in the crank angle domain Pure Portfolio (1995)
- O(T<sup>2</sup>) sliding mode control on a flexible structure Pure Portfolio (1995)
- ABS control using optimum search via sliding modes Pure Portfolio (1995)
- Sliding Mode Observers. Tutorial. Pure Portfolio (1995)
- Sliding modes in hybrid systems-a semigroup approach Pure Portfolio (1994)
- Stabilization of a nonholonomic system via sliding modes Pure Portfolio (1994)
- ABS control using optimum search via sliding modes Pure Portfolio (1994)
- Constructing discontinuity planes for variable structure systems - a Lyapunov approach Pure Portfolio (1994)
- Sliding modes in hybrid system - a semigroup approach Pure Portfolio (1994)
- Sliding mode control with multiple equilibrium manifolds Pure Portfolio (1994)
- Lyapunov control design for stabilizing state trajectories to a manifold Pure Portfolio (1994)
- Sliding mode control design via Lyapunov approach Pure Portfolio (1994)
- Sliding mode with chattering reduction in sampled data systems Pure Portfolio (1993)
- Sliding mode control of the systems with uncertain of control Pure Portfolio (1993)
- Sliding mode control in hybrid systems Pure Portfolio (1993)
- Sliding mode control in discrete state systems Pure Portfolio (1993)
- Use of neural networks and sliding modes in vibration damping Pure Portfolio (1993)
- Sliding mode control in discrete time linear systems Pure Portfolio (1993)
- Sliding mode control of the systems with uncertain direction of control vector Pure Portfolio (1993)
- Discrete-time sliding-mode in stochastic systems Pure Portfolio (1993)
- Sliding mode control in dynamic systems.pdf Pure Portfolio (1992)
- Sliding mode control in dynamic systems Pure Portfolio (1992)
- Sliding-mode observers based on equivalent control method Pure Portfolio (1992)
- Sliding mode control with chattering reduction Pure Portfolio (1992)
- Obstacle avoidance control in multi-dimensional space using sliding mode Pure Portfolio (1992)
- Sliding mode brushless DC motor torque control with minimum energy losses Pure Portfolio (1992)
- Sliding mode brushless dc motor current and torque control algorithms Pure Portfolio (1992)
- Nonlinear control of a rodless pneumatic servoactuator Pure Portfolio (1992)
- Robot path obstacle avoidance control via sliding mode approach Pure Portfolio (1991)
- Block control principle. II Pure Portfolio (1990)
- On Discrete-Time Sliding Modes Pure Portfolio (1989)
- Adaptive quasioptimal filter with discontinuous parameters Pure Portfolio (1984)