Elizabeth Blickensderfer

Human Factors and Behavioral Neurobiology
College of Arts & Sciences

Office Hours

401.12 Office hours by appointment

Areas of Expertise

Simulation-based, human-in-the-loop research
Simulation-based training
Measuring human performance
Team performance
Aerospace and Healthcare Domains 

Elizabeth Blickensderfer

Dr. Beth L. Blickensderfer has over 20 years of experience in human-machine systems research and development using both qualitative and quantitative research methods.  She has designed and validated numerous training programs for purposes such as teaching general aviation pilots to interpret and understand weather displays and fostering crew resource management skills in helicopter and fixed-wing pilots. In addition, she has developed metrics to assess human performance in a range of domains and tasks such as aviation operations, nurses responding to cardiac arrest, and tennis teams.  Her other recent work includes investigating patient safety at a community hospital, measuring general aviation pilots' knowledge and skill at interpreting weather displays, and performing cognitive task analyses to identify safety issues inherent to Live-Virtual-Constructive flight training environments for the U.S. Navy. Dr. Blickensderfer has held leadership positions in both the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society as well as Division 21 Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology of the American Psychological Association.  She earned an M.S in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and a Ph.D. in Human Factors Psychology from the University of Central Florida.

  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology: Human Factors, University of Central Florida
  • M.S. - Master of Science in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, University of Central Florida

  • HF 312: Ergonomics & Bioengineering
  • HFS 612: Human Factors Methods
  • HFS 699: Spec Topics in HF & Systems

Graduate Courses: 

HFS515 Ergonomics 
HFS600 Human Factors and Systems
HFS612 Human Factors Methods
HFS695 Simulation, Training, & Performance Measurement

Undergraduate courses: 

PSY101 General Psychology

PSY312 Research Analysis

PSY340 Introduction to I/O Psychology

PSY345 Training and Development

HF300 Introduction to Human Factors

HF302 Human Factors II: Applied Methods

HF312 Ergonomics and Bioengineering

HF415 Human Factors and Simulation

Journal Articles  (*indicates student author)

Blickensderfer, B., McSorely, J., Defillipis, N., King, J. M., Ortiz, Y., Guinn, T.A., & Thomas, R. (2021). General aviation pilots’ capability to interpret aviation weather displays. Journal of Air Transportation, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.2514/1.D0242

King, J., Blickensderfer, B., Guinn, T., & Kleber, J. (2021). The effects of display type, weather type, and pilot experience on pilot interpretation of weather products. Atmosphere, 12(143). https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12020143

Blickensderfer, B., Guinn, T., Lanicci, J., Ortiz, Y., King, J., Thomas, R., & DeFilippis, N. (2020). Interpretability of aviation weather displays: General aviation.  Aerospace Medicine & Human Performance.

Lanicci, J. M., Guinn, T. A., King, J. M., Blickensderfer, B., Thomas, R., & Ortiz, Y.  (2019) A proposed taxonomy for general aviation pilot weather education and training.  Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research.   

Keebler, J. R., Lazzara, E. H., Blickensderfer, B., & Looke, T.  (2018). Human factors applied to perioperative process improvement.  Anesthesiology Clinics.

Blickensderfer, B., Lanicci, J., Guinn, T., Thomas, R., *King, J., *Ortiz, Y., & Thomas, R.  (2017). Assessing general aviation pilots understanding of aviation weather products. The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 27: 3-4, 79-91,  DOI:10.1080/24721840.2018.1431780.

Blickensderfer, E. A., Lanicci, J., *Vincent, M., *Thomas, R., & Smith, M. J., & *Cruit, J. (2015).   Training general aviation pilots for convective weather situations. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 86(10), 881-888.

*Cobbett, E.A., Blickensderfer, E. L., & Lanicci, J. (2014).   Developing general aviation pilots’ knowledge and skills to interpret NEXAD based weather products. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 85, 1019-1025.

*Potter, B. A., Blickensderfer, E. L., Boquet, A. J. (2014).  Training monitoring skills in helicopter pilots.  Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 85, 543-549.

*Driskell, T. Blickensderfer, E. L., Salas, E. (2013).  Is three a crowd? Examining rapport in investigative interviews.  Group Dynamics, 17(1), 1-13.

Blickensderfer, E. L., *Strally, S., & Doherty, S. (2012).  The effects of scenario-based training on pilots’ use of an emergency, whole-plane parachute.   International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 22(2), 184-202.  

Blickensderfer, E. L., Reynolds, R., Salas, E., & Cannon-Bowers, J. A. (2010).  Shared expectations and implicit coordination in tennis doubles teams.  Journal of Applied Sport Psychology.  22, 486-499. 

Reynolds, R. & Blickensderfer, E.L. (2009).  Shared mental models and cockpit resource management.  Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education and Research, 19(1), 15-23.

Cannon-Bowers, J. A., Salas, E., Blickensderfer, E., & Bowers, C. A. (1998).  The impact of cross-training and workload on team functioning: A replication and extension of initial findings. Human Factors, 40(1), 92-101.

Salas, E., Cannon-Bowers, J. A., & Blickensderfer, E. (1993).  Team performance and training research:  Emerging principles.  Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 83(2),        81-106.

Ricci, K. A., Gualtieri, J. Blickensderfer, E.  Cannon-Bowers, J. A., Fowlkes, J. E., & Sagi, C. A. (1997/98).  The stability of similarity judgments and pathfinder representations.  Training Research Journal, 3, 81-101. 

Proceedings, Book Chapters, and other Peer Reviewed Publications (*indicates student author)

*Ortiz, Y., Guinn, T., King, J., Thomas, R., & Blickensderfer, B. (2019).  The role of automation in aviation weather: product development and general aviation pilot performance. In M. Mouloua and P. Hancock (eds.), Automation & human performance theory & application (Chapter 3). CRC Press.

*King, J., Kleber, J., *McSorley, J., Guinn, T., Thomas, R., & Blickensderfer, B. (2019, December). GA weather planning (KAEL TO KDTL): Preflight weather interpretation (Video 1 of 3) [Video]. https://youtu.be/I2AxzZbFNNc

*Kleber, J., *McSorley, J., *King, J., Guinn, T., Thomas, R., & Blickensderfer, B. (2019, December). GA weather planning (KAEL TO KDTL): Inflight weather simulation (Video 2 of 3)  [Video]. https://youtu.be/Vhu5P7b0WgQ

*McSorley, J., *Kleber, J., *King, J., *Ortiz, Y., Guinn, T., Thomas, R., & Blickensderfer, B. (2019, December). GA Weather planning (KDTL TO KGPZ): Preflight weather interpretation (Video 3 of 3) [Video]. https://youtu.be/NK87AJdvnmM 

*McSorley, J., *Kleber, J., Blickensderfer, B. (2019). Usability analysis of aviation weather products in general aviation. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.: HFES.

*King, J., *Kleber, J., Harris, A., Chaparro, B., Blickensderfer, B. (2019). Preflight weather decision support tool (PWDST): Flight experience & perceived usability. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.: HFES.

*King, J., *Ortiz, Y., *McSorley, J., *Kleber, J., Blickensderfer, B. (2019). Assessing GA Pilots’ Ability to Interpret Traditional Weather Symbols and Coding Utilized in New Interactive Weather Product Displays. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 90(3). Las Vegas, NV.

*Ortiz, Y., Blickensderfer, B., King, J., & Guinn, T. (2019).  General Aviation Pilots’ Preflight Weather Planning Mental Models [Abstract 424]. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 90(3). Las Vegas, NV.

*Berendschot, Q., *Ortiz, Y., *Simonson, R., & Blickensderfer, B. (2018, October). Simulation Development for General Aviation Weather Training.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.

*DeFilippis, N., *King, J., Guinn, T., *Ortiz, Y., *Berendschot, Q., & Blickensderfer, B. (2018, October). Evaluation of graphical weather product interpretation: Implications for overlaying weather product design. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.

*King, J., *Ortiz, Y., *Christy, E., & Blickensderfer, B. (2018, October). Challenges contributing to the general aviation weather problem and decision support systems technology mitigation recommendations.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting

*King, J., *Ortiz, Y., Blickensderfer, B., Guinn, T., Lanicci, J., Thomas, R., DeFilippis, N. (2018). Assessing the relationship between GA pilots’ familiarity and ability to interpret aviation weather products [Abstract 380]. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 89(3), 292.

*Ortiz, Y., Blickensderfer, B., *King, J., Guinn, T., & Thomas, R. (2018). Assessing pilots’ knowledge of basic weather planning products [Abstract 400]. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 89(3), 298. 

*Cruit, J., Frederick, C., Blickensderfer, B., Guinn, T., & Keebler, J. (2017). Predicting general aviation pilots’ weather-related performance through a scenario-based assessment. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society Annual Meeting. SAGE Publications.

*DeFilippis, N., Blickensderfer, B. & Keebler, J. (2017). Preoperative care challenges in ambulatory clinics. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 61st Annual Meeting. SAGE Publications.

*Ortiz, Y., Blickensderfer, B., & King, J. (2017). Assessment of general aviation cognitive weather tasks:  Recommendations for autonomous learning and training in aviation weather. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 61st Annual Meeting. SAGE Publications.

*King, J., *Ortiz, Y., Guinn, T., Lanicci, J., Blickensderfer, B., Thomas, R., *Defilippis, N. (2017).  Assessing general aviation pilots’ interpretation of weather products:  Traditional and new automated generation products. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 61st Annual Meeting. SAGE Publications.

*Meyers, M. & Blickensderfer, E. (2017). An ergonomic analysis of stress caused by maintenance and material loading in FDM-Based 3D printing. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 61st Annual Meeting. SAGE Publications.

*King, J., *Ortiz, Y., Blickensderfer, B., Guinn, T., Lanicci, J., Thomas, R., Cruit, J., & *DeFilippis, N. (2017). What do general aviation pilots know about thunderstorms? [Abstract 365].  Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 88(3).

*Ortiz, Y., Blickensderfer, B., Lanicci, J., *King, J., Guinn, T., Thomas, R., *Cruit, J., & *Jennis, A. (2017). Assessing general aviation pilots’ knowledge of aviation weather [Abstract 259]. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 88 (3).

*Ortiz, Y., Blickensderfer, B., Thomas, R., Bois, R., Allen, M., & Mikhail, S. (2016).   Flight simulation without an instructor:  Teaching missed approaches.  Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conferece (I/ITSEC). 

*King, J., *Ortiz, Y., & Blickensderfer, B. (2016).   ATC knowledge and skills:  A contributing factor to the General Aviation weather problem? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 60th Annual Meeting. SAGE Publications.

*Cruit, J., Blickensderfer, B., McLean, A. T., *Sherwood, S., Martin, T., Neville, K. J., ... & Bolton, A. (2016). Analyzing past mishaps to explore safety considerations within a Live-Virtual-Constructive environment. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 1726-1730). SAGE Publications.

*Cruit, J., Blickensderfer, B., Belote, M. (2015, October). Performance evaluation for simulation-based practice: A cardiac code simulation assessment for nursing students. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. SAGE Publications.

Durso, F. T., *Margulieux, L., & Blickensderfer, E. L. (2014, Nov 25) Human factors. In D. S. Dunn’s (Ed.) Oxford bibliographies in psychology.  New York: Oxford University Press.  http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199828340/obo-9780199828340-0159.xml?rskey=e48uJf&result=65.

*Cruit, J.K., Blickensderfer, B. L., *Martin, T., Neville, K., *Sherwood, S.C. McLean, A., Walwanis, M. (2014, May).   An analysis of past mishaps to consider Live-Virtual-Constructive safety [Abstract 381].  Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, Vol. 85(3).

*Vincent, M., Blickensderfer, E., *Thomas, R., Smith, M. J., Lanicci, J. (2013).  In-Cockpit NEXRAD Products:  Training General Aviation Pilots.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 57th Annual Meeting. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing.

*Warren, W.A., Blickensderfer, B., *Cruit, J., & Boquet, A. J.  (2013). Shift turnover strategy and time pressure in aviation maintenance.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 57th Annual Meeting. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing.

Neville, K., Blickensderfer, B., *Kaste, K., *Dorton, S.L., & Luxion, S.P. (2013). The integration of new technology into a complex system. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Aviation Psychology.

Blickensderfer, B., Buker, T.J., Luxion, S.P., Lyall, B., Neville, K., & Williams, K.W. (2012). The design of the UAS ground control station: Challenges and solutions for ensuring safe flight in civilian skies. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2012 Annual Meeting. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing.

Neville, K., Blickensderfer, B., *Archer, J., *Kaste, K., & Luxion, S. (2012). A cognitive work analysis to identify human-machine interface design challenges unique to uninhabited aircraft systems. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2012 Annual Meeting. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing.

Neville, K., Blickensderfer, B., Luxion, S., *Kaste, K., & *Archer, J. (2012). A cognitive analysis of the UAS human-machine interface and applicable FAA Airworthiness Regulations and guidance. AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America 2012 Conference proceedings

*Potter, B. A., Boquet, A., Blickensderfer, E., & Machiarella, N. D. (2012).  Effects of online training on aircrew monitoring behaviors:  A field study [Abstract 73].  Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, Vol. 83, 228.

Vincenzi, D., Blickensderfer, E., Deaton, J., Buker, T., Pray, R., & Williams, B.  (2011). Mitigation of System Latency in Next Generation Helmet Mounted Display Systems (NGHMDS).  Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing.

Vincenzi, D. A., Blickensderfer, E. L., Deaton, J., Buker, T. J., Pray, R., & Williams, B. (2010).   Innovative technology for effective mitigation of system latency and image alignment error in Next Generation Helmet Mounted Display Systems (NGHMDS).  Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry training, Simulation, & Education Conference. Paper #10037.   NTSA. 

Blickensderfer E. L., Boquet, A. J., *Blanding, R., *Driskell, T., Rinkinen, C. & Lauth, M. (2010).  Service-for-Equipage impact assessment.   In B. Blickensderfer (Chair), NextGen:  Data Communications.  Symposium conducted at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Francisco, CA.  In the Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Vincenzi, D. A., Blickensderfer, E. L., Deaton, J. E., Pray, R., Williams, B., & Buker, T.   (2010).  Reducing system latency in training systems using helmet mounted displays.  Proceedings of the SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Conference

Driskell, J. E, Blickensderfer, E., *Damphousse, S. (2010).  Assessing the private pilot certification exam:  A scientific approach.  [Abstract 468].  Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, Vol. 81 (3).

Vincenzi, D. A., Blickensderfer, E. L., Deaton, J. E., & Pray, R. (2009).  Mitigation and measurement of latency in next generation helmet mounted displays.   Proceedings of the 2009 Interservice/Industry Education and Training Conference (Paper # 9117).   Orlando, FL.  

*Hannigan, F. P., Boquet, A. J., & Blickensderfer, E. (2009).  A field study investigating the effects of fatigue on air tour pilots:  Are air tour pilots fading fast?  [Abstract].  Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 80(3), 216.

Liu, D., Blickensderfer, B., Vincenzi, D. & Machiarella, D. N.  (2009).  Transfer of training. In  D. A. Vincenzi, J. A. Wise, M. Mouloua, & P. A. Hancock (Eds.), Human factors in simulation and training (pp.  49-60). Boca Raton, FL:  CRC Press.   

*Mackin, C.F., *O’Brien, S., *Wessinger, L., Boquet, A. J., & Blickensderfer, E.  (2009).  Unmasking CRM:  The devil is in the details [Abstract].  Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 80(3), 204.

Blickensderfer, E. L. & *Nickens, T.  (2008).  A student conference for human factors:  Recommendations for success.   Proceedings of the 2008 Annual meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, 1379-1383. 

Blickensderfer, E., & *Jennison, J.  (2008).  Using self-critique to improve general aviation piloting skills:  An empirical investigation [Abstract].  Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 79(3), 288. 

*Hannigan, F., Blickensderfer, E., *Greenfield, H., & *Bartosiewicz, M. (2008).  Data driven and theoretically driven approaches toward understanding situation awareness related accidents in general aviation [Abstract].  Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 79(3), 280. 

Blickensderfer, B. & Bartosiewicz, M.  (2007, August).  A student conference for human factors and applied psychology.  The Human Factors and Ergonomic Society Bulletin, 80(8), 5-6.

Blickensderfer, E. L. (2007) Learner centered debriefing in general aviation training:  Questions from the field and answers from research.  Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, USA, 07, 45-50.

Blickensderfer, E., Boquet, A. J., *Nickens, *Duff, S. (2007). Data driven approach to the development of a taxonomy for single pilot resource management in general aviation [Abstract 434].  Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, Vol. 78, 307.

Blickensderfer, E. L., Summers, M., & Schumacher, P.  (2007).  Examining the content validity of the FAA Private and Commercial Pilot Practical Test Standards.  Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, USA, 07, 51-56.

French, J.  Summers, M., Ayers, F., and Blickensderfer, E.  (2007).  A comparison of scenario based with maneuvers based TAA instrument flight training.  Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, USA, 07, 210-215.

French, J., Summers, M., Ayers, F., Blickensderfer, E., (2007).  The effectiveness of scenario based training for technically advanced aircraft [Abstract 521].  Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, Vol. 78, 307.

*Nickens, T., Blickensderfer E., Boquet, A. J. (2007).  Single pilot resource management and its relationship to controlled flight into terrain [Abstract 407].  Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, Vol. 78, 307.

Reynolds, R. & Blickensderfer, E. L. (2007).  Crew resource management and shared mental models.   Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, USA, 07, 583-587.

*Strally, S. & Blickensderfer, E.L. (2006). Using scenario based training to teach single pilot resource management related to the use of the BRS parachute.  Proceedings of the 50th Annual meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics society.

Zachary, W. McCollum, C., McNamara, J., Stokes, J., Blickensderfer, E., Schofield, J. (2006).  Beyond content and design:  Employment processes as the missing link in web-based distance learning success. In H. O’Neill & R. Perez  (Eds.) A state-of-the-art assessment for web-based learning (pp 163-182).  Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum.

Blickensderfer, E., Burgdorf, C. E., & Burns, J.  (2004)  Applying situation awareness theory to observer/trainers for the joint task forceProceedings of the Human Performance, Situational Awareness, and Automation Conference.  Lawrence Erlbaum. 

Burns, J., Barnocky, J., Giebenrath, J., Grieve, D., & Blickensderfer, E.  (2003) Employing Cognitive Task Analysis to Define Intelligent Agent System Requirements.  Proceedings of the 2003 Interservice/Industry Education and Training Conference.   Orlando, FL.

Blickensderfer, E., & Johnston, J. (2003).  Elearning:  Implications of Training Theory.   Proceedings of the 2003 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference.  Orlando, FL.

Tanner, S. A., Caudill, B., Hamel, C. J., & Blickensderfer, E.  (2002).  Building an on-line course by developing and sequencing sharable content objects (SCOs).  Proceedings of the 2002 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference.  **Nominated for Best Paper**

Oser, R-. A., McCluskey, M. Blickensderfer, E., Campbell, G.,  Lyons, D.  (2000) Intelligent Agents to Enhance Learning in Large Scale Modeling and Simulation Exercises.  Proceedings of the 2000 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education -Conference

Blickensderfer, E., Salas, E., & Cannon-Bowers, J. A. (2000).  When the teams came marching home:  U.S. military team research since WWII.  In M. M. Beyerlein (Ed.) Work teams:  Past, Present, and Future  (pp. 255-273).  The Netherlands:  Kluwer Academic Publishers. 

Smith-Jentsch, K. A., Blickensderfer, E., Salas, E., & Cannon-Bowers, J. A. (2000).  Helping team members help themselves.  In M. Beyerlein, D. Johnson, & S. Beyerlein (Eds.) Advances in interdisciplinary studies of work teams:  Vol.6  Team performance Management  (pp. 55-72).  Stamford,  CT:  JAI Press.

Blickensderfer, E., Cannon-Bowers, J. A., Salas, E. & Baker, D. P.  (2000).  Analyzing team knowledge requirements in team tasks.  In S. Chipman, V. Shalin, &  J. M. Schraagen (Eds.) Cognitive task analysis (pp. 431-447).  Mahweh, NJ:  LEA. 

Bowers, C. A., Morgan, B. B. Jr., Blickensderfer, E. L. (1998).  Team coordination in air traffic control.  In M. W. Smolensky & E. S. Stein (Eds.), Human factors in air traffic control (pp.  215-236). Orlando, FL:  Academic Press.

Blickensderfer, E., Cannon-Bowers, J. A., & Salas, E. (1998).  Cross training and team performance.  In J. A. Cannon-Bowers & E. Salas (Eds.) Making decisions under stress:  Implications for individual and team training.  Washington, D. C.:  APA.

Blickensderfer, E., Cannon-Bowers, J. A., & Salas, E. (1997).  Theoretical bases for team self-correction:  Fostering shared mental models.  In M. Beyerlein, D. Johnson, & S. Beyerlein (Eds.) Advances in interdisciplinary studies of work teams:  Vol.4. Team implementation (pp. 249-279).  Greenwich,  CT:  JAI Press.

Salas, E., Cannon-Bowers, J. A., & Blickensderfer E. (1996).  Enhancing reciprocity between training theory and practice:  Principles, guidelines, and specifications.  In J. K. Ford and Associates (Eds.), Improving training effectiveness in work organizations (pp. 291-322).  Hillsdale, NJ:  LEA.

Blickensderfer, E., Cannon-Bowers, J. A., & Salas, E.  (1994).  Feedback and team training:  Exploring the issues.  Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (pp. 1195-1199).  Santa Monica, CA:  HFES

Blickensderfer, E., Kolasinski, E., Vaden, E. (1994).   Restaurant buffet accessibility for wheelchair bound individuals.  Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems.  Orlando, FL:  IEMS Department, University of Central Florida.

Blickensderfer, E. L., Cannon-Bowers, J. A., & Salas, E. (1994).  Feedback and team training: Team self-correction.  Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Mid-Atlantic Human Factors Conference (pp. 81-85).  Washington, DC:  Potomac Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Research Psychologist, Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (1995 - 2003)

Member:                      Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

Division Leader, Education Division 2016- 2019      

Chair, Education and Training Committee 2013- 2016

Chair, Student Forum HFES 2014 & 2015 Annual Meeting

                                         Co-chair, Annual Meeting Workshops (2015)

Member:                      American Psychological Association  

President-Elect for Division 21 (2017 – 2018)

President of Division 21 (2018 - 2019)

Past president of Division 21 (2019-2020)

Member-at-large for Division 21 (2012-2013)

Secretary/Treasurer for Division 21 (2013 – 2018)

Member:                      Southeastern Psychological Association (2009-2011)

Member:                      Women in Aviation (2004 – 2012)

Lifetime Member:       Psi Chi International Honor Society

      Assistant to the Vice-President of Southeast Region (2010-2011)


Psychology of Sport and Exercise (Journal)

Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries

Ergonomics (Journal)

Journal of the American Helicopter Society  

 American Psychological Association Annual Convention

 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Conference

 Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting

Fellow of the American Psychological Association 

Member of FITS Research Team (Team was a finalist for ERAU Researcher of the Year 2005-2006)