Vladimir Golubev
- Title
- Professor
- golubd1b@erau.edu Email
- Department
- Aerospace Engineering Department
- College
- College of Engineering
Areas of Expertise
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computational Aeroacoustics, Unsteady Fluid-Structure Interactions, High Performance Computing, Micro Air Vehicles, Advanced Propulsion Systems, Flow Control, Multidisciplinary Optimization, Financial Engineering, Computational Bioengineering![Vladimir Golubev](https://webforms.erau.edu/common/services/peoplesearch/img/GOLUBD1B.jpg)
Dr. Golubev is a tenured Professor at the Department of Aerospace Engineering of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He joined the school in 2001 following a 3-year industrial engineering research experience at the Trane Co. His primary research interests include high-fidelity numerical analyses of unsteady flow-structure interactions with focus on applications in aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, propulsion and flow control. He developed computational high-fidelity prediction analyses also applied to other disciplines such as financial engineering. At Embry-Riddle, Dr. Golubev is the founding Director of ERAU Propulsion and Aerodynamics Computational Laboratory. He now leads an interdisciplinary Computational Aero Propulsion Group of multi-university Florida Center for Advanced Aero Propulsion combining faculty and students from different academic programs and collaborating in multi-disciplinary areas of aircraft flow, flight and propulsion control, with focus both on fundamental and applied science of UAV operations in gusty urban environments. Dr. Golubev authored nearly 150 refereed journal and conference publications and was a Keynote speaker at several engineering meetings. His research efforts have been supported by NSF, Air Force Research Laboratory, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Office of Naval Research, Florida Center for Advanced Aero Propulsion, and United Launch Alliance. He has been a member of AIAA Aeroacoustics Technical Committee since 2005, and served as organizer and co-organizer of two AIAA Aeroacoustics meetings and numerous conference sessions. Dr. Golubev is an AIAA Associate Fellow, and has served for many years as the Air Force and NASA Summer Faculty Fellow. Dr. Golubev is the 2011 recipient of ERAU Outstanding Researcher Award, and has been selected as the 2020 Fulbright Scholar.
- Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Aerospace Engineering, University of Notre Dame
- M.S. - Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering, University of Notre Dame
Currently Teaching
- AE 800: Dissertation
- AE 403: Jet Propulsion
- AE 700: Thesis
Courses Taught
AE301 - Incompressible Aerodynamics
AE516 - Computational Fluid Dynamics
AE610 - Advanced Gas Turbine Engines
Research Projects
- Aeroelastic Gust-Airfoil Interaction Numerical Studies
- Large Eddy Simulations of Liftoff Noise Reduction
- Self-Sustained Flow-Acoustic Interactions in Airfoil Transitional Boundary Layers
- Synthetic Jet-Based Robust MAV Flight Controller
- Wake Vortex Safety Analysis in the Context of UAS Integration in the NAS
Journal Publications
- Golubev, V.V., and Atassi, H.M., (1996), "Sound Propagation in an Annular Duct with Mean Potential Swirling Flow", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 198, No. 5, pp. 601-616.
- Golubev, V.V., and Atassi, H.M., (1997), "Sound Propagation in Swirling Flows", International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 115-122.
- Golubev,V.V. , and Atassi,H.M., (1998), "Acoustic-Vorticity Waves in Swirling Flows", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 209, No. 2, pp. 203-222.
- Golubev,V.V., and Atassi, H.M., (2000), "Unsteady Swirling Flows in Annular Cascades. Part I. Evolution of Incident Disturbances", AIAA Journal, Vol. 38, No.7, pp.1142-1149.
- Golubev,V.V.,andAtassi, H.M., (2000), "Unsteady Swirling Flows in Annular Cascades. Part II. Aerodynamic Blade Response", AIAA Journal, Vol. 38, No.7, pp.1150-1158.
- Golubev, V.V.,Mankbadi, R.R., and Hixon, R., (2005), “Space-Time Mapping Analysis of Airfoil Nonlinear Interaction with Unsteady Inviscid Flow,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 43, No.10, pp. 2147-2156.
- Hixon, R., Golubev, V.V., Mankbadi, R.R., Scott, J.R., Sawyer, S., and Nallasamy, M., (2006) “Application of a Nonlinear Computational Aeroacoustics Code to the Gust-Airfoil Problem,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 44, No.2, pp. 323-328, 2006.
- Idahosa, U., Golubev, V.V., and Balabanov, V.O., (2008) “An Automated Optimal Design of a Fan Blade Using an Integrated CFD/MDO Computer Environment,” Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 2, No.2, pp. 141-154.
- Guzhva, V.S., Beltsova, K., and Golubev, V.V., (2010) “Market Undervaluation of Risky Convertible Offerings: Evidence from the Airline Industry,” Journal of Economics and Finance, Volume 34,pp. 30-45, January 2010.
- Golubev, V.V., and Visbal, M.R., (2012) “Modeling MAV Response in Gusty Urban Environment,” International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, Vol.4, pp. 79-92.
- Golubev, V.V., and Nakhla, H. (2012) “Modeling Synthetic Jets for Low-Re Airfoil Unsteady Flow Control,” International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Fluid Sciences, Vol. 3, pp. 145-158.
- Golubev, V.V., Nguyen, L., Mankbadi, R.R., Roger, M. and Visbal, M.R., (2014) “On Flow-Acoustic Resonant Interactions in Transitional Airfoils,”International Journal of Aeroacoustics, Vol. 13, pp. 1-38.
- Ramos Pedroza, N., MacKunis, W., Golubev, V.V., (2014) “Robust Nonlinear Regulation of Limit Cycle Oscillations in UAVs Using Synthetic Jet Actuators,” Robotics, Vol. 3, pp. 330-348.
- Mankbadi, R., Golubev, V., Sansone, M., Sewell, C., Nguyen. L., (2015) “Effect of a Synthetic Jet Actuator on Airfoil Trailing Edge Noise,” International Journal of Aeroacoustics, Vol. 14, pp. 553-568.
- Kazarin, P., Provalov, A., Golubev, V., Borener, S., Hufty, D., Crook, I., Suchkov, A., (2016), “Terminal-Zone Wake Vortex Safety Assessment in the Context of UAS Integration in the NAS,” Transportation Research Procedia, Vol 14, pp. 1364-1373.
- Mankbadi, R., Lo, S-C, Lyrintzis, A., Golubev, V., Dewan, Y, Kurbatskii, K., (2016) “Hybrid LES-RANS Simulations of a Jet Impinging on a Flat Plate,” International Journal of Aeroacoustics, Vol. 15, pp. 535-553.
- Ramos Pedroza, N., MacKunis, W., Golubev, V.V., (2017) “A Robust Nonlinear Output Feedback Control Method for Limit Cycle Oscillation Suppression Using Synthetic Jet Actuators,” Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 64, pp. 16-23.
- L Nguyen, VV Golubev, MR Visbal, (2017) “Numerical Study of Transitional SD7003 Airfoil Interacting with Canonical Upstream Flow Disturbances,” AIAA Journal, Vol.56, No.1, pp. 158-181.
- S Gudmundsson, V Golubev, S Drakunov, C Reinholtz (2019) “Bio-Inspired Methodologies for Energy Conservation and Harvesting Flight-Path Modeling for Unmanned Aerial System”, Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, Vol.16, No.7, pp. 1-7.
- S Karpuk, S Gudmundsson, V Golubev (2019) “Feasibility Study of a Multi-Purpose Aircraft Concept with a Leading-Edge Embedded Cross-Flow Fan”, Unmanned Systems, doi: 10.1142/S2301385020500028.
- Yakhina, G., Roger, M., Moreau, S., Nguyen, L, and Golubev, V.V., (2020), Experimental and Analytical Investigation of the Tonal Trailing-Edge Noise Radiated by Low Reynolds Number Aerofoils,” Acoustics, 2(2), 293-329; https://doi.org/10.3390/acoustics2020018.
- Kidambi, K.B., MacKunis, W., Drakunov, S., Golubev, V.V., (2020) “Sliding Mode Estimation Method for Fluid Flow Fields Using a Differential Inclusions-Based Analysis,” International Journal of Control, DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2020.1713403.
- Kidambi, K.B., MacKunis, W., Drakunov, S., Golubev, V.V., (2020) “Sliding Mode Estimation and Closed-Loop Active Flow Control Under Actuator Uncertainty,” International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, https://doi.org/10.1002/rnc.5129.
- Winkler, J., Golubev, V., Mankbadi, R., (2020) “Addressing Noise Challenges in UAM Market,” Aerospace America, 12, 26.
- Khoury, A.M., Divo, E., Golubev, V.V., Kassab, A.J., (2021) “Meshless Modeling of Coupled Transdermal Pharmacokinetics with Analytical Validation,” Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 122, 62-74.
- Mankbadi, R.R., Afari, S.O., Golubev, V.V. (2021) “High-Fidelity Simulations of Noise Generation in a Propeller-Driven Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,” AIAA Journal, 59:3, pp. 1020–1039, https://doi.org/10.2514/1.J059117.
- Golubev, V.V. (2021) “Recent Advances in Acoustics of Transitional Airfoils with Feedback-Loop Interactions: a Review,” Appl. Sci., 11(3), 1057, https://doi.org/10.3390/app11031057.
- Nguyen, L., Golubev, V., Mankbadi, R., Yakhina, G., Roger, M. (2021) “Numerical Investigation of Tonal Trailing-Edge Noise Radiated by Low Reynolds Number Airfoils,” Appl. Sci. 11(5), 2257, https://doi.org/10.3390/app11052257.
Refereed Conference Articles
- Golubev, V.V., and Atassi, H.M.,(1995), "Acoustic and Evanescent Modes in an Annular Duct with Swirling Flows", FED-Vol.219, Proceedings of the ASME FED Meeting, pp.95-100.
- Golubev, V.V. , and Atassi, H.M.,(1995), "Aerodynamic and Acoustic Response of a Blade Row in Unsteady Swirling Flow", AIAA Paper 95-027, Proceedings of the 1st Joint CEAS/AIAA Aeroacoustic Conference, Munich, 12-15 June 1995, pp. 167-176.
- Golubev, V.V., and Atassi, H.M.,(1996), "Sound Propagation in Swirling Flows", Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 24-27 June 1996, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 161-169.
- Golubev, V.V., and Atassi,H.M.,(1997), "Acoustic-Vorticity Modes in an Annular Duct with Mean Vortical Swirling Flow", AIAA Paper 97-1695, Proceedings of the Third Joint CEAS/AIAA Aeroacoustic Conference, Atlanta, 12-15 May 1997.
- Golubev, V.V., and Atassi, H.M.,(1997), "Interaction of Acoustic-Vorticity Waves with an Annular Cascade in a Swirling Flow", AIAA Paper 97-1635, Proceedings of the 3rd Joint CEAS/AIAA Aeroacoustic Conference, Atlanta, 12-15 May 1997.
- Golubev, V.V. , Lipatov, A.I., and Atassi, H.M.,(1997), "3-D Unsteady Effects in Annular Cascades with Swirl and Comparison with 2-D Strip Theory", AIAA Paper 97-1634, Proceedings of the 3rd Joint CEAS/AIAA Aeroacoustic Conference, Atlanta, 12-15 May 1997.
- Atassi, H.M., and Golubev, V.V., (1998), "Evolution of Disturbances in Annular Swirling Flows", FEDSM 98-4879, Proceedings of the Symposium on Advances in Numerical Modeling of Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics in Turbomachinery, ASME FED Meeting, 21-25 June 1998, Washington, D.C.
- Golubev, V.V., and Atassi, H.M., (1998), "Gust Response of Unloaded Annular Cascades in Mean Swirling Flow", FEDSM 98-4878, Proceedings of the Symposium on Advances in Numerical Modeling of Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics in Turbomachinery, ASME FED Meeting, 21-25 June 1998, Washington, D.C.
- Golubev, V.V., and Atassi, H.M., (1998), "Unsteady Forces on Annular Cascade Blades in Subsonic Flow with Swirl", in T.H. Fransson (ed), “Unsteady Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Unsteady Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines, 14-18 September 1997, Stockholm, Sweden), pp.147-164.
- Atassi, H.M.,and Golubev, V.V., (1998), "Unsteady Disturbances in Swirling Turbomachinery Flows", in T.H. Fransson (ed), “Unsteady Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Unsteady Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines, 14-18 September 1997, Stockholm, Sweden), pp.131-146.
- Golubev, V.V., and Atassi, H.M.,(1998), “Numerical Implementation of Inflow/Outflow Conditions for Time-Harmonic Turbomachinery Flows”, NCA-Vol.2, Proceedings of ASME Noise Control and Acoustics Division, pp. 397-404.
- Golubev, V.V. , Atassi,H.M., and Ali, A., (1999), “Effect of Swirling Flow on Sound Radiated from a Fan Subject to a Gust”, AIAA Paper 99-1844, Proceedings of the 5th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, 10-12 May, Bellevue, WA, pp.287-295.
- Golubev, V.V., (2000), “Pre-Surge Unsteady Flow Phenomena in a Two-Stage Centrifugal Compressor with Vaneless Diffuser”, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines, Lyon, France, September 4-8.
- Golubev, V.V. (2001), "Experimental Investigation of Rotating Instabilites in a Two-Stage Centrifugal Compressor with Vaneless Diffuser”, ASME Paper IMECE2001/FED-24038, Forum on Industrial Compressors, IMECE 2001, New York, November 2001.
- Golubev, V.V. ,Mankbadi, R.R., and Dahl, M.D., (2002),“Prediction of the Acoustic Field Associated with Instability Wave Source Model for a Compressible Jet,” AIAA Paper 2002-2455, 8th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Breckenridge, June 2002.
- Crivellini, A., Golubev, V.V., Mankbadi, R.R., Scott, J.R., Hixon, R., and Povinelli, L.A.,(2002), ”Nonlinear Analysis of Airfoil High-Intensity Gust Response Using a High-Order Prefactored Compact Code,” AIAA Paper 2002-2535, 8th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Breckenridge, June 2002
- Golubev, V.V., Prieto, A.F., Mankbadi, R.R., Dahl, M.D., and Hixon, R., (2003), “Sound Radiated by a Wave-Like Structure in a Compressible Jet,” AIAA Paper 2003-1063, 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, 2003.
- Golubev,V.V., and Rohde, A., (2003), “Application of Space-Time Mapping Analysis Method to Unsteady Nonlinear Gust-Airfoil Interaction Problem,” AIAA Paper 2003-3693, AIAA CFD Meeting, Orlando, June 2003.
- Rhode, A., Golubev, V.V., and Lessiau, C., (2003), “Direct Simulation of Sound Generated by Viscous Flow Over a Cylinder Using a TVD Method,” AIAA Paper 2003-3239, 9th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Hilton Head, NC, 2003
- Golubev, V.V., Mankbadi, R.R., and Dahl, M.D., (2003), “Comparison of Several Approaches to Predict Noise Associated with Jet Acoustic Source Models,” AIAA Paper 2003-3283, 9th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Hilton Head, NC, 2003
- Golubev,V.V.,(2004), “Review of Two Numerical Approaches to Predict Nonlinear Airfoil Response to High-Amplitude Incident Gust,” IMECE 2004-61407, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Anaheim, November 2004.
- Golubev,V.V., Mankbadi,R.R., and Scott, J.R., (2004), “Numerical Inviscid Analysis of Nonlinear Airfoil Response to Impinging High-Intensity High-Frequency Gust,” AIAA Paper 2004-3002, 10th CEAS/AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference, Manchester, May 2004.
- Golubev,V.V.andMankbadi,R.R., (2004), “STMA Study of Airfoil Nonlinear Interaction with Unsteady Flow,” AIAA Paper 2004-3003, 10th CEAS/AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference, Manchester, May 2004.
- Idahosa, U., and Golubev, V.V., (2005) “On Noise Control in Turbomachinery Using an Automated Multidisciplinary Design Optimization System,” IMECE 2005-81789, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Orlando, November 2005.
- Idahosa, U., Golubev,V.V., andBalabanov, V.O., (2005) “Application of Distributed Automated MDO Environment to Aero/Acoustic Shape Optimization of a Fan Blade,” AIAA Paper 2005-2907, 11th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Monterey, May 2005.
- Golubev, V.V., Mankbadi, R.R., Visbal, M.R., Scott, J.R., and Hixon, R.,(2006) “A Parametric Study of Nonlinear Gust-Airfoil Interaction,” AIAA Paper 2006-2426, 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Boston, May 2006.
- Golubev, V.V., and Mankbadi, R.R., (2006) “Numerical Modeling of Nonlinear Airfoil Response to Unsteady High-Amplitude Upstream Flow Disturbances, ”Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering and Aerospace Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, June 2006.
- Idahosa, U., Golubev, V.V., and Balabanov, V.O., (2006) “An Automated Optimal Design of a Fan Blade Using an Integrated CFD/MDO Environment,” AIAA Paper 2006-6944, 11th AIAA/ISSMO MDO Conference, September 2006.
- Guzhva, V.S., Beltsova, K.P., and Golubev, V.V., (2007) “Market Undervaluation of Risky Convertible Offerings: A Case of Airline Convertible Stocks,” Proceedings of the 34th Annual AEF Meeting, February 2007.
- Golubev, V.V., Houston, M.J., Mankbadi, R.R., Visbal, M.R., and Hixon, R., (2007) “Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Response of an Oscillating Airfoil Subject to a High-Intensity Gust,” AIAA Paper 2007-3513, 13th Joint AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, May 2007.
- Golubev, V.V., Houston, M.J., Golubev, N.V., and Visbal, M.R., (2008) “Investigations of Nonlinear Unsteady Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Responses of Oscillating Airfoils in Non-Uniform Flow,” AIAA Paper 2008-0033, 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, January 2008.
- Golubev, V.V., Dreyer, B.D., and Visbal, M.R., (2008), “Coupled Nonlinear Aeroelastic and Aeroacoustic Response of an Airfoil to Upstream Vortical Flow Disturbances,”AIAA Paper 2008-3047, 14th Joint AIAA/CEAS Aerocoustics Conference, Vancouver, May 2008.
- Golubev, V.V., Dreyer, B.D., Visbal, M.R., and Golubev, N.V., (2009) “High-Accuracy Viscous Simulation of Gust Interaction with Stationary and Pitching Wing Sections,” AIAA Paper 2009-0011, 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, January 2009.
- Mankbadi, M.R., andGolubev, V.V., (2009) “Modeling of Acoustic Streaming for Micro Air Vehicle Propulsion and Flow Control,” AIAA Paper 2009-0284, 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, January 2009.
- Golubev, V.V., Dreyer, B.D., Hollenshade, T.M. and Visbal, M.R., (2009), “High-Accuracy Viscous Analysis of Unsteady Flexible Airfoil Response to Impinging Gust,” AIAA Paper 2009-3271, 15th Joint AIAA/CEAS Aerocoustics Conference, Miami, May 2009.
- Golubev, V.V. and Mankbadi, R.R., (2009) “High-Fidelity Viscous Analysis of MAV Wing Nonlinear Aeroelastic Interaction with Non-Uniform Unsteady Flow,” Proceedings of COBEM’2009, 20th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Gramado, November 2009.
- Golubev, V.V., Dreyer, B.D., Hollenshade, T.M. and Visbal, M.R., (2009), “High-Accuracy Viscous Simulation of Gust-Airfoil Nonlinear Aeroelastic Interaction,” AIAA Paper 2009-4200, 39th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Antonio, June 2009.
- Golubev, V.V., Hollenshade, T.M., Nguyen, L., and Visbal, M.R., (2010), “Parametric Viscous Analysis of Gust Interaction with SD7003 Airfoil,” AIAA Paper 2010-928, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, January 2010.
- Surti, T., Fossum, N., Mankbadi, M., Nakhla, H., and Golubev, V., (2010), “Navier-Stokes Simulations of Acoustic Streaming for Flow Control and Micropropulsion,” AIAA Paper 2010-1008, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, January 2010.
- Golubev, V.V., Nguyen, L., and Visbal, M.R., (2010), “High-Accuracy Low-Re Simulations of Airfoil-Gust and Airfoil-Vortex Interactions,” AIAA Paper 2010-4868, 40th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Chicago, June 2010.
- Golubev, V.V., (2010), “On Unsteady Response of MAV Wing in Gusty Urban Environment,” Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Chennai, December 2010.
- Golubev, V.V., and Visbal, M.R., (2010) “Unsteady Viscous Analysis Of Low-Re Gust-Airfoil Interaction,” Proceedings of V European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS’10, J. C. F. Pereira and A. Sequeira (Eds), Lisbon, Portugal, June 2010.
- Golubev, V.V., Nguyen, L., and Visbal, M.R., (2010), “High-Fidelity Viscous Simulations of Airfoil Noise Radiation in Nonuniform Unsteady Flow,” AIAA 2010-3761, 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2010.
- Golubev, V.V., Brodnick, J., Nguyen, L., and Visbal, M.R., (2011), “A New Approach to Modeling Airfoil Interaction with Upstream Turbulence,” AIAA Paper 2011-3899, 41th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Honolulu, June 2011.
- Golubev, V.V., Nguyen, L., Roger, M., and Visbal, M.R., (2011), “On Interaction of Airfoil Leading and Trailing Edge Noise Sources in Turbulent Flow,” AIAA Paper 2011-2859, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Portland, June 2011.
- Golubev, V.V., Nguyen, L., and Visbal, M.R., (2011), “High-Fidelity Simulations of Transitional Airfoil Interaction with Upstream Vortical Structure,” AIAA Paper 2011-394, 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, January 2011.
- Bhatt, Y., Shaw, R., Dipan, A., and Golubev, V.V., (2011), “Numerical Simulations and Performance Comparison of Air-Blast and Pressure Jet Atomizers,” AIAA Paper 2011-277, 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, January 2011.
- Nakhla, H., Bourlier, A., Nguyen, L., Bhatt, S., Brodnick, J., and Golubev, V.,, (2011), “High-Accuracy Simulations of Synthetic Jets for Low-Re Flow Control,” AIAA Paper 2011-469, 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, January 2011.
- Golubev, V.V., Sewell, C., Nguyen, L., Mankbadi, R.R., (2012), “Effect of Synethic-Jet Actuation on Airfoil Acoustic Radiation,” FEDSM2012-72462, Proceedings of ASME 2012 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Puerto Rico, July 2012.
- Golubev, V.V., Mankbadi, R.R., (2012), “High-Fidelity Modeling of Synthetic Jet Actuators for Flow and Noise Control,” Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics, Malta, July 2012.
- Golubev, V.V., Brodnick, J., Nguyen, L., and Visbal, M.R., (2012), “High-Fidelity Simulations of Airfoil Interaction with Upstream Turbulence,” AIAA Paper 2012-3071, 42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, New Orleans, June 2012.
- Nguyen, L., Golubev, V.V., and Visbal, M.R., (2012), “High-Fidlity Simulations of Transitional Airfoil Interacting with Canonical Upstream Flow Disturbances,” AIAA Paper 2012-2696, 42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, New Orleans, June 2012.
- Golubev, V.V., Nguyen, L., Roger, M., and Visbal, M.R., (2012), “High-Accuracy Simulations of Flow-Acoustics Resonant Interactions in Airfoil Transitional Boundary Layers,” AIAA Paper 2012-2136, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Colorado Springs, June 2012.
- Nagappan, N., Golubev, V.V., Nakla, H., and Habashi, W.G., (2013), “On Icing Control Using Thermally Activated Synthetic Jets,” AIAA Paper 2013-0093, 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Grapevine, TX, January 2013.
- Nagappan, N., Golubev, V.V., and Habashi, W.G., (2013), “Numerical Modeling of Anti-Icing Using an Array of Heated Synthetic Jets,” Proceeding of 21st CFD Canada Conference, Sherbrooke, QC, May 2013.
- Golubev, V.V., Nguyen, L, Mankbadi, R.R., Roger, M., and Visbal, M.R., (2013), “Acoustic Feedback-Loop Interactions in Transitional Airfoils,” AIAA Paper 2013-2111, 19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Berlin, Germany, May 2013.
- Golubev, V.V., Nguyen, L., and Mankbadi, R.R., (2013), “Flow Separation Effects on Self-Sustained Flow-Acoustic Interactions in Transitional Airfoils,” Proceedings of ERCOFTAC International Symposium “Unsteady Separation in Fluid-Structure Interaction,” Mykonos, Greece, June 2013.
- Nagappan, N., Golubev, V.V., and Habashi, W.G., (2013), “Parametric Analysis of Icing Control Using Synthetic Jet Actuators,” AIAA Paper 2013-2453, 21st AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Diego, June 2013.
- Golubev, V.V., Nguyen, L., Mankbadi, R.R., Roger, M., Dudley, J., and Visbal, M.R., (2013), “On Self-Sustained Flow-Acoustic Resonant Interactions in Airfoil Transitional Boundary Layers,” AIAA Paper 2013-2619, 44thAIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Diego, June 2013.
- Dewan, Y., Golubev, V.V., Lyrintzis, A.S., Mankbadi, R.R., Kurbatskii, K.A., and Osman, E., (2013), “Detached Eddy Simulations of Supersonic Jets Impinging on Flat Plates,” AIAA Paper 2013-3097, 44thAIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Diego, June 2013.
- Bhatt, S., Gondaliya, R., Golubev, V.V., Wang, X., and Tang, Y, (2014), “Design, Modeling and Testing of Synthetic Jet Actuators for Micro Air Vehicle Flight Control,” AIAA Paper 2014-1144, 52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, National Harbour, MD, January 2014.
- Nguyen, L., Golubev, V.V., Mankbadi, R.R., Roger, M., Pasiliao, C., and Visbal, M.R., (2014), “Effect of Upstream Turbulence on Flow-Acoustic Resonance Interactions in Transitional Airfoils,” AIAA Paper 2014-3303, 20h AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 2014, Atlanta, June 2014.
- Kurbatski, K., Guenthoer, B., Golubev, V.V., Lyrintzis, A., and Mankbadi, R.R., (2014), “Numerical Prediction of an Acoustic Field of a Supersonic Jet Impinging on a Plate at Different Inclination Angles,” AIAA Paper 2014-3308, 20h AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 2014, Atlanta, June 2014.
- Golubev, V.V., Nguyen, L., Counts, M., Guenthoer, B., Ramos-Pedroza, N., and MacKunis, W., (2014), “Robust Nonlinear Control of Airfoil Gust-Induced Limit Cycle Oscillations Using Synthetic Jet Actuators,” AIAA Paper 2014-2936, 7h AIAA Flow Control Conference, AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 2014, Atlanta, June 2014.
- Ramos-Pedroza,N., MacKunis, W., Guenthoer, B.F., Golubev, V.V., Curtis, J.W., (2014) “Lyapunov-Based Adaptive Regulation of Limit Cycle Oscillations in Aircraft Wings Using Synthetic Jet Actuators,” Proceedings of IFAC 2014 World Congress, Capetown, South Africa, August 2014.
- Golubev, V.V. and MacKunis, W., (2014) “On UAV Robust Nonlinear Control in Presence of Parametric Uncertainties,” ICAS 2014-0731, 29th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 2014.
- Golubev, V.V., Nguyen, L., MacKunis W., Ramos Pedroza, N., (2014) “SJA-Based Robust Nonlinear Control of Airfoil Gust-Induced LCO,”IMECE 2014-38215, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Montreal, Canada, November 2014.
- Golubev, V.V., Mankbadi, R., Roger, M., (2014), “Analysis and Control of Flow-Acoustic Feedback-Loop Interactions in Transitional Airfoils,” Proceedings of INTER-NOISE 2014, Melbourne, Australia, November 2014.
- Nguyen, L., Golubev, V.V., MacKunis, W., Ramos-Pedroza, N., and Pasiliao, C., (2015), “High-Accuracy Simulations of Robust LCO Control Using Synthetic Jet Actuators,” AIAA Paper 2015-0809, 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, January 2015.
- Golubev, V. V, Sansone, M., Nguyen, L., Mankbadi, R., R., (2015) “Numerical Study of Synthetic-Jet Actuation Effect on Leading and Trailing Edge Noise,” AIAA Paper 2015-0010, 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, January 2015.
- Golubev, V.V., Nguyen, L, and Mankbadi, R.R., (2015), “High-Fidelity Studies of Unsteady Aerodynamics, Acoustics and Flow Control for Airfoils in Transitional Flow Regimes,” Proceedings of 1st Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics, PANACM, Buenos Aires, April 2015.
- Yakhina, G., Roger, M., Nguyen, L., and Golubev, V.V., (2015), “Parametric Investigations of Tonal Trailing-Edge Noise Generation by Moderate Reynolds Number Airfoils. Part I – Experimental Studies,” AIAA Paper 2015-2527, 15th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operation Conference, Dallas, June 2015.
- Golubev, V. V., Nguyen, L., Hiner, W., Sansone, M., Salehian, S., Mankbadi, R. R., Yakhina, G., and Roger, M., (2015), “Parametric Investigations of Tonal Trailing-Edge Noise Generation by Moderate Reynolds Number Airfoils. Part II – Numerical Studies,” AIAA Paper 2015-2528, 15th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operation Conference, Dallas, June 2015.
- Golubev, V.V., Kazarin, P., MacKunis, W., Borener, S., Hufty, D., Suchkov, A., Fraga, R., (2015), “Analysis of Safety Implications for SJA-Based Robust UAS Flight Control Technology,” 34th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Prague, September 2015.
- Ramos-Pedroza, N., MacKunis, W., Golubev, V.V, (2015), “A New Method of Synthetic Jet Actuator-based LCO Suppression Using an Output Feedback Control Strategy,” International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), South Korea, October 2015.
- Nguyen, L., Golubev, V., Mankbadi, R., Roger, M., Visbal, M., (2016), “Effect of Freejet Upstream Flow Conditions on Flow-Acoustic Resonant Interactions in Transitional Airfoils,” AIAA Paper 2016-0052, 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 4-8 January, 2016, San Diego, CA.
- Golubev, V., Hayden, J., Nguyen, L., Salehian, S., Mankbadi, R., Pasiliao C., Visbal, M., (2016), “Effect of Flow-Acoustic Resonant Interactions on Aerodynamics Response of Transitional Airfoils,” AIAA Paper 2016-0759, 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 4-8 January, 2016, San Diego, CA.
- Kazarina, M., Nguyen, L., Golubev, V., Borener, S., Hufty, D., Pasiliao C., Visbal, M., (2016), “Effects of 3D Time-Harmonic Gust and Turbulence on Unsteady Aerodynamic Responses of Loaded Low-Speed Airfoils,” AIAA Paper 2016-1355, 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 4-8 January, 2016, San Diego, CA.
- Salehian, S., Nguyen, L., Golubev, V., Mankbadi, R., (2016) “Comparison of Far-Field Acoustic Prediction Techniques in Application to Tonal Noise Radiation of Transitional Airfoils,” AIAA Paper 2016-2849, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May-1 June, 2016, Lyon, France.
- Sansone, M., Nguyen, L., Golubev, V., Mankbadi, R., (2016) “A Numerical Study of Synthetic-Jet Actuation Effect on Airfoil Trailing Edge Noise,” AIAA Paper 2016-2918, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May-1 June, 2016, Lyon, France.
- Nguyen, L., Golubev, V., Mankbadi, R., Yakhina, G., Roger, M., Visbal, M., (2016) “A Summary of High-Fidelity Numerical Studies of Flow Acoustic Resonant Interactions in Transitional Airfoils,” AIAA Paper 2016-3030, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May-1 June, 2016, Lyon, France.
- Yakhina, G., Roger, M., Kholodov, P.,Nguyen, L., Golubev, V., (2016) “An Integrated Study of Laminar Separation Bubble Effect on Tonal Noise Generation in Transitional Airfoils,” AIAA Paper 2016-3022, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May-1 June, 2016, Lyon, France.
- Krishnappa, S., Jogi, N., Nguyen, L., Gudmundsson, S., MacKunis, W., Golubev, V., (2016) “Towards Experimental Validation of Robust Control of Gust-Induced Airfoil Limit Cycle Oscillations Using Synthetic Jet Actuators,” AIAA Paper 2016-4262, 46th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, 13-17 June, 2016, Washington, DC.
- Gudmundsson, S., Golubev, V., Drakunov, S., Reinholtz, C., (2016) “Bio-Inspired Opportunistic Approaches in Energy-Conserving/Harnessing Flight-Path Modeling for UAS,” AIAA Paper 2016-3676, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 13-17 June, 2016, Washington, DC.
- Pagadala, P., Reed, M., Besson, E., Golubev, V., Uddanti, N., (2016) “Modeling SJA-based UAV Flight Control in Extraterrestrial Conditions,” AIAA Paper 2016-3375, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 13-17 June, 2016, Washington, DC.
- Kazarin, P., Golubev, V., Provalov, A., Borener, S., Hufty, D., (2016) “A Variable-Fidelity Approach to Wake Safety Analysis in the Context of UAS Integration in the NAS,”AIAA Paper 2016-3452, 16th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, 13-17 June, 2016, Washington, DC.
- Kazarin, P., Golubev, V., MacKunis, W., Borener, S., Hufty, D., (2016) “Robust SJA-Based Nonlinear Trajectory Tracking Control Using Unmanned Aircraft LPV Model,”AIAA Paper 2016-3884, 34th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 13-17 June, 2016, Washington, DC.
- Golubev, V., Kazarin, P., MacKunis, W., Borener, S., Hufty, D., (2016) “On Safety Assessment of Novel Approach to Robust UAV Flight Control in Gusty Environments,” ICAS 2016-0413, 30th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Daejeon, S. Korea, September 2016.
- Golubev, V.V., Nguyen, L., Mankbadi, R.R., (2017) “On LSB Dynamics and Vortical-Acoustic Feedback-Loop Interactions in Boundary Layers of Transitional Airfoils,” Proceedings of IACAS Conference, March 2017, Tel Aviv/Haifa, Israel.
- Golubev, V.V., Kazarin, P., MacKunis, W., (2017) “An Integrated Study of UAV Wake Vortex Safety Analysis and Control,” Proceedings of IACAS Conference, March 2017, Tel Aviv/Haifa, Israel.
- Nguyen, L., Golubev, V.V., Visbal, M.R., Mankbadi, R.R., Yakhina, G., Roger, M., Pasiliao, C.L., Visbal, M.R., (2017) “On Ladder-Type Structure of Acoustic Tones Radiated by Transitional Airfoils,” AIAA Paper 2017-3001, AIAA Aviation Forum, 4-9 June, 2017, Denver, CO.
- Kazarina, M.V., Parikh, S., Nguyen, L., Golubev, V.V., Visbal, M.R., (2017) “A Volume-Force Synthetic Turbulence Approach for Modeling Unsteady Fluid-Structure Interactions,” AIAA Paper 2017-3296, AIAA Aviation Forum, 4-9 June, 2017, Denver, CO.
- Kazarin, P.S., MacKunis, W., Moreno, C., Golubev, V.V., (2017) “Robust Nonlinear Tracking Control for Unmanned Aircraft with Virtual Control Surfaces,” AIAA Paper 2017-3730, AIAA Aviation Forum, 4-9 June, 2017, Denver, CO.
- Gudmundsson, S., Golubev, V., Reinholtz, C., Drakunov, S., (2017) “A Biomimetic Energy-Conserving/Harvesting Trajectory Planning for sUAV,” AIAA Paper 2017-3889, AIAA Aviation Forum, 4-9 June, 2017, Denver, CO.
- Kazarin, P.S., Golubev, V.V., (2017) “On Effects of Ground Surface Conditions on Aircraft Wake Vortex Evolution,” AIAA Paper 2017-4368, AIAA Aviation Forum, 4-9 June, 2017, Denver, CO.
- Kazarin, P.S., Golubev, V.V., (2017) “Comparison of Probabilistic Approaches for Predicting the Cone of Uncertainty in Aircraft Wake Vortex Evolution” AIAA Paper 2017-4369, AIAA Aviation Forum, 4-9 June, 2017, Denver, CO.
- S Karpuk, P Kazarin, S Gudmundsson, VV Golubev, (2018) “Preliminary Feasibility Study of a Multi-Purpose Aircraft Concept with a Leading-Edge Embedded Cross-Flow Fan” AIAA Paper 2018-1744, 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 8–12 January 2018, Kissimmee, Florida
- S Salehian, K Kourbatski, VV Golubev, RR Mankbadi (2018) “Numerical Aspects of Rocket Lift-off Noise with Launch-Pad Aqueous Injection”, AIAA Paper 2018-0519, 8–12 January 2018, Kissimmee, Florida
- P Kazarin, VV Golubev (2018) “High-fidelity simulations of terminal-zone heterogeneous terrain effects on aircraft wake vortex evolution”, AIAA Paper 2018-1279, 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 8–12 January 2018, Kissimmee, Florida
- P Bouche, VV Golubev (2018) “A Model-Based STEM-Focused Interactive Virtual Reality Toolkit for K-12 Students,” Proceeding of 2018 ASEE Southeastern Section Conference, 4-6 March 2018, Daytona Beach, Florida
- J Lewis, RR Mankbadi, VV Golubev, LD Nguyen, S Salehian (2018) “A Validation of High-Order Compact ILES Code for Trailing-Edge Noise at High Reynolds Numbers”, AIAA Paper 2018-3128, 2018 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, June 25-29, 2018, Atlanta, Georgia
- Kazarin, P.S., Golubev, V.V., (2018) “New Results in Wake Vortex Evolution, Interaction and Control,” AIP Conference Proceedings 2018 2046:1, ICNAAP, Yerevan, July 2018.
- Golubev, V.V., Kazarin, P, Moreno, C., MacKunis, W., (2018) “On Wake Vortex Safety Analysis and Control for UAV,” ICAS 2018-0254, 31st Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, September 2018.
- MAQQ Mazumder, VV Golubev, S Gudmundsson (2019) “Parametric Study of Aerodynamic Performance of an Airfoil with Active Circulation Control using Leading Edge Embedded Cross-Flow Fan”, AIAA Paper 2019-0577, AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January 2019, San Diego, California
- M Kazarina, VV Golubev (2019) “On 3D effects in Gust-Airfoil and Turbulence-Airfoil Interaction Responses”, AIAA Paper 2019-0901, AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January 2019, San Diego, California
- F Colomb, S Karpuk, M Kazarina, VV Golubev, RR Mankbadi (2019) “On Acoustic Signature of a Conceptual Airfoil Design with Leading-Edge Embedded Cross-Flow Fan”, AIAA Paper 2019-2761, 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 20-23 May 2019, Delft, The Netherlands
- S Afari, RR Mankbadi, VV Golubev (2019) “Towards High-fidelity Analysis of Noise Radiation and Control of Propeller-driven UAV”, AIAA Paper 2019-2632, 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 20-23 May 2019, Delft, The Netherlands
- Bystrov A.V., Golubev V., Zagumennov F., Varyukhin A., Merzlikin V., (2019), “Development Of Hybrid Power Management Unit for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Architecture, Construction, Environment and Hydraulics (IEEE ICACEH 2019), Xiamen, Fujian, China, 20 - 22 Dec 2019, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2020, 9042078, pp. 141-144. DOI: 10.1109/ICACEH48424.2019.9042078.
- W. MacKunis, V. Golubev, K. Kidambi, R Mankbadi, O. Stalnov (2020) “Towards Efficient 2-DOF LCO Control Using a Closed-Loop Nonlinear Active Flow Control Technique”, AIAA Paper 2020-1492, AIAA SciTech Forum, 6-10 January 2020, Orlando, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2020-1492
- R. Mankbadi, S Afari, V Golubev (2020) “Simulations of Broadband Noise of a Small UAV Propeller”, AIAA Paper 2020-1493, AIAA SciTech Forum, 6-10 January 2020, Orlando, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2020-1493
- M Kazarina, VV Golubev (2020) “Time-Harmonic 2D and 3D Gust-Airfoil Interactions: Comparison of Numerical Predictions with Analytical Models”, AIAA Paper 2020-0098, AIAA Scitech Forum, 6-10 January 2020, Orlando, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2020-0089
- Joseph, G., Golubev V.V., Gudmundsson, S., (2020) “Towards Development of a Dynamic-Soaring, Morphing-Wing UAV,” AIAA Paper 2020-2766, AIAA Aviation Forum (virtual event), June 2020, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2020-2766
- Joseph, G., Adamski, J., Golubev V.V., Gudmundsson, S., (2021) “Towards Development of a Dynamic-Soaring, Morphing-Wing UAV: Flight Simulations,” AIAA Paper 2021-0408, AIAA SciTech (virtual event), January 2022, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2021-0408