Ted von Hippel
- Title
- Professor
- Ted.VonHippel@erau.edu Email
- Department
- Physical Sciences Department
- College
- College of Arts & Sciences
Office Hours
Wed 1:00-2:00pm, Wed 3:00-5:00pm, Fri 1:00-2:00, and by appointmentAreas of Expertise
Observational Astronomy, Star Formation History of the Galaxy, Stellar Evolution, White Dwarfs, Research Funding Policy, Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide
External Links
The views expressed on faculty and external web pages are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
- Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
- M.S. - Master of Science in Astronomy, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
- B.A. - Bachelor of Arts in Physics, Dartmouth College
Currently Teaching
- HON 350: Honors Seminar III
- EP 425: Observational Astronomy
- EP 525: Observational Astronomy
- PS 160: Physics for Engineers II
Courses Taught
• Foundations of the Science (PS 116)
• Introductory Physics I (PS 113)
• Technical Physics II (PS 104)
• Physics II for Engineers (PS 160)
• Astronomy (PS 224 / PS 301)
• Introductory Astronomy and Astrophysics I (PS 316)
• Astrophysics I (PS 401 / EP 595E)
• Astrophysics II (PS 408 / EP 5508)
• Observational Astronomy (EP 425 / EP 525)
• Special Topics (independent study at PS 299, PS 399, PS 499, EP 699 levels)
• Thesis Research (EP 700)
Research Projects
- Investigating Mass Segregation of the Binary Stars in the Open Cluster NGC 6819 Pure Portfolio (2024)
- The Morphology of the Asteroidal Dust around White Dwarf Stars Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Goodbye to Chi by Eye Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Tracing the Origins of Mass Segregation in M35 Pure Portfolio (2024)
- Direct atmospheric cryogenic carbon capture in cold climates Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Bayesian Inference for the White Dwarf Initial-Final Mass Relation Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Bayesian Inference for the White Dwarf Initial-Final Mass Relation Publications (2023)
- Databases and Inter-Connectivity in Ground-Based Astronomy Publications (2023)
- Databases and Inter-Connectivity in Ground-Based Astronomy Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Two substellar survivor candidates Pure Portfolio (2023)
- Two Substellar Survivor Candidates; One Found and One Missing Publications (2022)
- On the feasibility of precompression for direct atmospheric cryogenic carbon capture Pure Portfolio (2022)
- A Monte Carlo Method for Evaluating Empirical Gyrochronology Models and Its Application to Wide Binary Benchmarks Publications (2022)
- A Monte Carlo Method for Evaluating Empirical Gyrochronology Models and Its Application to Wide Binary Benchmarks Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Recovering from Industrial Overshoot: Cryogenic Carbon Capture of Atmospheric CO2 Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Recovering from Industrial Overshoot: Cryogenic Carbon Capture of Atmospheric CO2 Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Improving White Dwarfs as Chronometers with Gaia Parallaxes and Spectroscopic Metallicities Publications (2022)
- Improving White Dwarfs as Chronometers with Gaia Parallaxes and Spectroscopic Metallicities Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Anomalous Orbital Characteristics of the AQ Col (EC 05217-3914) System Publications (2022)
- Anomalous Orbital Characteristics of the AQ Col (EC 05217-3914) System Pure Portfolio (2022)
- Energy Analysis of Precompression and Turbine Recovery for Cryogenic Carbon Capture in a Direct Air Capture System Pure Portfolio (2022)
- The carbon dioxide removal potential of Liquid Air Energy Storage Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Collisions in a Gas-Rich White Dwarf Planetary Debris Disc Publications (2021)
- Collisions in a Gas-Rich White Dwarf Planetary Debris Disc Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Gyrochronology Model Evaluation Method Pure Portfolio (2021)
- A Not-So-Starry Night: Mitigating the Light Pollution Effects on Telescope Observations at Embry-Riddle Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Testing the Gyrochronology Paradigm Using Wide Binary Stars Pure Portfolio (2021)
- Near-Infrared Variability in Dusty White Dwarfs: Tracing the Accretion of Planetary Material Publications (2020)
- Near-Infrared Variability in Dusty White Dwarfs: Tracing the Accretion of Planetary Material Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Polarization Measurements of the Polluted White Dwarf G29-38 Publications (2020)
- Polarization Measurements of the Polluted White Dwarf G29-38 Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Recovering from Industrial Overshoot: Thermal Removal of Atmospheric CO2 Pure Portfolio (2020)
- Bayesian Characterization of Main-Sequence Binaries in the Old Open Cluster NGC 188 Publications (2019)
- Bayesian Characterization of Main-Sequence Binaries in the Old Open Cluster NGC 188 Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Thermodynamic Model of CO2 Deposition in Cold Climates Publications (2019)
- Thermodynamic Model of CO2 Deposition in Cold Climates Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Gaia, White Dwarfs, and the Age of the Galaxy Publications (2019)
- Gaia, White Dwarfs, and the Age of the Galaxy Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Analyzing white dwarf + white dwarf binaries with Gaia trigonometric parallaxes Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Precise Ages of Field Stars from White Dwarf Companions Pure Portfolio (2019)
- Bayesian Analysis of Two Stellar Populations in Galactic Globular Clusters II: NGC 5024, NGC 5272, and NGC 6352 Publications (2018)
- Bayesian Analysis of Two Stellar Populations in Galactic Globular Clusters II: NGC 5024, NGC 5272, and NGC 6352 Pure Portfolio (2018)
- A Bayesian Analysis of the Ages of Four Open Clusters Publications (2018)
- A Bayesian Analysis of the Ages of Four Open Clusters Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Dust Production and Depletion in Evolved Planetary Systems Publications (2018)
- Dust Production and Depletion in Evolved Planetary Systems Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling of Initial-Final Mass Relations Across Star Clusters Publications (2018)
- Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling of Initial-Final Mass Relations Across Star Clusters Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Bayesian Analysis of Two Stellar Populations in Galactic Globular Clusters I: Statistical and Computational Methods Publications (2018)
- Bayesian Analysis of Two Stellar Populations in Galactic Globular Clusters I: Statistical and Computational Methods Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Thermal Removal of Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere: Energy Requirements and Scaling Issues Publications (2018)
- Thermal Removal of Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere: Energy Requirements and Scaling Issues Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Precise Ages of Field Stars from White Dwarf Companions Publications (2018)
- Precise Ages of Field Stars from White Dwarf Companions Pure Portfolio (2018)
- Magnetospherically-Trapped Dust and a Possible Model for the Unusual Transits at WD1145+017 Publications (2017)
- Magnetospherically-Trapped Dust and a Possible Model for the Unusual Transits at WD1145+017 Pure Portfolio (2017)
- A Hierarchical Model for the Ages of Galactic Halo White Dwarfs Publications (2017)
- A Hierarchical Model for the Ages of Galactic Halo White Dwarfs Pure Portfolio (2017)
- The ACS Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters XIV: Bayesian Single-Population Analysis of 69 Globular Clusters Publications (2017)
- The ACS Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters XIV: Bayesian Single-Population Analysis of 69 Globular Clusters Pure Portfolio (2017)
- The Ages of the Thin Disk, Thick Disk, and the Halo from Nearby White Dwarfs Publications (2017)
- The Ages of the Thin Disk, Thick Disk, and the Halo from Nearby White Dwarfs Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues In Homeland Security – What They Are and How to Address Them Pure Portfolio (2017)
- Bayesian Analysis of Two Stellar Populations in Galactic Globular Clusters – III. Analysis of 30 Clusters Publications (2016)
- Bayesian Analysis of Two Stellar Populations in Galactic Globular Clusters – III. Analysis of 30 Clusters Pure Portfolio (2016)
- New Halo White Dwarf Candidates in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Publications (2016)
- New Halo White Dwarf Candidates in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Technical Physics (PS 103/104) Refresh Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Technical Physics (PS 103/104) Refresh Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Technical Physics (PS 103/104) Refresh Pure Portfolio (2016)
- Impact of Declining Proposal Success Rates on Scientific Productivity Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Impact of Declining Proposal Success Rates on Scientific Productivity Publications (2015)
- Impact of Declining Proposal Success Rates on Scientific Productivity Pure Portfolio (2015)
- To Apply or Not to Apply: A Survey Analysis of Grant Writing Costs and Benefits Publications (2015)
- To apply or not to apply: a survey analysis of grant writing costs and benefits. Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Bayesian Investigation of Isochrone Consistency Using the Old Open Cluster Ngc 188 Publications (2015)
- Bayesian Investigation of Isochrone Consistency Using the Old Open Cluster Ngc 188 Pure Portfolio (2015)
- Deriving the Ages of Field White Dwarfs Pure Portfolio (2015)
- A Deep Proper Motion Catalog Within the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Footprint Publications (2014)
- A Deep Proper Motion Catalog Within the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Footprint Pure Portfolio (2014)
- The Power of Principled Bayesian Methods in the Study of Stellar Evolution Publications (2014)
- Bayesian Analysis for Stellar Evolution with Nine Parameters (BASE-9): User's Manual Publications (2014)
- Bayesian Analysis for Stellar Evolution with Nine Parameters (BASE-9): User's Manual Pure Portfolio (2014)
- The power of principled bayesian methods in the study of stellar evolution Pure Portfolio (2014)
- A Bayesian Approach to Deriving Ages of Individual Field White Dwarfs Publications (2013)
- Moving Objects in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Publications (2013)
- Moving Objects in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Pure Portfolio (2013)
- A Bayesian Approach to Deriving Ages of Individual Field White Dwarfs Pure Portfolio (2013)
- Measuring the Evolutionary Rate of Cooling of ZZ Ceti Publications (2013)
- Measuring the Evolutionary Rate of Cooling of ZZ Ceti Pure Portfolio (2013)
- Combining computer models to account for mass loss in stellar evolution Pure Portfolio (2013)
- The White Dwarf Age of NFC 2477 Publications (2011)
- The White Dwarf Age of NFC 2477 Pure Portfolio (2011)
- A Detailed Model Atmosphere Analysis of Cool White Dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Publications (2010)
- A Detailed Model Atmosphere Analysis of Cool White Dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Visitors from the Halo: 11 Gyr Old White Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood Publications (2010)
- Visitors from the Halo: 11 Gyr Old White Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Pulsational Mapping of Calcium Across the Surface of a White Dwarf Publications (2010)
- Pulsational Mapping of Calcium Across the Surface of a White Dwarf Pure Portfolio (2010)
- The White Dwarf Age of NGC 2477 Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Deriving the Age of an Individual WD: SDSS, Bok, USNO, and Bayes Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Detailed analysis of cool WDs in the SDSS (Kilic+, 2010) Pure Portfolio (2010)
- Lessons Learned from the Pure Portfolio (2010)
- A Deep Wide-Area Proper Motion Survey Pure Portfolio (2010)
- A Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Survey of Cool White Dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Publications (2009)
- A Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Survey of Cool White Dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Photospheric Ca and Mg line-strength variations in G29-38 Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Spitzer Observations of the Oldest White Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood Publications (2009)
- Spitzer Observations of the Oldest White Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Inverting Color–Magnitude Diagrams to Access Precise Star Cluster Parameters: A New White Dwarf Age for the Hyades Publications (2009)
- Inverting Color–Magnitude Diagrams to Access Precise Star Cluster Parameters: A New White Dwarf Age for the Hyades Pure Portfolio (2009)
- The Dust Cloud Around the White Dwarf G 29-38. II. Spectrum from 5 to 40 μm and Mid-Infrared Photometric Variability Publications (2009)
- The Dust Cloud Around the White Dwarf G 29-38. II. Spectrum from 5 to 40 μm and Mid-Infrared Photometric Variability Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Statistical Analysis of Stellar Evolution Publications (2009)
- Measuring the surface inhomogeneity of metals on accreting white dwarfs Pure Portfolio (2009)
- White dwarfs and the ages of Open clusters Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Watching ZZ ceti evolve Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Cool, spatially resolved substellar and exoplanetary analogues at white dwarfs Pure Portfolio (2009)
- White Dwarf Debris Disks: The Fate of Planetary Systems? Pure Portfolio (2009)
- The White Dwarf Cooling Sequence of NGC 188 Pure Portfolio (2009)
- Constraining the Surface Inhomogeneity and Settling Times of Metals on Accreting White Dwarfs Publications (2008)
- Constraining the Surface Inhomogeneity and Settling Times of Metals on Accreting White Dwarfs Pure Portfolio (2008)
- The First Mid-Infrared Spectra of Cool White Dwarfs Publications (2008)
- The First Mid-Infrared Spectra of Cool White Dwarfs Pure Portfolio (2008)
- White Dwarf Luminosity and Mass Functions from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Spectra Publications (2008)
- White Dwarf Luminosity and Mass Functions from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Spectra Pure Portfolio (2008)
- Constraining the surface inhomogeneity and settling times of metals on accreting white dwarfs Pure Portfolio (2008)
- Wide-Field Survey of Globular Clusters in m31. I. a Catalog of New Clusters Publications (2007)
- Wide-Field Survey of Globular Clusters in m31. I. a Catalog of New Clusters Pure Portfolio (2007)
- A Spitzer White Dwarf Infrared Survey Publications (2007)
- A Spitzer White Dwarf Infrared Survey Pure Portfolio (2007)
- The New Class of Dusty Daz White Dwarfs Publications (2007)
- The New Class of Dusty Daz White Dwarfs Pure Portfolio (2007)
- Reddening Determination of M31 Globular Clusters using Optical Spectra Pure Portfolio (2007)
- Discovery of Photospheric Calcium Line-Strength Variations in the Dazd White Dwarf G29-38 Publications (2007)
- Discovery of Photospheric Calcium Line-Strength Variations in the Dazd White Dwarf G29-38 Pure Portfolio (2007)
- New Techniques to Determine Ages of Open Clusters Using White Dwarfs Publications (2007)
- New Techniques to Determine Ages of Open Clusters Using White Dwarfs Pure Portfolio (2007)
- The Resolved Stellar Populations of a Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy in the Virgo Cluster Publications (2007)
- The Metallicity Distribution of Intracluster Stars in Virgo Publications (2007)
- The Metallicity Distribution of Intracluster Stars in Virgo Pure Portfolio (2007)
- The Resolved Stellar Populations of a Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy in the Virgo Cluster Pure Portfolio (2007)
- Virgo’s Intracluster Globular Clusters as Seen by the Advanced Camera for Surveys Publications (2007)
- Virgo’s Intracluster Globular Clusters as Seen by the Advanced Camera for Surveys Pure Portfolio (2007)
- Visible and Near-IR Observations of the 2007 March 18 Occultation by Pluto Pure Portfolio (2007)
- DAZd White Dwarfs and the Fate of Planetary Systems Pure Portfolio (2007)
- A New, Deep Proper Motion Survey for Ancient White Dwarfs Pure Portfolio (2007)
- Infrared Observations Of A Possible White Dwarf - Planet System Pure Portfolio (2007)
- DZs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Pure Portfolio (2007)
- Spitzer White Dwarf Planet Limits Publications (2006)
- Spitzer White Dwarf Planet Limits Pure Portfolio (2006)
- Debris Disks Around White Dwarfs: The Daz Connection Publications (2006)
- Debris Disks Around White Dwarfs: The Daz Connection Pure Portfolio (2006)
- Inverting Color-Magnitude Diagrams to Access Precise Star Cluster Parameters: A Bayesian Approach Publications (2006)
- Inverting Color-Magnitude Diagrams to Access Precise Star Cluster Parameters: A Bayesian Approach Pure Portfolio (2006)
- The Mystery Deepens: Spitzer Observations of Cool White Dwarfs Publications (2006)
- The Mystery Deepens: Spitzer Observations of Cool White Dwarfs Pure Portfolio (2006)
- The White Dwarf Luminosity Function from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Imaging Data Publications (2006)
- Cool White Dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Publications (2006)
- Cool White Dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Pure Portfolio (2006)
- The White Dwarf Luminosity Function from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Imaging Data Pure Portfolio (2006)
- The Dust Cloud Around the White Dwarf G29-38 Publications (2005)
- The Dust Cloud Around the White Dwarf G29-38 Pure Portfolio (2005)
- Measuring the Evolution of the Most Stable Optical Clock G 117-B15A Publications (2005)
- Measuring the Evolution of the Most Stable Optical Clock G 117-B15A Pure Portfolio (2005)
- Faint Blue Objects in the Hubble Deep Field–South Revealed: White Dwarfs, Subdwarfs, and Quasars Publications (2005)
- Faint Blue Objects in the Hubble Deep Field–South Revealed: White Dwarfs, Subdwarfs, and Quasars Pure Portfolio (2005)
- Excess Infrared Radiation from the Massive Daz White Dwarf GD 362: A Debris Disk? Publications (2005)
- Excess infrared radiation from the massive DAZ white dwarf GD 362 Pure Portfolio (2005)
- Excess Infrared Radiation from the Massive Daz White Dwarf GD 362: A Debris Disk? Pure Portfolio (2005)
- Deep Photometry of the Globular Cluster M5: Distance Estimates from White Dwarf and Main-Sequence Stars Publications (2005)
- Deep Photometry of the Globular Cluster M5: Distance Estimates from White Dwarf and Main-Sequence Stars Pure Portfolio (2005)
- Galactic Open Clusters Publications (2005)
- Galactic Open Clusters Pure Portfolio (2005)
- From Young and Hot to Old and Cold: Comparing White Dwarf Cooling Theory to Main-Sequence Stellar Evolution in Open Clusters Publications (2005)
- From Young and Hot to Old and Cold: Comparing White Dwarf Cooling Theory to Main-Sequence Stellar Evolution in Open Clusters Pure Portfolio (2005)
- The initial-final mass relationship Pure Portfolio (2005)
- The Initial-Final Mass Relationship: Spectroscopy of White Dwarfs in Ngc 2099 (m37) Publications (2004)
- The Initial-Final Mass Relationship: Spectroscopy of White Dwarfs in Ngc 2099 (m37) Pure Portfolio (2004)
- The White Dwarf Luminosity Function: The Shape of Things to Come Publications (2004)
- The White Dwarf Luminosity Function: The Shape of Things to Come Pure Portfolio (2004)
- Photometric Identification of Cool White Dwarfs Publications (2004)
- Photometric Identification of Cool White Dwarfs Pure Portfolio (2004)
- Redefining the Empirical ZZ Ceti Instability Strip Publications (2004)
- Redefining the Empirical ZZ Ceti Instability Strip Pure Portfolio (2004)
- Proper Motion Objects in the Hubble Deep Field Publications (2004)
- Proper Motion Objects in the Hubble Deep Field Pure Portfolio (2004)
- Thirty-Five New Pulsating Da White Dwarf Stars Publications (2004)
- Thirty-Five New Pulsating Da White Dwarf Stars Pure Portfolio (2004)
- Re-defining the Empirical ZZ Ceti Instability Strip Publications (2004)
- Re-defining the Empirical ZZ Ceti Instability Strip Pure Portfolio (2004)
- Using Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry to Test Macho Lens Candidates Publications (2003)
- Using Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry to Test Macho Lens Candidates Pure Portfolio (2003)
- Constraining the Evolution of Zz Ceti Publications (2003)
- Constraining the Evolution of Zz Ceti Pure Portfolio (2003)
- Constraining the evolution of ZZ Ceti Pure Portfolio (2003)
- Intergalactic Globular Clusters Publications (2003)
- Intergalactic Globular Clusters Pure Portfolio (2003)
- Constraining the evolution of ZZ Ceti Pure Portfolio (2003)
- Search For Oxygen in Cool DQ White Dwarf Atmospheres Publications (2002)
- Identification of Cool White Dwarfs in the Noao Deep Wide-Field Survey Publications (2002)
- Search For Oxygen in Cool DQ White Dwarf Atmospheres Pure Portfolio (2002)
- Identification of Cool White Dwarfs in the Noao Deep Wide-Field Survey Pure Portfolio (2002)
- WIYN Open Cluster Study. XI. WIYN 3.5 Meter Deep Photometry of M35 (NGC 2168) Publications (2002)
- WIYN Open Cluster Study. XI. WIYN 3.5 Meter Deep Photometry of M35 (NGC 2168) Pure Portfolio (2002)
- Automated Stellar Spectral Classification and Parameterization for the Masses Publications (2002)
- Automated Stellar Spectral Classification and Parameterization for the Masses Pure Portfolio (2002)
- Metal Abundances and Kinematics of Bright Metal-Poor Giants Selected from the Lse Survey: Implications for the Metal-Weak Thick Disk Publications (2002)
- Metal Abundances and Kinematics of Bright Metal-Poor Giants Selected from the Lse Survey: Implications for the Metal-Weak Thick Disk Pure Portfolio (2002)
- WIYN Open Cluster Study XI: WIYN1 3.5m Deep Photometry of M35 (NGC 2168) Publications (2002)
- WIYN Open Cluster Study XI: WIYN1 3.5m Deep Photometry of M35 (NGC 2168) Pure Portfolio (2002)
- Three-Dimensional Spectral Classification of Low-Metallicity Stars Using Artificial Neural Networks Publications (2001)
- Three-Dimensional Spectral Classification of Low-Metallicity Stars Using Artificial Neural Networks Pure Portfolio (2001)
- Three-Dimensional Spectral Classification of Low-Metallicity Stars Using Artificial Neural Networks Publications (2001)
- Three-Dimensional Spectral Classification of Low-Metallicity Stars Using Artificial Neural Networks Pure Portfolio (2001)
- White Dwarfs in Open Clusters: New Tests of Stellar Evolution and the Age of the Galaxy Publications (2001)
- Break Out Session: The Future of White Dwarf Observing Publications (2001)
- Break Out Session: The Future of White Dwarf Observing Pure Portfolio (2001)
- White Dwarfs in Open Clusters: New Tests of Stellar Evolution and the Age of the Galaxy Pure Portfolio (2001)
- The White Dwarf Cooling Age of the Open Cluster NGC 2420 Publications (2000)
- The White Dwarf Cooling Age of the Open Cluster NGC 2420 Pure Portfolio (2000)
- The WIYN Open Cluster Study: A New Color-Magnitude Diagram for M35 - A Twin of the Pleiades Publications (2000)
- The WIYN Open Cluster Study: A New Color-Magnitude Diagram for M35 - A Twin of the Pleiades Pure Portfolio (2000)
- (Teff,log g,[Fe/H]) Classification of Low-Resolution Stellar Spectra using Artificial Neural Networks Publications (1999)
- (Teff,log g,[Fe/H]) Classification of Low-Resolution Stellar Spectra using Artificial Neural Networks Pure Portfolio (1999)
- WIYN Open Cluster Study. II. UBVRI CCD Photometry of the Open Cluster NGC 188 Publications (1999)
- WIYN Open Cluster Study. II. UBVRI CCD Photometry of the Open Cluster NGC 188 Pure Portfolio (1999)
- A Review of Automated Stellar Spectral Classification and Surveys Publications (1999)
- A Review of Automated Stellar Spectral Classification and Surveys Pure Portfolio (1999)
- WIYN Open Cluster Study. I. Deep Photometry of NGC188 Publications (1998)
- WIYN Open Cluster Study. I. Deep Photometry of NGC188 Pure Portfolio (1998)
- Wiyn open cluster study. I. Deep photometry of NGC 188 Pure Portfolio (1998)
- Detection of Intergalactic Red-Giant-Branch Stars in the Virgo Cluster Publications (1998)
- Detection of Intergalactic Red-Giant-Branch Stars in the Virgo Cluster Pure Portfolio (1998)
- Semi-Automated Extraction of Digital Objective Prism Spectra Publications (1998)
- Semi-Automated Extraction of Digital Objective Prism Spectra Pure Portfolio (1998)
- Contribution of White Dwarfs to Cluster Masses Publications (1998)
- Contribution of White Dwarfs to Cluster Masses Publications (1998)
- Contribution of White Dwarfs to Cluster Masses Pure Portfolio (1998)
- A Search for Optical Afterglow from GRB 970828 Publications (1998)
- A Search for Optical Afterglow from GRB 970828 Pure Portfolio (1998)
- Automated Classification of Stellar Spectra. II: Two-Dimensional Classification with Neural Networks and Principal Components Analysis Publications (1997)
- Automated Classification of Stellar Spectra. II: Two-Dimensional Classification with Neural Networks and Principal Components Analysis Pure Portfolio (1997)
- Stellar Populations and the White Dwarf Mass Function: Connections To Supernova Ia Luminosities Publications (1997)
- Stellar Populations and the White Dwarf Mass Function: Connections To Supernova Ia Luminosities Pure Portfolio (1997)
- Physical Parameterization of Stellar Spectra: The Neural Network Approach Publications (1997)
- Physical Parameterization of Stellar Spectra: The Neural Network Approach Pure Portfolio (1997)
- WIYN Data Distribution and Archiving Publications (1997)
- WIYN Data Distribution and Archiving Pure Portfolio (1997)
- Physical parametrization of stellar spectra Pure Portfolio (1997)
- The Metallicity Dependence of the Stellar Luminosity and Initial Mass Functions: HST Observations of Open and Globular Clusters Publications (1996)
- The Metallicity Dependence of the Stellar Luminosity and Initial Mass Functions: HST Observations of Open and Globular Clusters Pure Portfolio (1996)
- Main Sequence Masses and Radii from Gravitational Redshifts Publications (1996)
- Main Sequence Masses and Radii from Gravitational Redshifts Pure Portfolio (1996)
- The Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Stellar Classification Publications (1996)
- The Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Stellar Classification Pure Portfolio (1996)
- Past life on Mars? [1] Pure Portfolio (1996)
- Experiences of WFPC-2 Photometry and PSF Modelling Publications (1995)
- Experiences of WFPC-2 Photometry and PSF Modelling Pure Portfolio (1995)
- An Independent Calibration of Stellar Ages: HST Observations of White Dwarfs at V=25 Publications (1995)
- An Independent Calibration of Stellar Ages: HST Observations of White Dwarfs at V=25 Pure Portfolio (1995)
- Automated classification of stellar spectra - I. Initial results with artificial neural networks Publications (1994)
- Automated classification of stellar spectra - I. Initial results with artificial neural networks Pure Portfolio (1994)
- Automated Classification of Stellar Spectra: Where Are We Now? Publications (1994)
- Automated Classification of Stellar Spectra: Where Are We Now? Pure Portfolio (1994)
- Spectral classification with principal component analysis and artificial neural networks Pure Portfolio (1994)
- A method for obtaining the age and scale height of the thick disk from faint Strömgren photometry Pure Portfolio (1993)
- Galactic Structure from Faint Stromgren Photometry: The Catalog of Observations Publications (1992)
- Galactic structure from faint strömgren photometry Pure Portfolio (1992)
- The Luminosities of Bright H N Regions in Ngc 628 and Its O Star Formation Rate Publications (1990)
- The Luminosities of Bright H N Regions in Ngc 628 and Its O Star Formation Rate Pure Portfolio (1990)
- The luminosities of bright H II regions in NGC 628 and its O star formation rate Pure Portfolio (1990)
- A Working Catalogue of Herbig Haro Objects Publications (1988)
- A Working Catalogue of Herbig Haro Objects Pure Portfolio (1988)
- Gyrochronology Model Evaluation Method Publications
For full access to my refereed journal articles please see the "External Links" section above.