Tyrone Groh specializes in strategy and unconventional warfare. He received a bachelor’s degree in aeronautical engineering from the U.S. Air Force Academy, a master’s degree in security studies from the Naval Postgraduate School, a master’s degree in strategy from the U.S. Air Force School of Advanced Air and Space Studies, and a doctoral degree in government from Georgetown University. His book, Proxy War: The Least Bad Option (Stanford University Press) is available in March, 2019.
Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Government: International Relations,
Georgetown University
Currently Teaching
SIS 575:
SS 320:
Government of the U.S.
SS 327:
International Relations
Tyrone Groh
(Tyrone Groh)
ERAU Open Education Week Images
Putting Students in the Front and Center: Exploring and Refining Student Centered Learning Techniques
(Michelle M. Bennett, Anne Boettcher, Brent D. Bowen, Tonje Crossley, Dawn Groh, Tyrone Groh, Timothy B. Holt, Dr. Timothy B. Holt)
Thinking Rather than Panicking about the Current Drone Threat
(Foley, Tom, Groh, Tyrone)
Aviation / Aeronautics / Aerospace International Research Conference
Professional Experience
Retired US Air Force Officer.